Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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mjszud I'll never stop loving "going under"....I think it was one of the best episode for CAKE and Eden....and the scene with Calleigh breathing very slowly believing Jake was the suspect really explained how Jake was important for her ;) (I was really scared she was having a heart attack :lol: ). Eric is just a sort of friend..maybe her best friend but nothing more..really ;)

And Alex ( Rummy ) I couldn't agree with you more....about the fact of Calleigh shining...I mean she was different from every normal woman of the world :D ..she was so cheerful and she was the only one who could find sometthing positive (also if she had been involved in a car crash ;) ) during season 1 - 2.
In season 3 they decided to kill off in such a bad way Tim and then Hagen (I never liked him...but it was so sad) :( and obviously she became so sad.
During season 4 it was difficult recognize her from all the lab rats...she was anonymous and too sad :( ...I never liked her during season 4. I didn't find her stories so good in season 3-4. I've always thought the authors made a big mistake with her character :(
During season 5 she met Jake (aaahhh "going under" ) and she slowly began returning the real Calleigh (very slowly but it was a step :) )....and also after Eric's shooting she was optimistic (eg. when she acted like a flight attendant :lol: ).
And in "born the kill" the KISS....I mean that kiss made Calleigh becoming the cheerful once again...the with Jake...YEAHHH...she definetly returned the cheerful one in BBYD ( I loved it so much). I was happy with the authors thinking the were beginning writing a good story for her and for our CAKE ...
and now...WHAT?
"Deep freeze" and the spoilers!!! :eek: How could they ruin her character once again? ...I mean Jake brought back Calleigh...let Calleigh be happy....she deserves it :)
Eric couldn't do a better job with her and her feelings and I won't even speak about the chemistry because it's so evident ;) ...They're made for eachother :devil: as Eric and *cough*Natalia*cough* :devil:
Yea, in Sunblock I loved the end where Jake held out his hand and she grabbed it and he winked. It was so cute!! At first I thought Calleigh was mad at the wrong guy. She forgave Eric way to soon for my likings and was mad at Jake for wanting to take a step back? Hello, is she a little confused about who did what? Whatever, in the end I guess it all turned out fine. Does anyone else know when the next episode Jake is going to be in? ;)<----Jake
I loved the CAKE montage at the end of the show! And how they zoomed the camera on them as they walked down together and then slow motion when they linked hands. So freaking beautiful. brought a tear to my eye. Please TPTB let CAKE's
love flourish!

Any video expert here that can make a music video of these Cake moments up to last night?

I plan on creating a Yahoo Group for us CAKE fans.
I just watched the episode ;)
At the beginning I was worried for them...but when she told Alexx to ignore him...I understood she was ready to forgive him. And Alexx knows they're together...this is so cute :D
"call me if you have new... if you still remember my phone number :lol: it cracked me was too funny :lol:
OMG.....the last scene...the song...this scene really borught more than one tears.
It was fantastic...I mean their slowly movements walking down the stairs *starts crying remembering how cute was the scene* Calleigh and behind her looked like she waited for him knowing he was behind her....and then he put his hand towards her (I would have faint If I had been her and then I would have jumped to him)..his glance and he catched her eye and she did the same thing...OMG.....their smile...and their hands together with that song...that was so cuuute *she continues crying*
It was like watching a fairy tale from Disney where there always the happy ending...the princess and the pince fighting for their love against all the obstacles such as *cough*Eric*cough* and living happy forever at the end holding their hand and kissing while they're looking the sunset
*suddenly her watch's morning and her last imagine of the princess and the prince was just a dream*
If it weren't for that ending in last night's epi I would of had to kick my screen in. It was bad enough feeling the need to vomit over ...ummm...certain scenes. Nice gesture there Eric but seriously, then youd be working when she is sleeping & would never see each other....great idea, genious. Sorry, but it was just all too obvious that she still wanted to be w/ Jake, even dispite brain dead Eric's comment.

