Bones *Spoilers*

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Yeah I know.

Apparently it's the 'in' thing for many American TV Shows to have the obligatory English actor/actress in them. :rolleyes:

I suppose his scenes on the show will be hilarious though.
I've never seen a Solving Crime Takes Chemistry Commercial. That could be because I live in a country that doesn't air them...

And I FINALLY watched the Season 1 Finale for the first time. And Oh. My. God.

I mean, apart from the bit at the end with her father's voice on her answering machine...Emily Deschanel just hit that episode right out of the park. She was fantastic.

And I loved Booth in this episode. So taking care of his girl. The threat he made to the pig farmer was hilarious.
Drumchik said:
I've never seen a Solving Crime Takes Chemistry Commercial. That could be because I live in a country that doesn't air them...

Yeah we don't get them over here either but you can watch them all on YouTube. They're brilliant. It would definitely make you get interested in the show (if you weren't already which we obviously are!).

I love that episode too. If you love the S1 finale then you'll definitely enjoy S2 'Judas On A Pole' which has to be the best episode so far in terms nailing the balance of plot intrigue, action and UST.
Drumchik said:
And I FINALLY watched the Season 1 Finale for the first time. And Oh. My. God.

I mean, apart from the bit at the end with her father's voice on her answering machine...Emily Deschanel just hit that episode right out of the park. She was fantastic.

And I loved Booth in this episode. So taking care of his girl. The threat he made to the pig farmer was hilarious.

You are so right! Emily was awesome :D
Was there any particular reason that the latest Bones episode didn't air as planned on Jan. 24th? Instead of Booth and Brennan I got Ryan Seacrest. It made me very sad. I was kind of looking forward to a new episode; has it really been a month since the last one?

Random Question: What are your favorite pairings, besides the obvious (Jack/Angela and Booth/Brennan)? That is, if you have any.
It's all about Booth and Bones for me, lol! :lol: As far as less favorite pairings...hmmmm, I'm not a fan of Cam really, but I think it'd be fun to see her and Zack hook up...she can teach him how to love a woman! ;) Lol! Plus that would free Booth up to be with his love! :D
^^ Do you know I've been thinking about eh Zach/Cam-ness. Glad I'm not the only one. LOL. I don't ship them though ... especially because Cam still hasn't won me over. It's a shame because she does get some good lines and her character has grown on me slightly it's just I find her unnecessary and prefer Goodman (and of course keeping our Booth from our Brennan.)

I think Zach looks up to Cam and wants to impress her, like he is with Brennan. Watching the first few episodes again yesterday I noticed that they played Zach having a definite crush on Brennan but they thankfully dropped it and just had him looking up to her.

Booth/Angela would definitely be sexy! And I guess at a push Zach/Angela would be sweet. And if I had to choose one of the canon pairings out of Booth/Tessa, Booth/Rebecca, Booth/Cam, I definitely preferred the Booth/Rebecca - especially since she had that talk with Brennan!

But I don't ship anything except Booth/Brennan and Hodgins/Angela because those pairings are so awesome there's no need to look elsewhere!
^ No, the new episode, "The Man in the Cell", is at its usual Wednesday night time slot, 8:00 pm Eastern, on Fox. Check local listings for time and channel in your area. Here in the United States, Tuesday on Fox is American Idiot. I mean American Idol, or did I? And that is followed by House.
My dvd box of Bones arrived earlier :D I went straight away watching 'two bodies in the lab' with audio commentary. :) I absolute love the audio commentary and haven't heard one as funny as this one before :lol:
I can't wait to get my hands on my Bones DVD. I want to hear that commentary too!!

And thank God Bones is coming back, I think that was probably the longest hiatus I've ever seen. =/ I can't wait to see the episode. :)
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