Calleigh & Ryan #2: "That's hot!" - CaRWash

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Thanks,it was great fun lol.If you wanna know more about my next fics it'll be in the end post of my FF,so yay for my first FF being a success lol.happy to keep people busy and reading ^_^
It's caption time! :D

Ryan: "Don't look at me like that, Cal, it was you who bleached this shirt, so it's your fault if now we can't play the matching colours game!"

Cal: "Well, I could have worn my orange one if you hadn't ripped that off me last night while we... You know.

:lol: :devil:
Ok guys, I'm trying to write a CaRWash fic (yay, my first one ever!), but I don't think I'll be able to continue it before July (because of my exams). If anyone wants to beta-read it (possibly someone with a good knowledge on English), you're welcome! ;)
okay, I'll post now my first Fanfic, but it's not complete. There will follow 5 pages more, maybe. Or 6, or 7... (we'll see :D )
And, yes, it's in German and very long *puh*

CaRWash Fanfic
risque_wolfe very good ff! I loved it!
And CalleighDuCaine + Leonie: I'm getting excited! So much CaRWash to read! (oh, and one in german...Thank you, Leonie! Have to read it tomorrow because I need to go to work today... :( )
Leonie youre fic is awesome-and I understood every word :D
I hope you'll post your next 5 or 6 or 7 sites soon :D
This is awesome, so much FF!And if it hadent of been for JT/csi miami/YOU GUYS! i never would have written any..go us!

off to church now,i'll be back in a little while to continue for the day.Talk to you'll later!<3
Ok, I've posted the first chapter of the fic. I don't know when I'll be able to update it, but hopefully in two weeks I'll make it.
wow, so many fics to read, and I have to update my own. I think I'm gonna be busy. Maze, how could you kill me? *cries* I feel so...dead. :lol: Nah, I just hope I died a heroic death. Oh now I just have to read. :D
ooh fic world. Love it :D ..Somehow or another, I think I have to write too, huh? ;)

CalleighDuCaine I completely agree with your cap.

and Risque I love that picture.
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