So, onto happy thoughts....the ending was just sooo sweet. It almost seemed like a little too cheesy, but I loved it all the same. Why did they walk away from each other, though? I mean, I loved the "hands" & the "wink" but I was hoping they would walk w/ EACH OTHER! Oh well, it was still a great scene. Looks to me like love!!!
mjszud said:
Nice gesture there Eric but seriously, then youd be working when she is sleeping & would never see each other....great idea, genious. Sorry, but it was just all too obvious that she still wanted to be w/ Jake, even dispite brain dead Eric's comment.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:exactly my cake's friend!
it was a so stupid comment!!!!eric's mental health is in trouble! :rolleyes:
about the end wooooooooow. i love E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G!
the song,the hands,jake's face and calleigh's smile ,off course!
it was perfect for me! it again..and again..and again! :cool: :cool:
rummy80 said:
mjszud said:
Nice gesture there Eric but seriously, then youd be working when she is sleeping & would never see each other....great idea, genious. Sorry, but it was just all too obvious that she still wanted to be w/ Jake, even dispite brain dead Eric's comment.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:exactly my cake's friend!
it was a so stupid comment!!!!eric's mental health it's in trouble! :rolleyes:
about the end wooooooooow. i love E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G!
the song,the hands,jake's face and calleigh's smile ,off course!
it was perfect for me! it again..and again..and again! :cool: :cool:

mjszud :lol: :lol: you're so right :lol: ...Eric was so dumb in that scene :mad: ....what a fantastic sentence....only a bullet in your brain can make you tell it...doing so you could only see her during an eclipse :lol: let's say in 20 years? maybe? ...oh yeah Eric your love is so genuine :lol:
We all know that Eric needs a very good psychiatrist...or a good doctor that pulls you out that bullet.
If I was Calleigh I really would be scared woriking with thi crazy boy....he manages to speak, to remember his life and the fact he's a CSI...and yeah....he could always give Calleigh a happy life and his true love....he never considered her :mad:
It lookes to me that Eric is becoming a "John Hagen 2 the revenge" (it sounds as an horror movie :lol: ). And Calleigh doesn't need such psychopath following her all day and pretending to love her.
He's just trying to ruin our CAKE....and I hate it :mad: really.

Rummy80 oh gosh...the pic.....AAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW
this is so cute...her very thin hand and his jiant hand :lol: it was soo cuuuute :D
I love it...and yeah...maybe they're not together :(...but in my opinion they're having kinda of a hidden-relationship...I love it :devil:
They really look like princess and the prince fighting for their love ;)'s so sweet... I love it
THAT WAS LOVE....truely,madly and deeply love ;)
They ARE still together!! To me that was TPTB's way of saying "ITS BACK ON"!!! So how about epi 9?? Others are convinced that this will be the end of CAKE & the beginning of E/C; Im thinking just the opposite. They (CAKE)are supposed to be "heating up" some sources say ,so I would think this will be it. If anything I am hoping that this epi will finally concince Eric that she is wanting to ONLY be w/ Jake & that they are just friends. If Calleigh really had some "loving" feelings for Eric then they would be playing off her being confused & torn between the 2 guys...& they aren't doing that at all! Did I already say that once before...sorry I start to rant over all this because it is just so dumb!! If they were so hot for each other they would have already closed the deal after 5 freaking years as co-workers. I think this is just TPTB"S way of giving e/c fans a little of what they want but without having to actually "pair them up". Thats just fine & dandy, address the possibilities; realize its sooo NOT there & move the hell on w/ who they are supposed to be with!!! CAKE!!! & *looks at avi*.. *looks down*.
mjszud said:
They ARE still together!! To me that was TPTB's way of saying "ITS BACK ON"!!! So how about epi 9?? Others are convinced that this will be the end of CAKE & the beginning of E/C; Im thinking just the opposite. They (CAKE)are supposed to be "heating up" some sources say ,so I would think this will be it. If anything I am hoping that this epi will finally concince Eric that she is wanting to ONLY be w/ Jake & that they are just friends. If Calleigh really had some "loving" feelings for Eric then they would be playing off her being confused & torn between the 2 guys...& they aren't doing that at all! Did I already say that once before...sorry I start to rant over all this because it is just so dumb!! If they were so hot for each other they would have already closed the deal after 5 freaking years as co-workers. I think this is just TPTB"S way of giving e/c fans a little of what they want but without having to actually "pair them up". Thats just fine & dandy, address the possibilities; realize its sooo NOT there & move the hell on w/ who they are supposed to be with!!! CAKE!!! & *looks at avi*.. *looks down*.

