Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

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Yes, I checked.

I have a one-shot swimming around my head, I think you'll all like it. If I can type it out.
Word Perfect is open, I'm typing, I'm typing

I'm watching the snake episode (the one where the big arse snake kills the chick) right now, and is it me or when Ryan is doing the bone scan on the girl does Cal look jelous? :D
Im gonna need something more like a few tons of brick or something, i've lost like, all interest.Diseased i say! DISEASED!*cough* *Goes to read some fic*
Hey all... Dutchie, am I in that 13, or 14, you counted. If not, count me in.

I finally saw "Deviant" and "Driven" :D *GLEE*

Eee, "Deviant"... When Aaron Peters was talking to Ryan... Ryan said something about how he doesn't want to comment on Calleigh's business, but then Aaron said, "It's your business too," so I was like, hmmm... Ryan's business=Calleigh's business? Are they together?

I read WAY too much into things.

But of course, the prettiest moment was at the end (they ended the ep with Calleigh/Ryan dammit!)
C: "Ask me again in an hour over beer."
R: "So you're not mad at me? Cause I heard we got into a big fight today."
C: "Don't believe everything you hear."


And from "Driven," I of course LOVE Calleigh comforting Ryan (though I'd LOVE to see them leave together):
C: "You'd do the same for me if I were having a bad day." -> Awww...

But favorite part from "Driven," which made me laugh for some reason, was when Ryan went, "Meet me at the garage."

Ha ha, that can be another future CaRWaSh thread title. I guess it's just rare that C/R process cars together, considering Eric's the car expert.

Mkay, I'm done... Wow that's a long post.
haha...geez im so friken anxious for the next season to come...need...more...CaRWash moments.......cant stand it! ahh its still not here! jeez what is it like two months or something away.
yiiiieha!! I've got the DVDs...and now, I'll watch and watch and watch...
No! Not too much! I don't wanna watch ALL the DVDs in a whole day. But it's really diffucult to resist this...I wanna see more CaRWash :D

oh, and I posted the 4th and last chapter from my fic, here's the link:
I have that problem too. Getting the DVD and trying not to watch them all in one day! It hard trying to pace yourself with CaRWash.
Guys, I'm watching Collision and I've noticed something very interesting... I'll put it in the spoiler box just to be safe. :)

When Cal and Ryan are in the jewelry shop and the owner comes, they change their position, but actually they have no reason to do that, besides it is clear that it's a pretty difficult movement. And then I noticed that they put themselves so that Cal is on the right and Ryan on the left... Which is the position that bride and groom have during a wedding! It could mean anything, it could mean nothing, but... Why would they do that, especially if it's such an innatural and illogical movent? Mmm. :D
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