Attention 'YouTube' Fans...[Video thread]

Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans...

Wow thanks shehir verrrryy dramatic scene haven't seen that episode yet and had to immediately Google the episode for the full story :D
Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans...

YAY bril vid Sara liked the way H run to Eric to get him to a safe place.I to am waiting to see that epi got another 5 togo til i see it :)
Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans...

Ooh, horatiosangel, I just saw the gunporn video - that was awesome! The song fit it perfectly, even Ryan screamed at just the right part.
Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans...

horatiosangel, you got a wonderful display pictures, I can't concentrate in reading with those photos flashing.
Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans...

Hey Miami really liked your Calleigh video :Dthe music was fab was it Avril? Don't wait sooo long to post next time :cool:
Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans...

Yea it was Avril the song is Nobody's Home...! Im working on an Eric one but i cant seem to find a song thats matching :S
Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans...

I have a CSI: Miami music video of some action scenes set to "Welcome to the Jungle". Here and one of Calleigh set to "She's Not Just a Pretty Face" Here.
Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans...

Okay, it's my first time here in you tube land! :lol: :lol: :lol:

My new Video is called "Hells Bells"

Horatio in Rio at the statue ;) and plenty more. :lol:

Check out my other vids as well,

More Human
CSI:Miami Vice Style
DuCaine Is...

Enjoy! ;)

HCrazy :cool:
Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans...

Hey Hangel, :D

Thanks so much, I am glad you like it and thanks for the awesome feedback too! ;)

I had a lot of fun making it. Especially timing the bells to H kneeling. Then my favorite is when he puts on his SOJ's and the bell goes off in the background! :lol:

I also loves when he hops on the hummer and zooms away. :lol:

Thanks again sis, :D :D :D

HCrazy :cool: