Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

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I didn't get to see the premiere commercial but from what I hear, yay!!! I can't believe a vacation? Calleigh takes a vacation!! & for a man!! Thats what shocks me! He must be bringing out the real Cal, thank god.
OMG!!!!you're right....Calleigh on vacation!!! :eek: :eek: the world could explode :lol: :lol:
That's why I love him :lol:...she would have never taken a vacation if she had been with another man :eek:
I mean this should be good....Jake is special for her :devil:....he means a lot for her if they go to Antigua :devil:
BTW I've not seen the promo too :(
*she starts to cry imagining how awesome must be the promo*
WOOOHOOO! I can't wait for this season. I bet CAKE is in for one "bumpy" ride. Should be fun to watch, as long as were not being distracted by others along the way. I say leave 'em alone for a while, for god's sakes! Let the girl try & have a normal relationship for right now!!!
I want them!!!!!! :devil:
Please let them happy :D....Calleigh must be happy :lol:
probably...this is the craziest thing I've heard :lol: :lol: :lol:...
but...let's face it this is also soooo romantic :D...
I love these CAKE fishes :lol:.
two fishes...Jake...Calleigh....CAKE.....I LOVE IT :devil:
you're great Alex :D
I was on holiday in the US and saw the promo, OMG, Calleigh/Jake was total cuteness! Did you see Cal's smile? Man, I missed that smile! Good to see her happy!
Cake is one of the reasons I don't have a Miami OTP!!! (one of many by the way! :lol:)

I'm really looking forward to the new season to see what develops for the two of them. I hope we get to see some major action or even some cute scenes like Calleigh used to have with Hagen!
That's exactly the reason that makes me want CAKE....
Jake is the only one to bring back our lovely Calleigh :D....
It makes me really happy to see her smiling again like too many years ago :( ..... She really deserves (poor Calleigh :( ) to be happy and a boy that really loves her and bring back her smile :D .
I LOVE CAKE :devil:
I think Jake could be a sweet guy. Obviously hes doing something right cuz she IS with him. I was rewatching the epi where she thinks he is w/ that girl...god, cannot think of the title, it was just on! Anyway, you can see the chemistry between them so much. I like them, & their both just cute, but w/ sex appeal too. Nice to see her interact with someone & it LOOK romantic & sweet opposed to looking VERY FORCED.

"Ya gotta admit, we make a great team"
"We have our moments" (love the smiles, it says so much)
mjszud said:
I think Jake could be a sweet guy. Obviously hes doing something right cuz she IS with him. I was rewatching the epi where she thinks he is w/ that girl...god, cannot think of the title, it was just on! Anyway, you can see the chemistry between them so much. I like them, & their both just cute, but w/ sex appeal too. Nice to see her interact with someone & it LOOK romantic & sweet opposed to looking VERY FORCED.

"Ya gotta admit, we make a great team"
"We have our moments" (love the smiles, it says so much)
yeah.....I totally agree with you :D
that smile was pierceless :D :devil:
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