Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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Man living in car since '00 upsets city

Thu Aug 9, 9:29 PM ET

Steve Graham might not be in the doghouse over a dispute with his wife, but as far as his neighbors are concerned, he's not far from it. For the past seven years, Graham, 55, has been living in his car parked in the backyard of a house he and his wife, La Donna Graham, own.

Graham said the two have "been having troubles" since 1999 and that he's been out of the house since about 2000. His wife still lives in the home.

"She's not going to support me not having a job and bumming around," Graham said. "I'm trying my best to get a job and get up out of this rut."

But his neighbors, who say Graham plays loud music, often spouts obsenity-laced tirades and uses his yard as a toilet, aren't amused. They have asked the city to prohibit such living arrangements.

"You can't enjoy your backyard," said Linda Sanders, whose backyard is across the alley from Graham's property.

Sanders and her family are among more than a dozen neighbors who presented the Pittsburg City Commission with a petition in July asking it to prohibit people from living in their cars on private property within city limits.

Kenny and Cathy Waring live in property adjoining Graham's, near a park and across the street from Lakeside Elementary School.

"Every day he's out there. He never goes into the house," Kenny Waring said. "He sleeps out there, he eats out there, he watches TV, he plays guitar. ... Everything that you do in your house, he does out there."

Graham acknowledged that he watches TV, listens to music and sometimes sleeps in his blue, 1989 Buick Century. The car is parked on a concrete slab, mostly covered by a large, blue tarp that is secured with bricks and cinder blocks.

An extension cord from the house to the car provides power for a 13-inch TV, an oscillating fan and a radio.

"I get better reception there than I do in there," he said, pointing at the house. "I listen to Rush (Limbaugh) every day, just about."

The Warings said they tried at first to get along with Graham, but by the second year, they were calling the police on a regular basis. At first, they were the only neighbors upset by Graham's living arrangement, but now they say more neighbors with children are moving into the area.

The neighbors say one of their biggest complaints is that Graham may be using his yard for a toilet.

Sanders said when her son-in-law was back from Iraq in mid-June, Graham began to burn trash and other debris across the alley.

"I walked out there, and (the smell) was terrible," she said. "Then Ronnie came out the back door and said, 'It smells just like back in Baghdad.' He said he'd been on detail where they have to burn excrement and said that was exactly what it smells like."

Graham denied that he used the yard for a toilet.

"No, I go elsewhere," he said. "I don't expose myself to people."


Information from: The Joplin Globe,

San Diego Show Tree has some tourists running for the green.. in a strange ritual, hole 2 at the Morley Disc Golf Course, home to the Shoe Tree, where people have been throwing tennis shoes of all types onto the tree's branches since 1977. The odd ornaments were originally added to the tree in protest when city officials threatned to chop it down, and now hundreds of showes hang from the tree with more being added every day :eek: "People always bring an old pair of shoes with them to throw on the tree, myself included" a golf course employee Josh Marsh said. "A bum might take a pair every once in a while, but for the most part people leave the shoes, even if they've fallen on the ground", then they pick them up and throw them back onto the tree :confused:[ OK then, another bizzare ritural indeed!]

^^^ Is the Environmental Protection Agency going to shut down that golf course because of foot odor?

It must have been a full moon out. All the loonies are loose:


Cremated Human Remains Found in Mailbox
Aug 14, 10:00 PM (ET)

POTTSTOWN, Pa. (AP) - Cremated human remains were found Tuesday inside a package placed in a mail collection box, police said. "In my 19 years of police work, never has something like this occurred," Pottstown police Capt. F. Richard Drumheller said.

The letter carrier found the package wrapped haphazardly in a plastic bag, with no mailing address or return address, and notified police. A police dog did not detect any explosives, so officers opened it and found a box with a metal plate with the deceased person's name on it and the years "1957-2000."

Police asked that the person's name not be released until relatives are found.


Man Allegedly Does Figure-8's in Plane
Aug 14, 10:09 PM (ET)

SHERMAN, Texas (AP) - This joy ride was grounded from the start. A sheriff's deputy arrested a man accused of getting into a small, private plane and doing figure-8's on the grass.

