Calleigh & Ryan #4: Big Day Coming Up? - CaRWash

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*raises hand too* thx for the cap nikki this scene is one of my favourite CaRWash moments :D and yes you should definitely teach me some dutch (you know i love it ;))
Howdy everyone! :D **Mo sneaks in with cookies on her lunch break, overjoyed that it's Friday!! :lol:**

Hey real quick, did we make a final decision on what the new thread title's gonna be? Cuz it's in like not that many posts from now! :D Just curious what the final decision was!

Anyone like a dutch lesson I'll teach ya some words. you can impress your friends with speaking dutch.
Lol, Dutchie my mom speaks fluent Dutch (she grew up in Holland!) so I'll have to get her to teach me a few words and then I can say them to you! (Or you could teach me a few and I can surprise her! ;) )
So uhh...who loves Recoil? *lifts hand*
Okay first I have to say I LOVE that cap...well done on capturing that so well, especially since they're moving! Now.... **Mo ducks into the corner hiding cuz she's a bad CaRWash shipper!** what happens in Recoil? :confused: (I know I can't believe I don't know! But in my defense I'm new to this ship! :D )

That is the scene that pierced my shipper heart like a Cupid arrow and turned me into a CaRWasher! *wipes tear* I didn't even know who Ryan was, but I just knew he was the one for Cal (well, apart from me, obviously ).
Seriously Calleigh? Wow! Okay so really someone tell me, what happens!! :D
*raises hand* I lovee it. Especially that picture. :devil:

Nikki, I love Dutch... *hint* ;) Im already learning a bit of Spanish from a certain Reine. :D

Awwwww Deviant!! Their scene at the end was so cute. I love how they ended the episode with them together. When I watched it, I was suprised there was no Super H. :lol:
Mo, they're argueing, and there's gunfire, and Ryan knocks Cal to the ground and there's blood on her pants so he thinks she's shot and he's all worried, but the blood turns out to come from the vial Ryan was holding in his hand, it smashed. :rolleyes:

Lunam where are you? Are you so busy?? :eek:

Okay, first lesson dutch:

Hello my name is...
Hallo mijn naam is...

mijn is pronounced almost as 'mine' and naam is pronounced like uh...the 'AM' in amen. Long, so you get náááááám. Okay that doesn't make sense at all. :lol:
Mo, they're argueing, and there's gunfire, and Ryan knocks Cal to the ground and there's blood on her pants so he thinks she's shot and he's all worried, but the blood turns out to come from the vial Ryan was holding in his hand, it smashed.
Awwww how cute is that of him! To be all worried for his girl...I LOVE it! Thanks Dutchie! Now I have to go find it so I can watch it...what season is that from?

Okay, off to practice my Dutch! :D
oh my god i just watched 'going under' and there was this scene when ryan told calleigh he is glad she is alright and she answers "thank you, babe" and i so freaked out because she called him babe wathced it all over again :D
soo cute
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I love recoil !!! I saw it on channel 5 first time round and the look on Ryans face when he though she had been shot, and then when she realised he had smashed the vile, the look on her face! And i watched legal last night :) I did smile at the alibi part, they totally fit together in the way that flowed :D The're better be some amazing carwash coming up in the UK soon, I JUST LOVE THE CHEMISTRY WHEN THEY WORK TOGETHER!!!! :D
*hides* Sorry 1CSIMfan, we'll get back on topic. Dutch lessons are over in this thread. *though*you*can*pm* Okay kidding. :(

18 more, no wait, with mine 17 more posts to go till a new thread!!! OMG I'm so exited! :eek:

Alex, I think Deviant is coming up in the UK, now that's PURE CaRWash love! :D

Damn I have to get back to work, see y'all later (with a CPOTD)

PS: IS anyone else throwing up over the RP? :rolleyes:
^ Nooooo! Love it! ;)
it's soo cool and excited. I know what you're refering too, but at the moment it fits the story, so it's ok.
although, poor Twiz! ;)

I only like in 'Recoil' the scene during the shootout. Ryan was so concerned about Cal. that was sweet.
'Legal' has so many good moments. IMO this was the episode where Cal accepts ryan full and she wants to be his friend (for now).
now I jump to Season 5:
I'm glad that cal isn't angry at ryan. It's so painful to watch them fighting. :(
The best bits notice i used bits in LEGAL are the bit where Ryan and calleigh are in the lab get trace back and where talking about cosmos and he got "Such a chick drink" and the face he makes and the look Calleigh gives is like priceless and where the talk about the alibis and where goes "thats hot" i was speachless for days :lol: xx
Thanks Inge for the support I need it and I'm so glad your enjoying it and not ready to kill us for going the way we are, it is good for the story. I'm having fun writing it even though if it happened on the show I would puke.

Legal is my 2nd fav csim eps..Ryan was just adorkable in it and now that I watch it I totally see the carwash moments and it's so cute. Him making her put her hands in her pockets was brillaint. OH and when he says "that's hott" I fainted. I replayed that part sooooooo many times. Yes I love Ryan.

I agree Inge it's hard to watch them fight on the show but maybe they go home and make up with each other.

Nikki from now on when you read the rp maybe you should do it on an empty stomach, hehe.

Is anyone worried about this ep coming up? I read that the Reporter is in it and we all know how she loves ryan..everyone is worried about calleigh getting a b/f, what if ryan hooks up with her..eeerrrr talk about puking my guts up.
Howdy my CaRWash buddies! :D ( **Mo huggles Rhonda!** I'll try to stay on topic! :lol: )

First of all, our new thread is so close! Yay! Did anyone every say what our new thread title is...I can't remember! :confused: Lol! :lol:

Him making her put her hands in her pockets was brillaint. OH and when he says "that's hott" I fainted.
Okay that I gotta see! Ryan tells Call she's hot? Sweet!!! Lol, I think someone should make a list of all the CaRWash eps and moments (I know, I know, look at me ask for this huge favor! :lol: ) that would be so helpful for us who are newer to this ship!!!!

Hmmmmm I wouldn't be too worried about the reporter chickie Twiz just cuz she really likes Ryan doesn't mean he has to like her back! No worries hon, he's got his Beautiful and she's got her Babe...and CaRWash is so happening! :D
*starves self in order to read RP* Okay kidding. I'll keep my puke inside, with my food.

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(can't be anything else than from Legal)


Sue, sweetheart, when Ryan asks Cal to put her hand in her pockets, that's Under the Influence, not Legal. Remember?

Legal is a great CaRWash eppie, I love it. The death glare, the 'that's hot' the alibi thing, the earrings...priceless. I need to go watch it again. *grabs DVD* :D
Awww nice CPOTD Dutchie! The way she is looking at him...nice! ;) I love how almost every time they look at eachother it's with this "I want you, and I want you now, right here on this___________ (fill in the blank: table, floor, park bench...heehee! :devil:) (Hi by the way Dutchie hon! **Mo waves!** How's work? It's funny that you're the one working and now I'm at home, heehee! :lol: Not to rub it in at all hon! ;) )

Legal, Under the Influence.... **Mo adds them to her list to watch!** Cool beans! :D
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