Bring Back Burn!

At least theres always reruns and fanfics and the what ifs. for Aiden. and the eps and movies for Vanessa.
Yes, naturally, the fanfics over or with Aiden are a nice memory of her. She's unforgotten, forever.

I write at the moment a big story of her, with the nice title * The last secrets of Aiden Burn *... ;)
I love your banner, Miss_Undercover

hehe. That would be a nice fic of her. And kinda naughty :devil:
Miss_U, your banner is really sad. Did you want it so sad?

"The last secrets", hm. That sounds promising. However I´d porobably call my fic "10 things I should have said."

Iheartnickcath might know what I mean. ;)
I didn't know Aiden did the facial reconstruction thing someitmes...watched American Dreamers yesterday. That makes what Hawkes had to do in Heroes all the more ironic.
Iheartnickcath: Yes, my story is soon finish ! ;)


I know, my banner is sad. But the art work would again so, how is my personally temper.
And at the momemt I'm sad...

And I like your title. I can't wait to read your fanfic ! ;)
Mel, baammm! That was a punch for me Aikes-shipper! :eek: :(

Miss_Undercover, your banner is not bad, it´s just sad. That´s OK. I see your sad, too. My wallpapers express the same.

Yeah - my title. Think I´ll jump, if someone steels it. :( :D

I´m afraid I´m not good enough for a whole case. I think I´ll try a Flaiden short-story. You can help me if you want to.

Was my mistake with the word *bad*. I mean in truth *sad*... :D

Yes, I help you. Null problemo ! ;) (Easy a PM on me)

And I saw at the first time Venessa in the serie *24*.
She's really a great actress !!