Bond was set at $1,500 for 32-year-old Robert Gene Walker. Authorities don't believe Walker has any flying experience.

Walker was arrested Saturday at the Tanglewood Airstrip on a charge of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, the plane.


Man Pays Big Tax Bill in Coins, $1 Bills
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Aug 14, 10:59 PM (ET)

MUNCIE, Ind. (AP) - A landlord said he wanted people to see the pain of his property tax bill when he hauled $12,656.07 in coins and $1 bills to the county treasurer's office.

Cary Malchow said the heavy load left him "out of breath" but it was worth watching three cashiers working overtime and guarded by sheriff's deputies on Monday to count every last cent of the semi-annual payment for his home, business and rental properties.

"I did it so people can physically see what $12,000 is," said Malchow, who has staged other recent protests to draw attention to Indiana's property tax increases.

It took 75 minutes to count out the cash, said Delaware County Treasurer Warren Beebe.

"They were fast, they were hustling. They're used to counting money, but of course that left other people standing in line. It was an awkward situation," Beebe said Tuesday.

Malchow's protest prevented the office from making its daily bank deposit, costing the county an estimated $1,135.90 in interest that would have otherwise accrued overnight, Beebe said.


'Duct Tape Bandit' Charged in Robbery
Aug 14, 10:10 PM (ET)

ASHLAND, Ky. (AP) - Laughter might be unexpected in a liquor store where a robbery just occurred. But that's how employees responded to the "Duct Tape Bandit" who hit Shamrock Liquors in Ashland and fled nearly empty handed.

A man who had his head wrapped in duct tape to conceal his identity walked into the store last Friday, police said.

Store manager Bill Steele had some duct tape of his own, but his was wrapped around a wooden club that sent the robber fleeing, according to a report by WSAZ-TV in Huntington, W.Va.

Store employee Craig Miller said he chased the man to the parking lot, tackled him and held him in a choke position until police arrived, the station reported. An unidentified customer also helped, police said.

Picture of Duct Tape Bandit.

A man in Memphis, Tenn. is in the hospital after his dog shot him in the back. The dog, a Great Dane named King George, apparently was so excited to have some attention from a visitor, that he accidently knocked over a small handgun lying on the table. It went off, shooting the owener in the back! :eek:

Louise Hudd, a 22-yr. old woman in Wiltshire, England, had a darker expierence at the tanning salon than she hoped for when she recently saw a peeping tom, Stephen Strange, 42, spying on her from a gap in the ceiling. "Everytime I close my eyes I can see half the ceiling hanging off and his horrible smirking face, staring down at me"

The Buzz.. Ken White..LVRJ
First iPhone Bills Arriving—and They're Pretty Heavy
Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:37PM EDT

Apple has modified its products as it attempts to build greener computers, but I think they forgot to tell AT&T about their latest environmental efforts. This weekend a few AT&T subscribers received their first iPhone bill inside inch-thick packages.

Ars Technica writers were among the first to complain about the size of their first iPhone bill, which would surprised even the most heavy Treo or Blackberry user. Apparently, the bills were 30-50 pages long, detailing every data transfer made on both sides of each page, and since iPhone users have unlimited data plans, all the recorded transactions amounted to a big fat zero.

Justine Ezarik captured her experience on video as she unwrapped her 300-page iPhone bill. She told Gizmodo, the bill accounted for almost 30,000 text messages and 200 minutes of talk time on her iPhone alone—I wonder if she holds a record? Lucky for her, the total bill was $274.81, which included activation charges. This obviously goes to show iPhone users are really taking advantage of their all-you-can-eat data plans.

While it's great that AT&T does a very thorough job in detailing every call and kilobyte exchange, do you really want to open a phone bill that's 300 pages long every month? Next time, AT&T should mention their online bill options to new subscribers. It might save a few trees.
If only it was always this easy...

Man Asks Officer Wearing Badge for Meth
Aug 17, 8:41 PM (ET)

EUGENE, Ore. (AP) - A man hoping to score some meth asked the wrong person for the drug. The Eugene police vice narcotics unit had searched an apartment on Monday night and were questioning the tenant when a man came by and asked to buy drugs, Sgt. Jerry Webber said.

