Bring Back Burn!

AlyssaluvsDanny said:
I dont think an online protest is going to help though. Vanessa asked to be written out and they wrote her out. It's not Lindsays fault she is replacing Aiden, which I think thats the reason a lot of people dont like her and hold that over her head. :rolleyes:

I think you're wrong. Regardless of Aiden's departure, the people posting about disliking Lindsay are coming up with reasons that have nothing to do with Aiden. She's underdeveloped as a character, she's a brownnoser, she doesn't have enough of a different perspective, etc. Whether you agree with these arguments or not, it's pretty hard to dismiss them based on people comparing her with Aiden given that they've got nothing to do with Aiden.

I can't wait to find out if the rumors about Aiden returning are true or not!
Top41 said:
AlyssaluvsDanny said:
I dont think an online protest is going to help though. Vanessa asked to be written out and they wrote her out. It's not Lindsays fault she is replacing Aiden, which I think thats the reason a lot of people dont like her and hold that over her head. :rolleyes:

I think you're wrong. Regardless of Aiden's departure, the people posting about disliking Lindsay are coming up with reasons that have nothing to do with Aiden. She's underdeveloped as a character, she's a brownnoser, she doesn't have enough of a different perspective, etc. Whether you agree with these arguments or not, it's pretty hard to dismiss them based on people comparing her with Aiden given that they've got nothing to do with Aiden.

I can't wait to find out if the rumors about Aiden returning are true or not!

Omg i would love her to be back (Aiden) I mean yah i still watch CSI NY and i can handle Lindsay but i agree. She is an underdeveloped character, and yeah she is a brownnoser. Look at how she no offence kisses Mac's butt. (I love Mac) and how she doesnt think out of the box for crimes. She thinks inside the box, and sometimes you have to think out of the box. And Aiden always thought out of the box, and came up with some things for what evidence means that i wouldnt have.

All i am saying is that i can handle Lindsay abut she just isnt really a great character. She doesnt stand up to everyone, she gets pushed over, and she is a total brownnoser. I mean sometimes yah she is a good character. But in last weeks ep i would have loved to see Danny carry Aiden instend of Lindsay (Okay i admit i am a DnA shipper)

But yeah i think an online protest would work. And if we all sent letters to CBS (indavidually) it might just work. And the way Aiden left was just so open and not well thought up that i waas in a state of shock. I mean if you think about it, the way Holly left (101 CSI), the way Speed left (301 CSI: Miami), and the way Aiden left was just so, not well produced. I mean getting shot or getting fired, was lame. We could think of something better. But i just hope that they do bring Aiden back. And that they can keep Lindsay there, just bring burn back. :rolleyes:
But in last weeks ep i would have loved to see Danny carry Aiden instend of Lindsay (Okay i admit i am a DnA shipper)

You and me both :)

Sometimes Lindsey is kind of endearing others she just too perky and I want to slap her. But no I don't want to get rid of Linsey, I just want my "our" Aiden back.
But no I don't want to get rid of Linsey, I just want my "our" Aiden back.

Totally agree, i dont care if Lindsay stays, i just want Aiden back!
Yeah it would be intersting, but i dont care i just want Aiden back!
i have a feeling, lindsay will start feeling the pressure, as she is not an original member of the NY team, and then she will feel like she may be tresspassing a little bit, and hav her know that aiden was here first!
there are already three petition-lists on page 2 of this thread. Did you already sign them?

I will never like Lindsay either. Nevertheless I don´t see any reasons why they shouldn´t keep her.
I think it's very possible (and preferrable) that Lindsay and Aiden would actually get along well...they're different, but they might each get a kick out of that and get along well.
I don't wanna burst any bubbles, but I don't think they at the office would let her work on any case in the lab or the field. If the writers do make it like that, then they are inconsistant and I wouldn't want that. She might be involved in a case, I can picture that, but if they let her even go in the lab, then I'd be very disappointed. Though I can picture her in the morgue identifying someone let it be a relative or someone she only saw once or twice, but knew who he/she was.
Every good writer should be able to write themselves out of any plot hole they write themselves into.

Besides isn't tamporing w/ evidence a felony? He fired her but didn't arrest her. So isn't Mac on the hook too?

And since she's not on trial then isn't it just then a matter of proving her worth to Mac and showing him that she's a worthy CSI and not stupid enough to make the same mistakes.

Also it's a tv show. Let's face it if VF wants back and they think she'll bring up the ratings then she'd be back in a heartbeat.
I think if Aiden returns writers should get back to how Mac fired her.

I think the worst mistake they might do is letting Aiden deny she did a mistake.
Detective_Burn said:

I think the worst mistake they might do is letting Aiden deny she did a mistake.

Agreed, totally. I'd love to see her get a chance to redeem herself, to prove that the one mistake was just that--a misstep, and not one she'd make again.