Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

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Hi to everyone, here comes a new CaRWash. My name is Lorraine and I'm Spanish
P.D. I so sorry if my Englis isn't very good
HI Lorena, welcome to the thread.

Guys fanfic is STILL being a pain, and it's not responding to my cursing. I'll keep trying.
Cool Maze! I'm reading it now!

about 'blood in the water'.
In this episode Calleigh talked with ryan about Hagen's suicide and why she quit ballistic.
I haven't seen the episode but it sounds like a CaRWash moment. ;)
aww CaRWash moment. *sighs* Such lovely times. We need more moments!

*is Happy* Maze!!! I love your ficcie. Your doing awesome with it.
Maze where are the first 5 chapters? I read the whole thread you posted, it's very good. Do you have more stories about CaRWash? I mean it's the Jack-in-the-box the firts one? Where are the other ones? Thanks a lot :)
umm. . .that's the whole story so far, here's my fanfic link.
I have a wedding fic, and a version of Jack complete with author notes.
Oh crap, I'm still a newbie and I don't think that I'm allowed to post the link I did above :(
Umm is there anyway I can remove it or do the mods have to do that? Help please!!

Thanks inge and Iheartcathnick! Thanks for the heads up about double posting. Sorry all, I didn't realise that one either. Too much to process for this newbie :eek:
use the EDIT function.
it's the button before REPLY. :)

you are also not allowed to double post. If you want something to add, you can use the EDIT function as well. :)
DZ_NZ Click Edit on your post, and remove the link... and before they come in here, might wanna not double post, they hate that.

Maze I wanna marry you!
No worries, the extra post has been deleted! Unless the link leads to an NC-17/M-rated fanfiction or any other material that's above PG-13, it's fine to be posted. (I didn't see the link for myself because it got deleted quick. :lol:)
Hearts ya Kimmy

So Inge Since I know your around, lets talk CaRWash shall we?.. Name one thing you want to happen this season.
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