As detectives stood around with their badges hanging from their necks and latex gloves on their hands, the man asked the tenant, "Can you hook me up?" Webber said.

The tenant was seated on the couch with handcuffs around his wrists. A detective was writing him a citation.

The tenant said, "I don't think I can help you," Webber recalled, but the visitor persisted. He then allegedly turned to a detective and asked him for meth.

The detective told the visitor, James Wilkinson, 34, of Eugene, he was under arrest for attempted possession of methamphetamine.

Wilkinson tried to run, but officers grabbed him, Webber said.

They found a small amount of marijuana in his possession, Webber said.

Officers cited the tenant, Gary Puckett, 58, for possessing meth and for endangering the welfare of a 15-year-old girl who was in the apartment.

They also arrested a man who walked into the apartment carrying seven baggies of meth, Webber said.

A fourth man showed up at the apartment carrying an illegal butterfly knife, Webber said. He told police he had come to tell Puckett not to sell drugs to his girlfriend. He left with a citation for carrying a concealed weapon.

After that, police stopped answering the door, Webber said.

Laguna Woods, Calif...A 73-year-old woman became trapped in a bank when employees accidentally locked her in the building while she was looking over the contents in her safe deposit box. Marian Prescher, who has diabetes, apparently passed out during her ordeal because she had not taken her medication with her. A cleaning woman discoverd her 6 hours later. Prescher visited the Bank of America branch Wednesday, and was provided with the use of a private room to examine her valuables. But employees left her behing in the room when they closed the bank around 6 pm. "They forgot she was in there", said sheriff's spokesman Jim Amormino said. Shortly after midnight, deputies recieved a cll from a cleaning person, who had discovered the woman. Prescher was unconscious and cold to the touch when authorties arrived. "She may have died" said the deputy. "It seems to be a terrible oversight" Bank of America is investiagating. Prescher said she knew nothing about what happened until she awoke at the hospital where she was treated and released. "I just couldn't believe it, that they would just leave me in there" ! [bet BOA pays the hospital bill]

^^That's nothing,look at this ;):

Father of 78 aims for 100 children.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (Reuters) -- A one-legged Emirati father of 78 is lining up his next two wives in a bid to reach his target of 100 children by 2015, Emirates Today reported on Monday.
Daad Mohammed Murad Abdul Rahman, 60, has already had 15 brides although he has to divorce them as he goes along to remain within the legal limit of four wives at a time.
"In 2015 I will be 68 years old and will have 100 children," the local tabloid quoted Abdul Rahman as saying.
"After that I will stop marrying. I have to have at least three more marriages to hit the century."
The United Arab Emirates newspaper splashed its front page with a picture of Abdul Rahman surrounded by his children, the eldest of whom is 36 years old and the youngest of whom is 20 days old. Two of his current three wives are also pregnant.
Abdul Rahman said his large family lived in 15 houses. He supports them with his military pension and the help of the government of Ajman, one of seven emirates that comprise the UAE, which includes the Gulf trade and tourism hub of Dubai.
Islam allows men to marry up to four women at a time, though most marry only one. The UAE is a Muslim country but is home to migrants from around the world.
He rode his mule into town looking for work.

No, it wasn't the opening scene of a Western movie. It was what Rod Maday did last week, ending a six-week odyssey from his hometown of Boy River, Minn.

"I've done about 1,500 miles and I've got the saddle sores to prove it," he said.

Maday said he lost his driver's license 10 years ago after he was accused in a hit-and-run, and was having a hard time finding work in Minnesota. He heard that Wyoming had plenty of jobs that paid well.

He set out with two mules. About a month ago, both mules got loose and one was hit by a car. It had to be euthanized.

Maday arrived at the Department of Workforce Services office on Friday morning wearing a torn shirt, dusty blue jeans, spurs and a cowboy hat. Astride his brown and silver mule, Henry, he caused several double-takes.

He didn't stay long. He said some teenagers had yelled "uncalled for" things at him while he was riding into town the night before.

"Gillette's nothing like what I had thought," he said.

He left Saturday morning, riding west toward the Bighorn Mountains.

"I could probably get a job and stay here, but I'm not willing to part with my mule," Maday said. "He's my best friend and I'm not getting rid of him for nothing."
This is worse than carpal tunnel...

