Bring Back Burn!

I know... I must've gasped and gaped and yelled WTF??? Why? Why? Why? :mad: would be kind of funny to think that there were a whole bunch of people having the exact same reactions at the same time, wouldn't it? :lol:
Yeah it would be kinda funny ;) I really wish they wouldn't have brought her back just to kill her off, I mean I get the storylines and all that, but why bring her back just to kill her off?
That's not a bad thing, or is it? ;) I love the pic you used for your icon. It looks really nice, like it was meant to be used like that one day. :D
Blue, thanks for the pictures. Has Vanessa got a new tan? Seems she´s right back from vacation. :)

shadowfax, welcome at CSI:NY! So sorry I forgot to welcome you.
If you´re Aiden-fan, how about introducing yourself in Aiden-thread in short?
iheartnickcath said:
I say, she's came back from vacation :D

Hm if Vanessa has a tan, you think Aiden has one, too? :D
Because with a tan I´m sure Aiden would flirt the whole day wiht the Lord above (since she deceased). :lol:
Well, since we can't discuss Aiden's character and the possibilty of her being back on the show, how about her current work? I heard she signed on another tv show. Does anybody know anything about this? At all?