Bones *Spoilers*

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So turns out Bones is following House's lead and there are going to a group of graduate students to try to take over Zach's place

I figured they'd just replace him with Clark. I'm not sure I cared much for any of the grad students. Most of them seemed to be real brownnosers.
I also heard that when the new season starts, they're gonna keep Zack on as sort of a Hannibal Lecter type of character. :rolleyes:

I'm already wanting to vomit in disgust. I don't think I'll be watching much when the new season begins. Just horrendous writing, horrendous decision. Definitely a Jump the Shark moment for me. :scream:

BTW, I think it's spelled Zack. I have a tendency to watch with the Closed Captions on, and it has it spelled with the "CK" at the end rather than the "CH"
I am sorry you feel that way, but I honestly don't think it is a Jump the Shark moment. Zack was bound to leave at some point. You can't have two forensic anthropologists working at the same institute especially in a small field like this.

While I don't agree with how the writers choose to show him leaving, it was going to happen one way or another. As much as I love Zack the writers never gave enough for me to be extremely sad that he left the show. I still love this show and will continue to watch it because there are other reasons to watch and love the show.
The Internet Movie DataBase spells it Zack, but that site has be known to have errors from time to time.

The other characters are spelled Bonz, Buthe, and Angilla. (Just kidding.)
Here's an interview with series creator Hart Hanson. He says he did it just to shake things up.:confused: Hiss, Booo. Shows a disrespect for the audience, the actors and the characters.

Just another reason why I wont be watching. It's just bad. I can even respect making Zack Gormogon's assistant, but it was done for the wrong reasons, and done very poorly, IMO.

Also, What about Booth? He just got shot. They didn't deal with that in any way. What about the crazy girl who was stalking him? Did Bones kill her? What?

I do agree that there are other reasons to watch and love the show, but what's gonna happen next? Is Angela gonna be a hooker, is Hodges going to be a Freemason?

I'm honestly hoping this will all be a dream while Booth was unconscious.
When is the new season supposed to start?

I'm watching the whole of season 2 now on DVD, cos my local TV stations still are on season 2 anyway and in the midst of downloading season 3 :)

I was wondering does Booth have a problem with his right ear? They always have these scenes in the car and he uses his cell and he uses his right hand but puts the cell to his left ear. So it's like his hand is across is face. Why doesn't he put the cell to his right ear when he holds the cell in the right hand?
Also, What about Booth? He just got shot. They didn't deal with that in any way. What about the crazy girl who was stalking him? Did Bones kill her? What?

I was a little surprised to see that resolved right away. I was hoping maybe Fat Pam would stay for a couple of more episodes, but I guess with the writer's strike and all, they kinda had to scramble to finish the stories on time. What I found weird was the whole "pretending he was dead to lure some kind of suspect" thing. Maybe they're just setting us up for some major B/B, but I dunno, I think they could've done something else.

And yeah, Bones did kill her.
OK so the finale was a dud I get that, but I still liked it besides all the major holes that the writers couldn't fix...

So I have two questions for you all:

1) How do you think the Gormagon case should of been solved?

2) How would you grade this season overall?

I gave it a B+ just because I didn't like Zack being a murderer and the way they handled Booth's shooting. Otherwise I thought it was a great season, although, because of the writer's strike I have completely forgot what happened in the first half of the season :p
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Well, if they had to do this with Zack, they could have at least said that the reason he got like that was due to his time in Iraq. Didn't he mention something about not being able to stand seeing all that violence or something? Even as smart as he is, it still could have screwed him up. They didn't even mention Iraq.
Well, if they had to do this with Zack, they could have at least said that the reason he got like that was due to his time in Iraq. Didn't he mention something about not being able to stand seeing all that violence or something? Even as smart as he is, it still could have screwed him up. They didn't even mention Iraq.

Yeah. That's one of my main beefs, too. The fact that they didn't set it up at all. I can see him getting messed up while in Iraq, all the blood, violence and death. Especially with his rational mind, I can see him having a break, and rationalizing that he had witnessed all this blood and gore for essentially nothing, and that the "Secret Societies" are behind all of this; so why not take down secret societies. Kill them and eat them? Sure, why not? No more nonsensical than this war and violence. However, none of that was touched on. It was just a simple "Surprise! Zack's the apprentice!" Without any setup from the writers, then it simply becomes very OOC for Zack.

