Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

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Maybe Ryan gets injured and Calleigh helps him throughout the whole ordeal. They both start realizing how much they love each other. But they go through alot of bumps and hurdles. I love angsty/romance type fics.
so we've got

- tough case and a talk on the beach
- fireworks
-help each other
-Ryan/calleigh comfort the other after a hard case (maybe at the beach?)
Raven04, that was not really what I meant, I meant small things. I have a story line to follow, and you can give me small ideas to use in it. If Ryan gets hurt, the whole story will round about that. And that's not what I meant to do, since my last story was something similar. So what CSI WATCHER 8 said comes in handier, I can have them help each other. So if you could please give me a smaller thing to use?
Hey guys, thanks for all the welcomes!!!

I like the idea of the keys locked in the car Maze. That could turn into something funny.
And a further welcome: great you joined us, smiliee! This thread makes a lot of fun! :D
Maze, cool idea, I like it. Or perhaps they mix up their cellphones accidentally?
We need 300 more posts or something, so we have time enough for that, I think

So I've got:

- tough case and talk on the beach
- firework
- helping each other
- keys locked in car...but how do you lock the car if your keys are inside??????
- giving presents
- phone mix up (you know, I've actually used that in a story before, I swear!)
Maybe a case deals with a baby and either or is holding a baby and they say 'Oh you'd make a good parent'...blah blah blah...Lame I know, just a fantsay I have... :rolleyes:
Here's some new thread title suggestions:

Calleigh & Ryan- "Becuase they love each other...They just don't know it yet."

or, I'm might take a catchphrase from Saturday Night Live said by Jon Lovitz:

Calleigh & Ryan- "Yeah! That's the Ticket!"
Dutchie -- You know you love all of the chasing. Its more fun chasing you, then actually writing :lol:

yeah, we got awhile for a new thread, but spreading ideas work too. :D
I like that first one, but the question is: Will it fit?
IHNC we can always remove the 'because'. And you have to give me an idea for my fic too! (scroll up to read what I mean)
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