Best CSI episode ever..

I dont know the name of it but I loved the one with the little girl and her brother, and the whole thing takes place duting the trial, and when the sister takes the stand she admits to killing the girl, and the brother says she is lying he did it, and it keeps going back and forth and then the end, when the little girl whispers to Sara...YEAH!!
Inside the Box was a gooder too. Sam, a bank robbery, Gil with a fourtune cookie in his mouth, a paternity plot, and most importantly...THE HUG! Catherine going out and showing her support for her best friend was pretty much the cherry on top of a great ep.
My favourite Vegas episode is Committed, it always has been since it was the episode that got me hooked onto the show. Now, it's an addiction that I go to weekly support groups for.

GRAVE DANGER for me, exceeded any other CSI ever!!!. I was so drained after it was over I couldn't sleep.. George was so powerful and riveting..his best acting job he's ever done I so thought he'd be nominated for an Emmy :s( . and the whole cast.. Tarantino brought out the best of the whole cast to their highest level of acting ;) intense.. superb..extrodinary..outstanding..mesmorizing..electrying..spectatcular..compelling
Well right now I am having a CSI season 4 craving. I have no idea why. I've always liked Early Roll Out for some reason. Viva Las Vegas is another one of my favourites. I dont know why tho. I just love it. Grave Danger is awesome too.. Fannysmakin!!!! Ohh one of the best. Same with Play With Fire... Gotta love Greggo angst. :D

For Miami it would have to be:

Under the Influence
Going Under
Curse Of The Coffin
Errmmmmmm Not seen many LV episodes but I'd say of the ones I've seen I like:

Grave Danger
Lady Heathers Box

Grave Young Men
Hard Time
Dispo Day

What You See Is What You See
All Access
Zoo York
The Fall
I watched LV's Butterflied again last night and remembered how much I love that episode. I also like Slaughterhouse from Miami and NY's Zoo York.
CSI: LV Grave Danger I cried.....
CSI: Miami ALL OF THEM!!!! They're all great.... Ok, Ok.... Under Suspicion Hmm....I wonder why.... :cool:
CSI:NY Hung Out to Dry It gave me chills....
Of the Las Vegas ones that I've seen so far (not seen season 7 yet, but not long until I can and looks good from what I have seen), my favourite episodes are Jackpot, Grave Danger, Play with Fire, Butterflied, Bloodlines, Gum Drops, Werewolves and Nesting Dolls (because finally you understand Sara is like she is).

Ok so basically I like a lot, but I can't narrow it down much more than them.
Well everyone, I've only started watching CSI (Vegas) recently since they started syndicating it on Spike. I just saw the Season 5 closer and Season 6 opener. I'm talking about the 2-art episode Grave Danger.

OMG!!! I thought I had seen some good episodes before, but I think those were the two most suspenseful, emotional, and incredible episodes I've seen yet. I was so engrossed in both episodes that I didn't answer about 10 phone calls watching them.

So what I'm getting at is, out of all the episodes I've seen, Grave Digger is without a doubt my favorite episode(s).