Calleigh & Ryan #4: Big Day Coming Up? - CaRWash

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Howdy y'all!! :D
Calleigh/Ryan because it's TOO obvious! Wow, that's actually good news for me, because that is what won me over
Lol, Caderyn that's awesome!! :D Lol, I LOVE that! Too obvious is never a problem in my book, as long as they get together bring on the obvious! ;)
Obvious seems to be where the relationships in CSI are formed
Yeah alex I guess that's kinda true...although with GSR they did a pretty good job at keeping them not obvious for quite a while! ;)
I think they kissed and made up after he burned his fake money..
Lol, they so did Twiz...kissed, made up, made out...etc.! :devil: :lol:
Well, I may need to remind you that episode 4 wasn't supposed to be 'if looks could kill' but 'Going Under'. So we know she called him babe the episode after they had the fight. So they're good. All good. (though I'm sure they made out)

Sue, for CaRWash Pics for a CaRWash banner, come to me. I have tons.

I can't post a CPOTD, I'm really busy atm, but I got myself a substitute: Katie. Go chase her!
Dutchie! Hi! :D
Well, I may need to remind you that episode 4 wasn't supposed to be 'if looks could kill' but 'Going Under'. So we know she called him babe the episode after they had the fight. So they're good. All good. (though I'm sure they made out)
That's so weird that they do that, play them out of order I are us shippers ever supposed to keep things straight that way! ;) :lol: But yeah I'm sure they're all good...and yeah I still think they made out! Why not, she wants to, you know he wants to! :devil:

Katie. Go chase her!
Katie we need a pic! And Dutchie said to chase you! :lol:
Katie, that was Saya who posted, and not Luna.
:eek: What was I thinking? :lol: Im sorry Saya!! Thanks for the awesome pictures! ;)

And Claire, you're doing a great job, but can I just throw up over Katie and Sue? I mean ugh...*smacks upside the head* But you know Katie, he's all mine in the end. MEOW! :devil:

*throws up in mouth* It's hard for me too. I feel your pain. *Meow* That never gets old does it? :lol: And im not arguing with you there. Calleigh will get Ryan in the end. :devil: *Grabs Ryan and sticks on Calleigh.* There you go my friend. ;)

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From 'The Score')


I have another cute pic from 'The Score' :D

This is when he kinda snaps at her but he still looks at her like he loves her :)
sandersidle, that is totally how he looks!! squeee!!

I used squee on my friend during lost last night and she looked at me like WTF?? I was like HE HE!!! but whatev!
You know, I was going to post a pic just like that? Only it had both Ryan and Calleigh in it.

I better get off the computer now. I'm starting to type a Spanish verb. :lol: (The Spanish verb is 'Ir'.)
:p Thanks Kate. I tried to make an icon out of it, but Ryan ended up looking like the incredible Hulk :lol:

I love squeeing to other people. They look so lost and it's hilarious :p I squeed so much during 'Going Under', and my mom told me to be quiet. *blushes*
Hey Kate I squeeed during Lost too, just so ya know.

So is anyone reading the carwash rp? Is anyone ready to kill Katie? ....Or me? We are afraid we're going to get banned from this thread or burned at a stake. But assure you it will be good in the end.
I hope in the upcoming halloween ep Calleigh doesn't think ryan is loosin his mind or think he's cracking under the pressure.

I said in another thread we won't ask about that maybe if ryan is curse he's going to need someone to kiss him to lift the curse. That always works in cartoons, why not csim. So who do we think would be best to deliver that kiss??? HHHHMMMMM lets think could it be calleigh...BINGO.
Katie really good your CPOTD, I think have seen them before... but where??? ;)

Moriel your new avvie is great: Love is in the air!!! :lol:

Sue and katie I haven't thrown up with the date, in fact I'm falling in love with the Boa/Ryan couple *looks for the helmet to avoid people hitting me on the head* you're making that date look so good, that I don't know what to think ;) (I'm joking, btw)

szmandatogoholic Spanish verb "ir": Yo voy, tú vas, el va, ella va, nosotros vamos, vosotros vais, ellos van :D
Awwww Katie good CPOTD!! Calleigh is looking at him like she wants him NOW :devil: Lol, and then your other pic is so sweet...he is TOTALLY a man in love! Awwwww! :D

Lol, thanks C.W. glad you liked my avie...I had a lot of fun making it! :lol: But now the song's stuck in my head...has been all day! :p

Spanish verb "ir": Yo voy, tú vas, el va, ella va, nosotros vamos, vosotros vais, ellos van
Wow impressive hon! ;)

Um yeah I totally agree...Calleigh should kiss him to break him of his Halloween "curse" even if he wasn't cursed she should kiss and just say that's why she was doing it! She and Ryan would know the real reason (cuz she just wanted to! :devil:) but everyone else could assume she was just helping a fellow CSI...yeah right! ;)
You guys not wondering where chapter 12 of IBYAM, people cant get enough we all love it i had all my friends read and love it and am there main source please up date soon from all us CaRWashers!!!!! :D :) ;)
CalleighWolfe said:
szmandatogoholic Spanish verb "ir": Yo voy, tú vas, el va, ella va, nosotros vamos, vosotros vais, ellos van :D

Wow amazing

Addy i have som vids from eps
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