Attention 'YouTube' Fans...[Video thread]

Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans...

Hey ya'll!!! :D

I was busy making new vids this past weekend...

Here is a new Speed/Eric vid...
All The Small Things

I think these 2 are just so funny together... can't wait for Season 6!!! :)

Hope ya'll enjoy!!! :D FB is always appreciated... ;)
Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans...

Sorry about the double post mods... :) But doesn't look like anybody's posted anything new in a while... ;)

Anyway, here is a new Calleigh vid I made. It's kinda "dark"... about Calleigh's stormy relationship with her Dad.

Because of You

Hope y'all enjoy!!! :D FB is always appreciated... ;)
Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans...

I was searching YouTube earlier today for some CSI: Miami videos and I stumbled across this:

RSI: Rhyme Scene Investigation

It might say that the video could contain inappropriate information but I assure you that there's none. (It's Sesame Street, for cryin' out loud.)
Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans...

Hey y'all!!! :D

I made a new Horatio video today...


God I love this man!!! (Obviously, huh... :) :rolleyes:)

Hope y'all enjoy!!! :D FB is always appreciated... ;)
Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans...

:lol: :lol:


:p :p :p
Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans...

^ Please can we avoid posting in capitals, as it is regarded as online 'shouting'. Thanks. :)
Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans...

Horatiosangel just seen the new vid its really great can't get enough of this man way so sexy thanks again :)
Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans...

Thanks inthewind and HC_4_my_birthday!!! :D

And sorry about the yelling, Lucy... we just love out H/DC so much we get a little carried away sometimes... ;):lol::devil: :eek: