Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

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Actually, yes, I did. You think they'd hire me? I could 'accidentelly' let Donahue fall from the stairs and break her wrist so she can't write anymore. :devil: Then I could write the scripts. Oh the CaRWash goodness that would come... :D
cinegirl said:
some videos you can find at Link Removed due to Intellectual Property Rules
(I hope posting this link is o.k., it's not to download!)

The rule is actually that you can’t link to copyrighted material not hosted on an official site (such as or, etc). The fanvids at places like YouTube are still breaking copyright laws by using copyrighted material; therefore we cannot link to them from this site. Thank.
forensicsgirl sorry about that! Now I know (and understand) it and will remember it! :)

Dutchie!! Huhu! You really have great ideas and I truly thought about a similar run of events ;)
Hope A.D. will read some of our ideas - some CaRWash-Action is needed!
lol that is true. Maybe it wont last long if she dates someone else. Yeah i get what your saying CalleighDuCaine she is one ugly *ahem* nevermind I usually get in trouble from someone for bad mouth a certain character. *WINK* you know what I mean any ways LOL!

Okay yeah Dutchie I like your idea. You're great LOL

Yeah WolfeSanders I was wondering where you were. I think I even mentioned it I'm glad you're back!
Dutchie said:
Okay, I've got the spoiler thing all figured out, and my mind has succesfully made a CaRWash story out of it.

Okay, so Calleigh (sort of) hooks up with that officer guy. But then she gets into the car wreck. Ryan is the first one on the scene and saves her out of the now burning car, and just seconds after he has brought her to safety, the car explodes. (just to add a bit of drama) There's this big investigation (leaded by Ryan, 'cause he wants to find out who did this to HIS Calleigh. Yes she's his, she just doesn't know it yet :p) Then he finds out that it was: Of course, the officer, who's actually a bad guy. Calleigh breaks up with him, he goes to jail. But then that night, Calleigh shows up on his doorstep. She cries out on Ryan's shoulder. He comforts her, they hug, they kiss and live happily ever after. Together of course. The end.

So what do ya think? :D

I like it. Send it to the miami writers ;) Imagine if something similar did happen in season 5 - they'd have to put you on their payroll :)
Welcome back WolfeSanders!

Dutchie- I love it! They should so hire you. lol, oh and btw, there's no such thing as too much carwash!
I'd love to see the biggest cliché ever: Calleigh lying counsciousless in a hospital bed, her skin wounded and bruised, monitored by machineries. Ryan shyly steps in and sits next to her, taking her hand in his, and starts telling her everytihing he's kept hidden so far, thinking she can't hear him, so when he gets to the point "I'll never have the guts to tell you, Calleigh, but I love you. I always have." she surprises him with a "I love you too". He looks up and finds her awake, smiling weakly, and he can't believe she's awake, cause he thought he'd never get to hear her voice or see her smile again, so he slowly leans on her and... End dream. :rolleyes:

OMG, I can't believe how fluffy I can be :lol:
It was funny they had the first episode on last night. It was the one were we and the gang meet snake lady he even says it. I firmly believe now that he only made that date with her to see if she was the mole and maybe make erik jealous enough to get back together with her. ;)
I loved it when Boa left Ryan and Calleigh standing there, and he made some kinda remark and she playfully slaped him in the gut :D FLIRT!! ;)
CDC, I like your fluffy side! :D And what a dream! *sighs* (I'm only dreaming about chemically formulas :eek: )
Dingbat I guess you meant this scene: I love this pic so much and wanna see the episode at last!!
Ryan: Yeah, nice to have you here. You've been real helpful.
Calleigh: *hits him*
Ryan: Ballistics.
Calleigh: Trace.

That was it. I loved it so much, I was like: FLIRT!!! :D CDC, maybe we can make a combination of our ideas! DC nz, if something like that would happen, I would faint! :eek:
Dutchie said:

Ryan: Yeah, nice to have you here. You've been real helpful.
Calleigh: *hits him*
Ryan: Ballistics.
Calleigh: Trace.

Ryan: Yeah, nice to have you here. You've been real helpful... I love y-
Calleigh: *hits him* Not here, they're listening.
Ryan: *cough* Ballistics.
Calleigh: Trace.

That's how it really went :lol:
But Ryan was talking to Natalia! So he wouldn't have said I love you...!!! 'Cause then he would say it to Boa Vista. *shiver* :eek: Great. Now I'm gonna have nightmares tonight. Thank you very much Luna! :rolleyes:
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