Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

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  • Bones #2 *spoilers*: B&B, Center of the Squint Squad

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  • Bones #2 *spoilers*: The Jeffersonian breakroom

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Oh, definitely, GNRFan. But, for me it's easier to remember that Hodgins is "Jack" than to remember that Hodges is "David". I know it's a common name, but come on, it's hard enough keeping track between CSI and Bones, I don't need to worry about keeping track with lab rats and coroners! *laughs*

ETA: Because texmex already answered my question.
-Hee! I don't even know why they were there, but anyone mistaking Booth and Brennan for getting married cracks me up.
-Hodgins and Angela are supposed to be together. Seriously. You know "they" only broke them up because they didn't know what to do with a married coworkers plot.

Any talk of the tattoo?
Oh, definitely, GNRFan. But, for me it's easier to remember that Hodgins is "Jack" than to remember that Hodges is "David". I know it's a common name, but come on, it's hard enough keeping track between CSI and Bones, I don't need to worry about keeping track with lab rats and coroners! *laughs*

ETA: Because texmex already answered my question.
-Hee! I don't even know why they were there, but anyone mistaking Booth and Brennan for getting married cracks me up.
-Hodgins and Angela are supposed to be together. Seriously. You know "they" only broke them up because they didn't know what to do with a married coworkers plot.

Any talk of the tattoo?

There was no talk of the tattoo...but I hope that something comes up in tomorrow's episode.
Alright, had to post this before I'm even done with the episode... I'll flesh it out once I see the rest:

Awwwww, silly Brennan, she says one thing and then goes on and on about the opposite. She says that marriage is ridiculous and that our species is not monogamous, but then basically works herself into a frenzy (well, as much as Brennan is capable of "frenzying", anyway) over the supposed love triangle in which Sweets has been caught. She doesn't seem to like the idea of infidelity (even though we're not monogamous creatures) and cares about Sweets' emotional state (even though, most of the time, she doesn't see much use for emotions).

I love that we get both sides of her. The side she knows is logical, and the other side that acts on feelings and "irrational" instincts despite her logic. She's turned down "logical" sex more than once, she really does care about monogamy and honesty in relationships, she's allowed Booth to hurl daggers at her, for goodness sakes:

Cam: Is it me, or does she seem a little too into this?
Sweets: Well, there is of course a sexual component to an act of this sort, the knife representing th-
Cam: We get it.


Be back soon.

~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~ = ~

Alright, I'm back. Not that anyone cares. :rolleyes:

AWWWWWW, I knew Brennan wants to be in love, I knew it! At least she's admitted it and is willing to be open to it. Now... I'm hoping that the special attachment we know she's developed for Booth is finally acknowledged. I mean, blatantly, not suggestively through therapy or people wrongly assuming that they're a couple (though I have to admit that those moments were adorable).

Maybe she'll admit to SOMETHING when they sleep together (assuming that the Booth/Brennan sex happens in reality and not just in Booth's illness-borne hallucinations).

Oh, GNRfan, I also caught that Brennan called herself "Bones". :lol: She's taken to her nickname. Nice!
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The guy is looking at the girl. Guy #2 says that sacreligious or something. Guy #1 says God made her and if he doesn't want him lusting after her send him a sign. Then the guys seen the blood in the shape of Virgin Mary.

Me: There's your sign. :lol:

Ewww that's even more gross than last week's crime scene.


:lol: at that guy's look when B&B said they aren't a couple. He looked confused. :lol:

:lol: at the wedding dress shop owner saying that B&B are made for each other. (so true)

Booth: You must have dreampt about being a bride before your heart turned to stone. :lol: It's funny how she's not insulted by this. :lol:

Shop owner tells Brennan the veil would look good on her. Brennan says it represents virginity and she's been sexually active since... then Booth cut her off and said "we have to go". :lol:

Cam: Looks like Bridezilla might have messed with the wrong old lady.

Lancelot? :groans: :gags:

Booth: The bubbles are going to stain my suit. :guffaw:

Booth: Did you know the victim before she was a pizza? :lol: (this funny considering that I don't think Booth was there when Wendell was comparing the vic to a pizza).

I wish Brennan hadn't said anything to Sweets about Daisy. I have a feeling she's wrong and that there's some innocent explanation. There can't be two guys who would/could put up with Daisy's perkiness. :lol:

Jack and the dating service... unless this episode it supposed to take place before last week's ep, how is Jack going to explain his Angela tatt to any potential new gf? "Uh well, you see... my ex fiancee, her dad kidnapped me and he must have used something to make me unconscious when I woke up I was in the middle of the desert and there was the tattoo." Yeah, even though its true, most girls wouldn't believe it. :lol:

:lol: at the "manly" slugging in the arm.

Booth's hypothetical question to Brennan kind of backfired. :lol:

Yep, I knew there was a reasonable explanation. I figured she was trying on the dress for someone else. But, I swear if Daisy calls him Lancelot one more time I'm going to scream!

Unless this ep took place before last week's ep, the continutity fairy was just as much missing in this ep as she was in Miami's ep this week. :lol:

Loved the last scene with B&B. How funny is it that Brennan hated the nickname Booth gave her at first, but now she's knocking at his door going "Booth, it's Bones." :lol:
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I loved that Booth also saw the Virgin Mary in the dried blood. The dead body was pretty gross looking.

Also, I loved their reactions when everyone thought they were together.

