Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

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BTW: I updated too, and I want lots of reviews! Now! (okay maybe not right now, but I do want them :D) Good. Now I'm starting on translating Leonie's second chapter to help Cinegirl out. I'm translating a lot lately. :lol:

ETA: Maze, weren't you updating today? You said Friday! I wanna read your next chapter!
Erg! But I'm still drained from yesterday! Let me find some inspiration, I think my French Placement Test took it all away!
So Dutchie updated ficcie huh?

Don't feel so bad Girlie, they do that to me too :p

Maze how's this for inspiration. Calleigh, Ryan and :devil: lol.
Oh guys! Just a short stop to inform you: I copied Leonies' fic into a word file and - tataaa! - 14!! sites (for chapter one only!!) appeared!! Till now I finished 3 sites, will go on for a while and then post the first pages in the ff-thread. But I don't think I'll finish the whole chapter today, sorry... :(
cinegirl said:
But I don't think I'll finish the whole chapter today, sorry... :(

Oh, I really didn't expect, you'd finish it today...Just take your time, it is actually long :eek:

by the way: Today I took a picture of myself with...yes, with CaRWash!! Look at this :lol:

haha, yes I had nothing to do and it was sooo boring :eek:

*lol* :D

Off Topic: Tomorrow, I'll kill my computer :mad:
Girlie said:
haha the pic is great! and why you'll kill tomorrow your computer???

'Cause it's sooooo slowly :mad: I always have to start it again, and again, but it doesn't help...I think, now I'll take me a book and when I have to wait too long, I'll read. :mad:

thanks iheartnickcath :lol:
Oh I'm sorry for you Leonie, I know this very good...sometimes my computer need so long to load a site!
With me, it sometimes takes three minutes just to add a post. :( Leonie, your fic is indeed long, the second cahpter is seven pages long, of which I translated four now. I'm going fast, I know. Everything to help out Cinegirl. :lol: Nice pic!
Oh, wow, I was able to open the site! Hope, I can post something, too ;)
Well, I posted the first part I translated (or tried to) in the FF-Thread, so the first curiosity can be calmed down :D
And Dutchie: thank you soooo much for helping me!! *hug*
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