Well....I really hope they're still together...and I think that everything will be decided on ep. 9 ;)
Speaking about ep.9...well it always tends to worrie me... but your contruction of the events is sooo true.
I mean...for me Calleigh never seemed confuse between Eric and my opinion she jsut loves Jake...and she wants to live with me..and why not marry him.
For Calleigh Eric is just a friend...and she's helping me bur she's not loving me :D
A CAKE's end of E/C birth for me sounds so ridiculous ;) ...I mena Eric never considered Calleigh...and Calleigh never loved Eric, in fact in 5 years she loved two people (Hagen and then Elliot :( ) *slaps Calleigh remembering how dumb were her love decisions* but for me it never seemed she was felling in love with Eric ;)

Regarding ep. 9
I've just watched the promo...and there's no trace of Jake..the same of Eric I decided to look up the cast listing for "stand your ground" and I noticed Jake...YAY. Now the pormo really worried me for Calleigh especially her aggression..I mean the man knocking her hand against a car and her gun falling down :eek: In that scene she really need someone to come to her rescue...and I don't know why but I thought that only Jake could save her from such a bad situasion. I think Eric wouldn't be able to do it ;)

Ps.: what TPTB means? :confused:
TPTB....The Power That Be, also known as the writers of this show. I know.. when I first came here I was like "huh?"

Anyway, I beleive CAKE will last the season, maybe longer, but to end them w/ that kind of scenario, him not coming to her rescue or whatever just doesn't sound like Miami writing. For Days of our Lives, maybe, but not miami style! They have yet to even put e/c in any flirty situations or where she might give him a "confused" look, theres been more on her & Jake, so I don't worry much, besides I think sometime around mid-season things will switch around for Eric, but that shall be discussed in its appropriate thread.

Long live CAKE!

BTW, I'd love a song thread for them, but thought either FLO or Rummy should start it.
Thaks mjszud for the explanation :D ...I thought they were the writers but I wasn't sure ;)

As for our end for their relationship caused by him not rescuing her sounds so ridiculous.
And yeah..I never saw a confused Calleigh ;) ...She always seemed to me so concentrated on Jake :devil:
And I really hope that something will switch on he will end to play the dumbest person of the world ;)

Long live CAKE

BTW...I just opened a song thread for them with their real first song ;)
Something to believe in
Florry86 said:

BTW...I just opened a song thread for them with their real first song ;)

wow...great idea flo.
i post my cake song 1 minute ago! ;) course "LONG LIVE FOR THE CAKE!" ;)
rummy80 said:

wow...great idea flo.
i post my cake song 1 minute ago! ;) course "LONG LIVE FOR THE CAKE!" ;)
thanks Rummy :D
I'll never stop loving them. And I really won't stop hoping for their great relationship to continue ;)
I'm such a Cake :devil:
Ive been wondering when contracts are up for people! Not that I want to see Calleigh leave the show but hell maybe she will fall madly in love w/ Jake & decide she wants a different life; marry him & they have a happy ending. a happy ending for Calleigh. She needs that! At the end of the season they'll be going on 7 years... isn't that when contracts were up w/ Vegas cast? I haven't heard anything about anyone leaving but it would make sense that TPTB would want her to exit happily (w/ Jake) & address the possibilities of her & Eric (for e/c fans sake) before she left the show. I really have no idea...I just wondered.

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