Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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Hey, EC fan here *don't shoot* (believe me, I'll shoot back!) :lol: :devil:

I'm just stopping by to get y'alls opinions on this love triangle.

I've had the EC point of view, And now I want yours. Right not I'm ambivilant towards Jake. I'm not asking you to change my mind lol. I just want to know what you think will happen with Jake and Eric and Calleigh? :p

adorelo said:
Hey, EC fan here *don't shoot* (believe me, I'll shoot back!) :lol: :devil:

I'm just stopping by to get y'alls opinions on this love triangle.

I've had the EC point of view, And now I want yours. Right not I'm ambivilant towards Jake. I'm not asking you to change my mind lol. I just want to know what you think will happen with Jake and Eric and Calleigh? :p


well i personally hope that jake and calleigh could be togheter...but unfortunately..i think that the writers decide
for a eric/calleigh story and than for a eric/calleigh split
cause the future eric's problems (the bullett in his head etc.etc.)
i hope that my "prediction"is totally wrong.... :(
i love the cake's story so's so amazing to see a smiley and sunny calleigh,and i love the incredible chemistry between calleigh and jake.sorry but i don't see the same chemistry between eric and calleigh.they have a good calleigh and ryan or calleigh and horatio,not a hot,passionate love.
(but this is only my opinion) ;)
adorelo said:
Hey, EC fan here *don't shoot* (believe me, I'll shoot back!) :lol: :devil:

I'm just stopping by to get y'alls opinions on this love triangle.

I've had the EC point of view, And now I want yours. Right not I'm ambivilant towards Jake. I'm not asking you to change my mind lol. I just want to know what you think will happen with Jake and Eric and Calleigh? :p

Well....I love CAKE :D
I love them simply because Jake brougth back the real Calleigh ( the cheerful one :D ).
I think they're also so hot together....and their chemistry is amazing.
Sincerly I didn't find this chemistry between Eric and Calleigh....and I'm pretty sure Eric never loved Calleigh.....He fell in love with her just because of the bullet in his head :eek: (because of her behaviour towards him at the hospital with the cross...and because after that she helped him a lot as his best friend...but not as his girlfriend) ....and I don't find it spontaneous or natural ;).
Calleigh and Jake are natural....Calleigh totally fell in love with Jake....he melt her heart (let's face it ..lately it was a little bit frozen). I love it :D ... and now he takes care of her :D
Calleigh deserves a happy love life....and I don't think she could obtain it with Eric ( also because of his injury....he alwasy looks so sad after that :( ) ..... I don't know why but now Eric reminds me a lot of Hagen...and I dont' like it :( .
I would love CAKE to last forever...but I'm pretty sure the authors will ruin it (also because of the spoilers)....and everytime I think about this happening it makes me so sad :(.
Let's hope will see more of CAKE :D
I think there's a lot more underlying for Jake and Calleigh. I do believe they had a serious relationship way back when, and I don't feel like they ever got their closure. Meaning, when they broke up, I feel like it wasn't something either of them wanted to do, and neither of them ever really got over each other. They left all the doors wide open, even after all those years. It would explain the longing, remembering looks in GU. And look at the way he kissed her in BtK - it wasn't like an awkward, first kiss. It was more like after all those years, nothing had changed; he still wanted to be with her as badly as he did before. Same with her - look at how happy she was after being with him in Antigua. :D I feel like there is more beneath the surface for Jake and Cal, but I won't go so far as to say that what's there is more intense than what Eric and Cal share, because at this point, honestly, I don't know. I've long since given up trying to predict what the writers want us to believe.

And Jake did bring back the real Calleigh. He brought back our "way too cheerful" Cal. :D Now what I really want is backstory. Eric and Calleigh, we've seen five years of their history. Now I want to know exactly what Calleigh had with Jake all those years ago, so I can compare it, I guess. Basically what I'd really love to know is what made her choose Jake over Eric. I'm not saying she shouldn't have - not at all. I'm just saying the writers haven't made it that clear, for a multishipper like me, at least. :)

So while I do ship EC, I have absolutely no problem with JC, in case you haven't guessed that already, lol. :D I actually do want to see the triangle continue as long as the writing is okay, because in my opinion it makes way for both JC fluff and EC angst (or, at the very least, Eric angst) And if I get a combination of JC fluff (with the added possibility of shirtless Jake :devil:) and EC angst, then I'm a happy girl. :D
They're the same opposite :eek:
but....Could you imagine them making out? :devil:
This would be awesome for us (girls) :lol:
Just kidding :lol:
EESHKK!! Im almost afraid to give my opinion cuz..well its obvious who I like right? Considering 'shipping' is opinion & what the individual viewers sees, i'll say this: I have never seen anything between eric/cal except for a good friendship. To me if it was anything other than that we would of picked up on more obvious signs. It also seemed like he went to Calleigh about his girlfriends & in my opinion, if you were 'secretly in love' or 'hot for someone' you would avoid those conversations & I can recall many many time they would discuss Hagen or Natalia or even scary Gloria, & times in the old days when she would ask him "who is she?" It always seemed very friendly & not at all jealousy.

As for her & Jake, I think TPTB have made the obvious stand out here... she is with him, vacationing with him, I think they'll give the relationship a chance. They have a past together & its apparent they aren't 'done yet'.

I think the 'triangle' is just something that TPTB like to throw in for drama & I also think this is their way of maybe explaining to viewers/fans why eric/cal would never work out. I love their friendship & any relationship would have to end & then where would that leave them as partners? Ive posted this comment before in other threads: There is a huge difference in "your attractive" & "im attracted TO you" , and "I love you" & "im IN love w/ you". My main point here is in my opinion, Calleigh has a great respect & concern for Eric & for Eric, hes experiencing a great deal of confusion w/ his injury & is taking things the wrong way...Corey Miller confirmed that.

Cake will last the whole season, I bet, & sorry but for me I just don't see Eric making too much of a fuss over it.
mjszud said:
It also seemed like he went to Calleigh about his girlfriends & in my opinion, if you were 'secretly in love' or 'hot for someone' you would avoid those conversations.

I don't think he ever was.It's like a switch has been flicked for Eric, and he is suddenly realising she is more than a pretty face, so to speak. Not that he didn't know that aready, but it's a different level.

But Calligh is with Jake, and she seems happy (from what I've seen so far). I am really excited to see how the writers develop this triangle. That means angst and I'm an anst whore! :lol:

mjszud, you're spot on. That's how I view E/C, as caring and loving the other as family.
I'm enjoying Calleigh and Jake as long as they last. They have such passionate chemistry and they compliment each other.
They do. I agree with ya'll on that.

Calleigh is a lot more happy latley, and they do seem content together. :)

I want to know more about thier past realtionship. Why they first broke up (rather than just spoilers) but yeah, I like how the shows taken it so far. And I'm up for the triangle to contiune, I love angst!!

Yeah. They are so cute together and it would be really nice if we knew why and how they broke-up although I have a feeling it was because he was an atf agent and she never got to see him. But I still want to know all the details.
Whatever the reason for them breaking up, you can feel that they regreted it. That's the point of how much they mean to each other.
Actually you can notice Calleigh forgave Jake whatever was his mistake :D
Now she totally fell in love with him...and it makes me happy everytime I see her smiling :D.
They really deserve to continue their relationship without troubles ;)
Oh Jake is smitten in love with Calleigh. I still remember in "Going Under" how distraught he was that he thought lost Calleigh for good and not having a chance to prove his affection for her.
i hope to see cake's scenes on "bang bang your debt"!
johnny is in the i hope to see jake with calleigh! :devil: :cool:
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