Borderline of Death (Sara/Grissom)

Sorry, but this chapter is short.

Chapter Eight.

After the two finished their ice cream, Gil cleaned up. Sara was staring into nothing, and when he came back to the table, he was scared of what she was thinking about.

"Sara?" Gil asked.

"Yeah?" Sara asked, snapping out of her thoughts.

"What were you thinking about?" Grissom asked, as he sat on the couch.

Sara also sat on the couch, "nothing."

"Don't lie to me Sara."

"I don't want to tell you." Sara answered. Grissom didn't say anything. Then his cell phone rang.

"Grissom." He said, putting the phone to his ear. "I know." He paused. "I'm busy."

"It's okay, you can go." Sara said to Gil.

"Hold on one second." Grissom said to the person on the phone. The he turned to Sara. "What?"

"You can go, just promise to come back as soon as you're done."

"Are you sure?" Gil asked.

"Yes, go."

"But I don't want to leave you." Grissom said.

"I'll be fine, as long as you come back." Sara said.

Grissom put the phone back to his ear, he sighed, "I'll be right there." The he hung up. He put the phone away and looked back at Sara.

"Grissom, I told you, I will be fine." Sara assured him as she read the expression on his face. Gil nodded, and left the apartment without another word.

Although, Gil Grissom should not have left Sara Sidle. She wasn't going to commit suicide, but something worse was going to happen.
This chapter is also short.. sorry.

Chapter Nine.


As Grissom got into his car, he couldn't help but feel guilty for leaving Sara. She did tell him that he could go, so why was Gil feeling guilty.

It wouldn't be because something was about to happen to Sara, would it? No, Grissom didn't know anything about that yet.

So why did Grissom feel guilty? Would it be because he just left the woman he loved, after saying he wouldn't leave her. Maybe he still wasn't satisfied with her promise. Or, maybe he was scared that Sara would try to commit suicide again.


Sara looked around her empty apartment and sighed. Again, she was all alone.

Sara Sidle's pitiful life was about to go through a loop on this emotional roller coaster.

Sara just wanted the ride to stop.


Grissom got to CSI and got out of his car. He thought about calling Sara and making sure that she was alright. You're just paranoid... He thought to himself.

Ah, but Gil Grissom, you should have called her...

Grissom walked into his office, where the mayor and sheriff were meeting him.


Sara decided to have a quick shower. After that, she dried her hair with a towel, then brushed it. She walked out into the kitched and looked at the clock. When is Grissom going to be back? Sara asked herself.

She couldn't help but ask herself if Gil had forgotten about her. No, of course not! Sara told herself.

But, you can say one thing, and think differently.


"Okay, thank you." Gil said to the mayor and sheriff as he left the room. He had tried to end the meeting for over ten minutes, finally, it was over. As Grissom was about to walk out of the building, Catherine ran up to him.

"Hey, where have you been?" Catherine asked him.

"What?" Gil asked.

"You've missed the start of shift, it started two hours ago." Catherine explained.

"Sorry, I had a meeting with the mayor." Gil said.

"Oh. So, where are you going now?" She asked.

"I've got to run. Something at home, I'll be back as soon as I can." Gil said quickly, then he walked out of the building as fast as he could.


Sara was brushing her hair, when someone knocked at her apartment door. She put the brush down and walked out of her room.

She opened her apartment door, and was tackled to the ground.


Grissom drove back to Sara's apartment complex. He parked his car and went into the building. He knocked on the door, but didn't get an answer. Not again..

Gil opened the door and walked into the apartment.

"Don't move or I slice her throat."
OH MY GOD!!! What are you doing!!!! NOOOOOOOOO...
Please update soon!! I soooo need to know what happens!!
Chapter Ten.

Grissom stood in the doorway of Sara's apartment. He looked down and saw Sara kneeling on the floor. The person who told him not to move was also kneeling on the ground, he had his arm around Sara's neck, and was holding a knife to Sara's throat.

Gil could tell by his voice that the person was male. He had a black hoodie on, so Gil could barely see his face.

"Help me." Sara whispered. Gil nodded slowly, but he didn't know what he could do to help.

"What do you want?" Grissom asked the man who was holding Sara.

"I want you to shut up." The man said. The man's deep voice sent shivers down Sara's spine. Tears fell down Sara's cheeks. Grissom had saved her once, would he be able to save her again?

"Grissom." Sara whispered as more tears fell.

"Shut up!" The guy yelled. "Close the door," he said to Grissom.

Grissom turned around and realized the door was open. He closed it and walked a little towards Sara and her attacker.

"Stop moving." The guy said. Grissom did as he was told.

"Please let me go." Sara pleaded. "What do you want?"

"I want you to pay." The man said.

"Money?" Sara asked. Grissom didn't move or speak, he just watched.

"No Sar, not money." The man said. Sara turned her head slightly and stared at the person who was holding a knife at her throat.

"How do you know her name?" Gil asked.

"How do you know my nickname?" Sara asked quietly.

"Have you honestly forgotten me, Sar?" The man asked.

Sara gasped, "You're-". Before Sara could finish her sentence, the man slashed her throat and a few police officers barged into the room, including Brass, and shot the man.

The man fell limp, dropped the knife, and fell to the ground. Sara looked at Grissom, who was running towards her. Blood was falling from her neck. Sara coughed, blood came out of her mouth. Sara fell to the ground, and everything went black.


Sara blinked and opened her eyes. She was in a white room, Grissom was sitting beside her, in a visitor's chair, but he was asleep. Her neck felt numb, she couldn't feel it. Sara turned her head and saw some flowers and many 'get well soon' cards. She smiled.

"You're awake." Gil said. Sara's head flew over to Grissom. His voice had scared her.

"You're awake too." Sara replied. She smiled at him, and he smiled back. "I can't feel my neck."

"They had to stitch it, luckily, that guy didn't slice that deep." Grissom explained. "You knew him?"

Sara stared at Grissom, her eyes were worried and scared.

"Sara, did you know him? Gil asked firmly.

"Yes." Sara answered quietly.

"Who was he?" Gil asked her, but Sara didn't answer. "Sara, tell me who he is."

"He was my... brother," she answered.