Arm-Wrestling Game Recalled in Japan
Aug 21, 11:47 AM (ET)

TOKYO (AP) - Lose a game of chess to a computer, and you could bruise your ego. Lose an arm-wrestling match to a Japanese arcade machine, and you could break your arm.

Distributor Atlus Co. said Tuesday it will remove all 150 "Arm Spirit" arm wrestling machines from Japanese arcades after three players broke their arms grappling with the machine's mechanized appendage.

"The machine isn't that strong, much less so than a muscular man. Even women should be able to beat it," said Atlus spokeswoman Ayano Sakiyama, calling the recall "a precaution."

"We think that maybe some players get overexcited and twist their arms in an unnatural way," she said. The company was investigating the incidents and checking the machines for any signs of malfunction.

Players of "Arm Spirit" advance through 10 levels, battling a French maid, drunken martial arts master and a Chihuahua before reaching the final showdown with a professional wrestler.

The arcade machine is not distributed overseas.


Blind Golfer Hears Shot of Her Career
Aug 20, 10:07 PM (ET)

LEHIGHTON, Pa. (AP) - Sheila Drummond didn't need to see her hole-in-one. She heard it. Drummond, blinded by diabetes 26 years ago, experienced the highlight of her golfing career Sunday, recording an ace on the 144-yard, par-3 fourth hole at Mahoning Valley Country Club.

Playing with her husband and coach, Keith, and two friends in a steady rain, the 53-year-old Drummond hit a driver on the hole. The shot cleared a water hazard, flew between traps and landed on the green, where it hit the flagstick before dropping into the hole.

"They were saying, 'It's a great shot,' and then I heard it hit the pin," Drummond said.

"For a hole-in-one, you have to hit it onto the green, so it's a little bit of skill and a lot of luck."

In 1999, Golf Digest said the odds of an amateur getting a hole-in-one are 1 in 12,750. That number, no doubt rises, for a blind golfer.

Drummond is a member of the board of directors of the United States Blind Golfers Association, and the organization believes she is the first totally blind female to record a hole-in-one.

"We've looked everywhere, and haven't been able to find anyone else," she said.

Drummond took up golf about 15 years ago, and three years later qualified as the first female member of the USGBA.

"I just try to do the best I can," said Drummond, who carries a 48 handicap with the USGBA. "I get nervous.

"But I wasn't nervous (Sunday), I just don't like playing in the rain."

Drummond's hole-in-one was first reported on the Web site of The Morning Call of Allentown.

Mushroom lovers will stuff themselves into cars and make the trip out to Telluride, Colo. on Thursday for the annual Telluride Mushroom Festival [wanna go] Now in it's 27th year, the four-day festival offers a kaleidoscope of events, including forest forays, slide shows [how exciting] and taste tests for the fungi fanatics. Event organizer John Sir Jesse is psyched about the spore celebration, especially the mushroom parade , where shroomies march down the main street dressed up like their favorite mushroom :eek: The mushroom mania attracts all kinds of people, from Deadheads and farmers to college students and families [and freaks] But if you're thinking about tripping out, Sir Jesse has some advice "We'll address the psychotropic effects of mushrooms in our lectures, but we certainly don't advocate taking psychedelic mushrooms, as it is a felony to possess them" [I'll try and sneak some in] :D

Sadly, this is one from my state...

ASHLAND, Ky. — Laughter might be unexpected in a liquor store where a robbery just occurred.

But that's how employees responded to the "Duct Tape Bandit" who hit Shamrock Liquors in Ashland and fled nearly empty handed.

A man who had his head wrapped in duct tape to conceal his identity walked into the store last Friday, Ashland police said.

Store manager Bill Steele had some duct tape of his own, but his was wrapped around a wooden club that sent the robber fleeing, according to a report by WSAZ-TV in Huntington, W.Va.

Store employee Craig Miller said he chased the man to the parking lot, tackled him and held him in a choke position until police arrived, the station reported. An unidentified customer also helped, police said.

Kasey G. Kazee, 24, of Ashland, was charged with first-degree robbery, according to Ashland Police Sgt. Mark McDowell.

