Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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Thank you so much Rummy80 for the pic......aaawww he's so cute :D....
Calleigh this is your occasion :devil:....YOU CAN'T LOOSE IT :devil:
I can't wait for Calleigh and Jake to take it to a deeper level. :D Jake is the man for Calleigh. He's good to her and she enjoys being with him.

I wish there was a Calleigh and Jake LJ community.'s sexy :D .....I don't know if it's depends on who really are the people (the ones who are making out) :devil:
but.....I love Calleigh's face/smile...when she is talking with Jake :D
Thanks for the caps. You can see he adores her, for real. Calleigh should hold on to him and don't let go! She just sparkles with him and she enjoys being with him, though she tries to deny it. I hope they build towards a reconnection, but I don't want it rushed. I want to enjoy the development.
She MUST not let him go....he's the best one for her :D
She really needs a normal love life (poor Calleigh :( )....and only Jake can give it to her :D ..... He's the only one to make her happy :D after John Hagen's death ;)
This is an opposites/attract relation that works because they seem to bring balance in each other's lives in a good way.
Yeah...they have opposite characters.....but they complete eachothers :D ....obviously in a good way... I love seeing her smile while talking to Jake :D
This thread makes me feel like such a backstabber, I have Calleigh in like 3 relationships, if this were for real she would be such a tramp!!

But for this season, I am very into her & Jake being a couple & I hope its not just an obstacle, although the more I read into things im thinking hes NOT so im not real worried. I dont think they would bother carrying out a relationship w/ him only for her to dump him for someone else... that will never happen!

Ive been toasting to all my fave couples for the new season...what is our Cake drink of choice?? & yes Milk sounds like the perfect campanion here for CAKE but I would prefer something w/ alcohol! Maybe they'll mention some drink they had in Antigua that we can snag...for now i'll toast them w/ a chocolate martini....CHEERS!
so which episode is Jake supposed to make an appearance in this season. I had cut out my watching of CSI Miami until I heard that he was back....suddenly my interest is renewed.
mjszud said
what is our Cake drink of choice?? & yes Milk sounds like the perfect campanion here for CAKE but I would prefer something w/ alcohol! Maybe they'll mention some drink they had in Antigua that we can snag...for now i'll toast them w/ a chocolate martini....CHEERS!

Throw in a pina colada too and I'll toast merrily to Calleigh and Jake. :D
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