But there was no mention on Hodgins' new tattoo.
It seems to me that Hodgins would want to keep that tattoo hidden (would you want to talk about it?), and so it makes sense that they're not going to talk about it. Though, I do look forward to it coming up randomly... when he 'hooks up' with Angela again, or if they identify a vic through a tattoo or something. It seems much more likely to me that they'd do it that way than to have him just bring it up the next episode.

Anyway, good episode. I enjoyed it :)
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing- he probably won't tell anyone about the tattoo until he has to. I mean, it was sort of an embarrassing experience all round so... but I'm betting it's going to come out in a big way at some point and he's going to be super embarrassed.
YAY! Bones is on tomorrow too! :thumbsup:

Booth was being very, very touchy tonight.
I really wanted Blossom (Miyam Bialik) to be the killer, I would have gotten a kick out of that.


More tomorrow.

I also thought that Miyam Bialik would be the killer! That would have been so funny! The second I saw her, I was like..."She's the killer". The scenes with Booth and Bones were so great. People thinking that they are lovers. Also, I loved the scene at the end at his place. I really could see that Brennan wants to be "normal" and have relationships like everyone else. She seemed almost sad about it. Hopefully her feelings will eventually change in regards to Booth! Oh, and about Bones not being insulted when Booth said "you must have dreamt about being a bride before your heart turned to stone", well I guess she figured she doesn't have room to talk after she insulted him last week with the whole "I figured out a long time ago how stupid you are.":lol:
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Wow! Bones two days in a row...I think I'm spoiled :lol:

Again, my recap. I may have missed some things as I had two screaming 9 year olds on the computer while I was trying to watch TV

YAY! Gordon Gordon, Booth seemed so happy to see him :thumbsup:

Gordon giving Sweets advice on Booth & Brennan...of course he was missing the bigger picture.

The death metal music...oh wow :eek: I guess my music taste doesn't go that far

Sweets in makeup a la Gene Simmons....that was different, until Brennan ripped his shirt off and showed his scars...that made me sad :(

Brennan making Clark get on all fours and then choking him, that was funny as hell :lol:

Gordon Gordon Wyatt was a rocker and Booth listened to him, that is just too funny :lol:

Poor Sweets, I felt so bad for him. I felt bad for Brennan and Booth too at the end.

Ok the eyesex and flirting between Booth & Brennan has got to stop, ok maybe not stop but its gotta get somewhere fast. Pretty, please :shifty: I really, really thought that Booth was going to cover Brennan's hand as she put his hankercheif back in his pocket.

Next week!
Booth & Brennan kidnap a dead body, its on Monday, so stay tuned.

Sadly, still no mention of Jack's tattoo. :scream:

Love the name of Sweets' book.
I missed the first couple of minutes, so here's where I came in or somewhere about anyway:

Cam: You wanna say "King of the Lab"?
Clark: No.

Okay, that music= noisy! Give me Lordi or Rob Zombie anyday!

:lol: at Booth shooting the speaker.

:lol: at Sneaky Booth watching the interrogation on his laptop.

The way Cam said "the victim was shot in the @$$" was funny.

Sweets: Who does he think he is, the guy from Kiss with the tongue?
Booth: Tell Sweets to leave Gene alone. :lol:

Ooh Sweets has a better body than I would have thought. What's with the scars though?

:lol: I think Brennan's interrogation technique is turning Booth on. :lol:

Gordon goes from Rock guy to shrink and now Chef?

Cam: Not so tough when the blood is real are you, metal boy? :lol:

:lol: at Brennan, Clark and the choking.

Sweets looks like he's gonna cry.

:lol: the dude in the band didn't know who Yoko is. he thought it was a bible reference. :guffaw:

:lol: did anyone else think of Rocky Horror Picture Show's Frankenfurter when Gordon was describing his rock alter ego? :lol:

Booth: Sweets is not a baby duck. :lol:

:lol: at Booth making duck noises.

:lol: at Gordon's air guitar.
I'm not done with the episode, but... good lord, what happened to Sweets' back?? I'll probably get the answer as I keep watching, but holy buckets, that looks painful.

OMG WTF, Brennan cried. Awesome.

TPTB made it pretty obvious that Wyatt and Sweets deduced that it's Brennan who struggles daily with her attraction to Booth. He's much more well adjusted to everyday life than she is, and much more in tune with his emotions (or, at least, any emotions at all) than she is, so I think he can handle romantic attraction better than she can.

Basically he wouldn't struggle. She would.
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Great episode! The case was fairly interesting although the music was uber-annoying!

Poor Sweets. I knew something was up with him. :(

Yay for Gordon Gordon! I've missed him. I loved his and Sweet's little talk.

Okay, maybe I missed something at the end. So the whole thing about either Booth or Brennan knowing they're attracted to the other...I thought it was Booth. I mean, it seems obvious that it would be Booth. But the end scene seemed to imply that it's Bones. Or maybe I read it wrong. Bones gave Booth "the look" when she put the hankerchief back in his pocekt. But Booth looked surprised and pleased. So which one is it?
I am a moron.

Please disregard whatever I posted here before I edited it to say this.


Here, I'll say something that isn't moronic: Bones = good show.

Nope, that wasn't moronic. Just simplistic.
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Ginna, I think you typed your response on the wrong thread. :lol: But I do think that the fantasies got a little out of hand.

If they put fantasies in Bones... I think I'll ask cable TV what the deal is.

Gordon! Yay. He's awesome.

And no, it has nothing to do with his Harry Potter audiobooks. *shifty look*
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