Bring Back Detective Vicaro!

Well, yeah, let's face it--Flack's hot and funny, no one should be replacing him. :lol:

But Vicaro should definitely come around again. The man is funny. Mac would not get him at all. Not that anyone does, but he would annoy the hell out of Mac.
Poor Mac will feel like the world is out to get him. Looks like he's going to have to deal with the mafia this season, wouldn't be surprised if Hilbourne and the IAB drop in during Tanglewood 2 and than Vicaro! :eek: He'll feel like he's in the Valley of Death; guns to right, guns to the left and guns in front. :lol:
"25 cents gets ya a cup of coffee, cum on"
Quote of the season :D
"25 cents gets ya a cup of coffee, cum on"
Quote of the season :D

That was a great quote yes.

I should make some Vicaro support icons, when I have some time next week, I'll maybe do that! :) :D
^His delivery really sold that line! Particularly the "come on" part. :lol: That was classic. Vicaro, you nut, we love you! :D
I agree that I would love to see Vicaro come back sometime during the season. He was just so different from the rest of the people they had on. The first time I watched "Hush", I was like "What did he just say?". The second time, I found him to be pretty funny. I think it was the coffee line that got me.

Thought I'd throw in a few pictures:

It's VICARO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D Thanks for the pics, DannyFan05! :D I love me some Vicaro. :cool:
Thought I'd throw in a few pictures:

uh-huh! Vicaro, this is. I remember him.
I like him anyway. fresh air, to me. He's HOT, too! ;)
thanks DannyFan05 for the pics.
Vicaro hot? I'd never thought of him that way, but I have to say he has a certain roguish, weird guy charm. :lol: There's something lovable about Vicaro.
I would never have thought of him as hot or sexy. But, after rewatching Hush last night, I have to agree with Top41...there is a certain roguish quality to him, and that does give him a certain charm. Plus, the man just cracks me up. Still, I can't bring myself to think of him as hot.
^I agree, I would never think of Vicaro as hot, but he does have lovely eyes. It is the quirks and oddness that make Vicaro an alluring character.

On the first viewing of Detective Vicaro everyone was like ‘who is this freaky weirdo?’ and now everyone loves him. He’ll be the most popular character on the show at this rate! :lol:
It reminds me of the grumpy old men up in the balcony on The Muppet Show. After an act finished they were like ‘that was terrible’, ‘worst thing I’ve ever seen’, ‘could have been better’, ‘room for improvement’, ‘wasn’t all that bad’, ‘I quite liked it’, ‘more’, ‘encore’.
Vicaro hot? I'd never thought of him that way, but I have to say he has a certain roguish, weird guy charm. :lol: There's something lovable about Vicaro.

Yeah, the way he acts is like he doesn't take things too seriously, like nothing could faze him. I guess he's seen too many weird things to be fazed by anything :p
^-^ stll think he's hot. bcoz of his certain roguishness :p a roguish grin *lol* i like the way he talking. i concentrated on his lips. okay! as Gil said i wasn't thinking, i was just looking. :D