Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Errr, I think I don't really get it :rolleyes: You just want them to kiss, or ARE they going to kiss? Maybe...if you remember our good friends Plak en Bandje (yeah I know, you don't know them, only Dutchie does) , you don't even want to see that ;) But on the other hand...I personally would love to see that :cool:
And now, is everybody here calling me Sheep from now on? Thanks Dutchie :lol:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Good morning CaRWash buddies! :D **Mo passes out breakfast cookies (yes these wonderful things do actually exist! ;)) and coffee! :D**
Luna], *sobs* I'm crossing my fingers on that you will be back online today. Help me everyone.
I'll help ya, hon! **Mo crosses her fingers and toes, hoping Luna will pop on one more time!!**
Moriel, don't talk to me about bummer, I might never stop laughing. (long story, but what it comes down to is that I once wrote a fic (very humorous) about Horatio crashing the hummer, and Ryan (& Cal btw.) were watching and Ryan said: bummer. And now all my friends are still using that word.)
Lol, nice!! :lol: I want to read that you have a link for it! :D

Welcome Sheep! (Can I call you that?! :D ) And may I just say, Dutchie dang are the Queen of CaRWash recruiting! Wow, well done! :lol:

Its my good bey to this thread and i will read stuff but will not post anymore.
Awwwww're leaving? :( Why?!! :( You should stay, we like you here! **Mo nods and grabs Nath...! :D**
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Sheep, (please everyone call 'm that, we all do at school :lol:) I WANT them to kiss but I know they ARE going to kiss sooner or later. I just hope they'll put it on screen. :devil:

And if Ryan and Calleigh kiss, I certainly wanna see that! :D Oh and uhh...we call each other by real names her as well, so Nikki will do.

On a whole other note: happy bd again MikeW. As you wished, here's the early season 3 CaRWash pic. I actually dug into my memory and remembered you liked hell night so much. Am I right? ;)

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Hell Night)


I almost forgot: *huggles Luna to ground* She isn't gonna leave, she isn't gonna leave, she isn... *gets whacked by Katie* Okay I guess I deserved that. :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Yeah, thanks Nikki, for letting me know ;)
Welcome Sheep! (Can I call you that?! ) And may I just say, Dutchie dang are the Queen of CaRWash recruiting! Wow, well done!

Sure, you can call me Sheep. It's already accepted. I'm called Sheep for about...eeeeeh...1,5 years? So, it doesn't matter anymore. I only don't remember WHY I was called sheep :confused:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Nikki that's an awesome COPTD! I like it alot! They both look so gorgeous...seriously how do they keep from eating eachother up all the time! :devil:
I WANT them to kiss but I know they ARE going to kiss sooner or later. I just hope they'll put it on screen.
And if Ryan and Calleigh kiss, I certainly wanna see that!
They are SOOO going to kiss one of these days, and yeah I sure hope they show it too, I really want to see it dang it! :D

Oh yeah, Mike Happy Birthday dude!! Hope you have a fabulous CaRWash filled b'day! :lol:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Wow! I love those pics! Are they all new episodes?
I can't wait to see those looks on tv!! And Ryan with a small beard, I love it! I can't believe Caleigh doesn't jump him immediatly!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Erm in regards to the prievew for the halloween episode, it looks liek a good angst ep. There doesn't seem to be much carwash in the line up though :( I play by played the preview :D AS an angster it looks astonishing!!

Im so sad there wasn't much carwash in the last ep (i have to wait till jan but im still sad) i need carwash scenes!!!!! i have carwahitus...if im not having carwash scenes shuved down my thoat by tptb i swell up :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

No, they're from various episodes. Small beard? Beard? *looks at pics again* No beard here ment to be. I dunno where you see a beard. :confused:

Yeah, well, so...we need a new discussion. Up to me to get it started.