What further galls me is the interview with Hart Hanson, simply saying he did it to shake things up. That indicates a disrespect for the characters and actors. If he wanted to shake things up like that, fine. However, do it in a way that is true to the character, with proper set up. If there's no time to set it up, don't do it.

See, what made Bones for me is the interaction between the characters. The human element. The sexual tension between Bones and Booth, the relationship and sibling rivalry between Zack and Hodges, Hodges and Angela's relationship. A lot of that has been stripped away now. The way it was done was reprehensible, IMO.

That's why I feel it's a Jump the Shark moment. That's why I don't want to watch it anymore. Especially with Hanson's cavalier "Any talking about the show is good" line in the interview...that just ticked me off royally.
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He really said any talkin about the show is good? Hmm that's really not that great.. I still can't believe how they have destroyed Zach, I'm about to go and watch the ep on sky one now, so I'll be able to talk about my views more in about an hour and a half ;) but I'm just shocked that a show like Bones would do this to one of its characters, when character development is one of it's main positive poitns.
He really said any talkin about the show is good? Hmm that's really not that great.. I still can't believe how they have destroyed Zach, I'm about to go and watch the ep on sky one now, so I'll be able to talk about my views more in about an hour and a half ;) but I'm just shocked that a show like Bones would do this to one of its characters, when character development is one of it's main positive poitns.

Yeah, check the link to the interview with Hart Hanson I posted above. (I don't know if posting the quotes here is ok, if not please remove....) In assessing the Zack reveal, many of our readers are tossing around words such as "unforgivable," "manipulative," "cop-out," "illogical"....
[Laughs] The first thing you do, of course, is be delighted they are tossing any words around. They're responding, which is what you want. The really bad response would have been silence. Right. As one reader noted, "what good TV does" is get people talking.
And we certainly did that. There are a bunch of reasons why we did what we did, the most important being that we're going into our fourth season and you want an audience to know that you're not "in a box," that anything can happen. Even though we're half a comedy, you don't want an audience settling in and getting blasé. We knew pre-strike even there would be changes at Bones. Some have speculated that the strike-shortened season chipped away at what could have been a better build-up to the Gormogon arc, laying the foundation for Zack's motivation — such as post-traumatic stress.
That's very good, yes. Initially the plan — and things go through so many iterations — was that we would find that Zack was either the apprentice to the Gormogon, or that he was approached by the Gormogon, rebuffed the offer, and then was killed. Any number of scenarios were explored. But coming back from the strike, we only had two episodes to set things up, and this presented the maximum bang for our buck — "Let's shock everyone" — and that seems to have worked to an extent. I am delighted for our show, and for Eric Millegan, that some people are furious. Anything else you want to say about the finale and Eric's status with the show moving forward?
Eric was a consummate pro about it, and he hated keeping it a secret. He was really worried that his fans would turn against him. But we have not seen the last of him. He won't be in every episode, but Zack has certain talents we can use in a "Hannibal Lecter" kind of way. We can go visit him and he can look at stuff. If my voice sounds light right now, it's because the decision was not made lightly. But we've got to do what we've got to do.

Seems as though Hanson has a very cavalier attitude about the whole thing. Therefore, I'm giving Mr. Hanson the "really bad response." He can enjoy the sound of crickets.
I'm sure that any appearances by Zack in the coming season will reveal a little about his motivations- i.e. the effects of his time in Iraq, etc.

While I didn't love the finale for many of the reasons stated above, the season overall was a good one and I hope that this one miss-step won't continue into next season. I look forward to seeing how they find a new Zack, and any future dealings with him as well. I'm not willing to give up the ghost over one episode.
I think that that Clark guy will take over from Zach.

after watching the episode, I agree to the awful, rushed writing I think they did to wrap up the season. There is just no way Zach would have done that. i do think his 'logic' scene with Brennan was a nice touch, but still, just no... I'm in shock, it's just so not Zach.

I will continue to watch though, it's not quite a jump moment, but it's not a positive..
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