Kazee, in an interview with the TV station, denied he was bandit who robbed two rolls of change from the store.

Kazee pleaded not guilty Monday in Boyd County District Court and was ordered held under a $250,000 cash bond.

here is the page where the idiots pic is FOX had the best pic of his head all cut up and puffy after the guy that held him down beat the crap out of him :lol:

Why is it that everyone that is on TV or in the news from Kentucky is a complete redneck or an idiot?
I would like to take the time to say that not everyone here is this dumb. :rolleyes:
Thank you for this brief interlude :D
babylon5girl said:
Why is it that everyone that is on TV or in the news from Kentucky is a complete redneck or an idiot?
I would like to take the time to say that not everyone here is this dumb. :rolleyes:
Thank you for this brief interlude :D
In a Jeff Foxworthy voice: You may be from Kentucky if... you repeat a weird news item from a week ago that was posted a few posts up the page. ;)
I saw this and had to share. Apologies if this is in the wrong place. But this is another CSI story hitting the real world. I believe that Greg once talked about this as a way a lab tech made extra money in another lab.

CSI: Underpants sees scientist dismissed over test that trapped cheating husband

A forensic scientist who performed a CSI-style examination of her husband’s underpants to see if he was cheating has been fired from her job for misusing the police crime lab.

Ann Chamberlain, 33, testified at a divorce hearing that she ran the DNA test on the underwear of Charles Gordon Jr in September at the laboratory in Michigan where she had worked since 1999.

Asked by her lawyer what she found, she said: “Another female. It wasn’t me.” The couple, who have one child, were divorced in July.

The case has been dubbed “CSI: Laundry” in homage to the hit television show CSI: Miami, which stars David Caruso as a forensic analyst who heads a crime scene investigation unit.

The DNA test came to public attention when her husband’s lawyer sent a letter to Michigan State Police questioning improper DNA testing at the lab. He said that Mr Gordon — a former player in the Canadian Football League — disputed his wife’s claim that he acknowledged having sex with another woman after she found the female DNA on his briefs.

Ms Chamberlain has won numerous awards for her forensic work and given expert testimony in more than fifty cases, including a high-profile trial last year involving the death of 7-year-old Ricky Holland.

At a family court hearing in May, she said she ran the DNA test outside working hours with expired chemicals that were going to be thrown away. Court testimony revealed, however, that she had also conducted a paternity test for one of Mr Gordon’s friends and allowed her then-husband access to the lab while she was conducting the test.

Ms Chamberlain was suspended on full pay while Michigan State Police, which oversees the lab in Lansing, conducted a two-month internal investigation. On Tuesday, the police department announced that it had decided to dismiss her for violating a state policy that rules “department supplies, materials or equipment shall not be used for any non-duty or non-department purpose”.

Michael Maddaloni, Mr Gordon’s lawyer, said Ms Chamberlain had got off lightly because of her connections. “I think she should have been charged criminally for what she did, because she stole from the taxpayer,” he said. “She did not just test his underwear. She did numerous tests for a friend.” “Any other person would have been charged with a crime.” he said. “She has friends in high places.”

He added: “She has never produced the underwear at issue or the results of the test at issue”

Christopher Bommarito, president of Forensic Science Consultants, where Mrs Chamberlain also works, called her “an award-winning scientist with very high ethics and morals”.

“It is our understanding that she made an error in judgment at a time where she was under stress from both physical and emotional abuse,” Mr Bommarito, who is president-elect of the Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists, said in a statement.

“We feel that the current situation in no way compromises her ability to function as a forensic scientist. While we hope that the state police will reconsider their decision, in the interim, Ms Chamberlain has taken on additional responsibilities in our company.”

Dynamo1 said:
babylon5girl said:
Why is it that everyone that is on TV or in the news from Kentucky is a complete redneck or an idiot?
I would like to take the time to say that not everyone here is this dumb. :rolleyes:
Thank you for this brief interlude :D
In a Jeff Foxworthy voice: You may be from Kentucky if... you repeat a weird news item from a week ago that was posted a few posts up the page. ;)

Sorry :lol:
my mistake. I didn't see it I looked through all the new posts but i guess i just missed it :lol:
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