I was wondering, when Ryan first came to the lab, Eric hated him because he missed Speedle. Horatio was a bit distant, probably also because of Speedle (I think Horatio was afraid to get close to him, like he was close with Speedle, because of his death H realized how fast it can go.) Alexx hated Ryan because she had been so close to Speedle and she felt like Ryan was the replacement.

But Calleigh's a whole different story. Calleigh didn't really hate him. She was a bit mad because a rookie got to work her father's case. But she never thought of him as a replacement, IMO. Why not? She was close to Speedle as well. I'm just wondering, I mean, of course Cal has a different personality as Eric, but Eric and Alexx' hate held on for quite a few episodes (for Delko even more than a season), while Calleigh and Ryan went along just fine the second episode.

Any views on this?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

I totally agree with you i saw that to. But at the end of UTI Horatio goes on about something being in his blood and am still like WHAT? To this day but i think that Calleigh saw Ryan for who he is not what he was if you know what i mean, everybody deserve a fair shot and Delko and him are patching things up slowly and there getting to where him and speedle were. I would really like know know more about Ryan in S5 as we really dont know enough and the should start the CaRWash love again end of the serie right know i think it best we get to know Ryan.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

yeah¡¡¡¡¡ NEW THREAD, congratulations¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

i was off this days, hope ill catch up with everthing
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

*is back and going to stay* :D

Speaking about Calleigh's behaviour towards Ryan, I've always thought she'd become his closest friend at the lab, and that's what happened. Let's not forget Ryan got his first smile from Calleigh. She was the first one to trust him, above all because he solved her father's case, and that's why I think she became so fond of him so fast. I mean, c'mon, they were already flirting on their first day together! And since then they've only grown closer and closer... Just figure what can happen in the future. :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Reine I'm still waiting on more info about that "it's in his blood" thing that H said to Cal. I think Cal knows it too. I hope they give us more storyline on Ryan, family background.
But anyways Cal was upset with Ryan in UTI at first till he cleared her dad and showed he knew what he was doing and was a hard worker, so he won her respect right off. I did noticed in the ep "Murder in a flash" that ryan was only in it for a few minutes talking to Cal. They are walking and he's on a break from being in court. He had results for her and hands them to her and asks her about them and she doesn't tell him. Then she asks him if he knew where eric was but then she spots him and walks away from ryan without saying anything...he had a strange look on his face like ..oh see she kind of blew him off. But in Legal she q's him a lot about himself and they talked more personally I think, she even asks him about him being at that bar before, or he told her he was there before. Anyways I don't know where I was going with this but I'm done...let's hope we get some carwash scene's sometime this season. Next ep isn't looking too good.

Nathalie I will be glad to throw a cake or cookie at you. OH and you will be getting plenty of stuff thrown at you soon enough because you are "josh" and we are all going to hate him, but not you....we all love you.

Nikki I was one of your victims that got pulled in here by my hair...kicking and screaming. Thanks.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

In 25 years we have newbie Cal's and newbie Ryan's wandering through the lab :cool: :lol:
Sorry, I had to say that :rolleyes: Yeah, I agree. And beside that, I think that Cal just liked him in the first place. She probably thought that life should go on, and because of that she didn't saw Ryan as a replacement.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

Come on a drink can turn to date then date can turn to sreveral and the kiss and lead to more and then sooner or later she's going to have a ring on her finger and their going to sit back and go "how did that happen" You dont know your falling until you hit the bottom and sometime what you want is closer than you think its just time before they open the door and once its shut it shut theres no going back.

Luna Well Glad your back :D :D :D :D
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash!

DaftWeeHun said:
Come on a drink can turn to date then date can turn to sreveral and the kiss and lead to more and then sooner or later she's going to have a ring on her finger and their going to sit back and go "how did that happen" You dont know your falling until you hit the bottom and sometime what you want is closer than you think its just time before they open the door and once its shut it shut theres no going back.

Jeez :eek: :eek: :eek: You should become a psychologist. Real good, I like the way you formulate things. ;)
*gives a good-in-formulating-things-cookie to DaftWeeHun *
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