"Burn Out" Discussion **Spoilers**

i think burn out sounds like an awesome episode!!!! The cases that involv kids are always very intense and very emotional.

I think it's been coming, starting all the way back with what happened to Nick, now add in what happened to Catherine..then Greg, that look on his face before he woke Greg up in the hospital, now this case..I think Grissom really may need to take a step away for a bit, not that I want to see him go, but it's only a little break and the character may just really need it.
Calihan said:
In TV Guide they alluded that this episode may set the stage for Grissom's temperary depature.
yeah, the name of the episode is burnout...ever since i heard that was the name i thought that this would be the one to cause the grissom leaving stuff...like he gets burnout....
This episode is Cath-like :/.. I see her "What the hell.. How could you do that to Children?"-face.. :( :D ;)
That Pizza Gal played by Brittany Ishibashi is cute. She used to be on E-Ring, and was in another CSI episode in the past. WHOO HOO!!!

But seriously, I remember Grissom's reaction to cases involving kids during the early seasons--this will probably set the stage for his temporary exit from the sound of things--including the name of the episode. Of course, we may see some corpses charred to a crisp, given the punny nature of CSI episode titles.
Yay! People in here are discussing this episode and how it's going to affect Grissom! May I join in?

As Hankster pointed out, early on we really saw Grissom have a reaction to cases involving children. I remember watching "Blood Drops" for the first time with my fiance, and being shocked that Grissom grimaced over the body of the little boy. My fiance told me, at that moment, that cases involving kids are one of the few things that really get to Grissom.

It also makes sense why "Gum Drops" was originally planned for him. It was all about a missing girl. Here, Grissom gets two missing boys. And, I love it, because he's already stressed out. The man grimaced when he saw the beaten face of the dishwasher in "Fannysmackin'." It was an obvious reaction from him because it's something we're used to only seeing with children. This shows me that Grissom is already being pushed, his emotions are already close to the surface, and this episode could only push him further.

The previews show that Alan Tudyk's character is screwing with him. The two are playing a game, one that Grissom really doesn't want to play. His migraines return. The last time we saw these? The last time he was nearly pushed to the edge, with Paul Milander.

I think this episode is going to be a great character study of Grissom as we get to see what the pedophile guesses right, and what he guesses wrong, to see who wins the game. I definitely think that this episode will push him to the edge. All the previews have seemed methodical, slow, but not slow-moving. I have this feeling of a game of chess, of two opponents taking in the board and taking in each other for a very long amount of time before making a move. I can't wait to see who wins, and how that will affect Grissom further.
This ep looks really good! But I think it's going to be very sad and creepy at the same time. I think Grissoms burnout has been coming for awhile, and in a job like that, it's not surprising.
We the Grissom fangirls should get together to take his mind off it for a while :D I'm sure we can find ways.
Of course we know how to relax him!! :devil: :eek: But I am a little bit concered cause I am afraid he will be burnt out too when we are done with him :devil: :D, but in a positve way!
Yay I'm so excited for a new ep tonight!! Can't wait for the Grissom/Greg angst... :D And we'll get to see the promo for 'Post Mortem'!! Less than 6 hours to go!