Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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Richard Byrd of Largo, Fla., is behind bars after leaving his 2-year-old daughter in the car, while he robbed a pawn shop of several Sony Playstations. he faces charges of burglary and child neglect..LOSER :(

A drunk driver in Ontario, Canada, ended up getting a mouthful of pepper spray after trying to beat a breathalyzer by eating his SOCKS :eek:. When police approached the 19-year old suspect in his car, he first drank his contact lens fluid and ate one of his contact len's before he then attempted to eat his socks and his shirt..another weirdo :confused:

The Buzz..Ken White. LVRJ

Gavin Docherty of British Columbia really to nailed recently...twice. After a nail was accidently shot into his forehead, a first aid worker drove him to the hospital but was stopped in a police speed trap and ticketed. "We showed him the nail sticking out of his head said his passenger,,but they didn't care" [that's cold and rude]

When a Cumberland County, PA. man called police about a suspicious person in his hot tub, officers arrived abd arrested Richard Hedin, who was naked and in possession odf a crack pipe. He was charged with indecent exposure, public drunkenness and drug possession! [a real loser] :mad:

Ken White.. LVRJ
Wayward Emu Corralled in Parking Lot
Aug 28, 12:09 AM (ET)

WEST BEND, Wis. (AP) - Attention, Wal-Mart shoppers: The emu in the parking lot is not for sale.

Employees of a Wal-Mart Supercenter used shopping carts to corral a wayward emu outside the store Monday about 6 a.m., West Bend police said.

A manager fed the emu grapes and apples in an attempt to calm the bird inside the makeshift enclosure.

Richard Takacs, the owner of 3-year-old Myron, speculated the bird had been chased from his nearby farm by a coyote.

Emus can't fly, but Takacs said he wasn't surprised when police contacted him from the store, about two miles north of his Meadowbrook Market and Pumpkin Farm.

"They can run 40 miles an hour, so that was just a quick sprint for Myron," Takacs said.

Two other emus from the farm also bolted from their pen but were found unharmed in a nearby pumpkin field.

Takacs retrieved the apparently frightened Myron from the 24-hour Wal-Mart and placed the bird by itself in a pasture so it could feel safe and relax.

Emus can grow up to six feet tall and weigh as much as 100 pounds.

West Bend is in southeastern Wisconsin, about 35 miles northwest of Milwaukee.


Missing German Kangaroo Captured
Aug 27, 1:06 PM (ET)

BERLIN (AP) - Skippi, a wily kangaroo on the run since early August was returned to his home at a petting zoo Monday in southern Germany, but not after a chase through the German Alps that left the animal with a strained leg.

The injured marsupial was captured in a cornfield near Leutkirch im Allgaeu, almost 10 miles from where his journey began, police in the nearby town of Ravensburg said.

Though residents in the area had reported multiple sightings of the kangaroo over the past few weeks, Skippi managed to elude authorities every time.

But earlier Monday, police received a call from someone claiming to have seen the animal in a cornfield not far from the last place he was spotted following a run-in with a car Friday.

Authorities captured the kangaroo and brought him to a veterinarian, who determined he had strained ligaments in one of his legs. He was then returned to his home at the petting zoo in Bad Wurzach.
Here's one for Grissom...

Spider Web Engulfs Texas Park Trail
Aug 30, 7:15 AM (ET)

WILLS POINT, Texas (AP) - Entomologists are debating the origin and rarity of a sprawling spider web that blankets several trees, shrubs and the ground along a 200-yard stretch of trail in a North Texas park.

Officials at Lake Tawakoni State Park say the massive mosquito trap is a big attraction for some visitors, while others won't go anywhere near it.

"At first, it was so white it looked like fairyland," said Donna Garde, superintendent of the park about 45 miles east of Dallas. "Now it's filled with so many mosquitoes that it's turned a little brown. There are times you can literally hear the screech of millions of mosquitoes caught in those webs."

Spider experts say the web may have been constructed by social cobweb spiders, which work together, or could be the result of a mass dispersal in which the arachnids spin webs to spread out from one another.

"I've been hearing from entomologists from Ohio, Kansas, British Columbia - all over the place," said Mike Quinn, an invertebrate biologist with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department who first posted photos online.

Herbert A. "Joe" Pase, a Texas Forest Service entomologist, said the massive web is very unusual.

"From what I'm hearing it could be a once-in-a-lifetime event," he said.

But John Jackman, a professor and extension entomologist for Texas A&M University, said he hears reports of similar webs every couple of years.

"There are a lot of folks that don't realize spiders do that," said Jackman, author of "A Field Guide to the Spiders and Scorpions of Texas."

"Until we get some samples sent to us, we really won't know what species of spider we're talking about," Jackman said.

Garde invited the entomologists out to the park to get a firsthand look at the giant web.

"Somebody needs to come out that's an expert. I would love to see some entomology intern come out and study this," she said.

Park rangers said they expect the web to last until fall, when the spiders will start dying off.
Mobile phone throwing turns artistic in Finland


SAVONLINNA, Finland (Reuters) - Juggling rather than throwing his mobile phone, a teenaged circus performer won the freestyle gold medal at the world championships on Saturday.

Taco Cohen of the Netherlands, who was celebrating his 19th birthday, used acrobatics and juggling in his performance which was judged on aesthetics and artistic impression.

He told Reuters his performance reflected his training in a youth circus. "Juggling I have done for many years with balls. (But) these are irregular shapes and weights, it is difficult."

Finnish domination in the distance event continued when Tommi Huotari took gold with a throw of 89.62 meters, a few meters short of the world record.

"I have never thrown a phone before but have been participating in potato-throwing ... surprisingly, a potato flies further," said the 38-year-old engineer.

"I am sure everyone would like to throw their phone away every once in a while."

Event organizer Christine Lund said the contest reflected people's love-hate relationship with the mobile phone.

"This contest speaks to people the world over as mobile phones are a blessing and a curse ... phones have become a part of the modern man, and sometimes many of us would like to remove that part."

Originally a local event in this small town close to the Russian border, the contest drew contestants from Canada, Austria and the United States.

CNN has clip about this year's competition
Thank's DaWacko interesting.. :eek:


Los Angeles... A man who drove home with a body hanging out the back of his car after a traffic accident with a motorcycle has been arrsted on suspicion of manslaughter and will appear in court. Tony Martinez, 54. of Perris, Calif. was taken into custody late saturday on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter, hit and run, and driving under the influence, all felonies. He expected to be charged today in Riverside Superior Court, said a spokesman for th district attorney. martinez pulled out of a roadside mini-market on to Hiway-74, near Perris on Sat. around 7 pm. without noticing that Nicholas Justin Campbell, 20, of Moreno Valley was heading toward him on his bike at about 80 mph :eek:.Campbell, riding a 2007 Honda motorcycle , crashed into the back of Martinez's 1993 Saturn sedan. His head and torso broke through the rear window. Martinez drove about a mile to his home, with Campbell's body hanging out of the back of the car. Then he drove to a nearby fire station, where Campbell was pronounced dead. Authorities said he was wearing a helmet! UNBELIVEABLE, AND GROSS :(

The Associated Press
desertwind said:
Thank's DaWacko interesting.. :eek:

We are the land of weird contests - including Swamp soccer, wife-carrying world championships, berrypicking national championships and many, many more! :p
An agitated pet cat left in a cupboard overnight turned out to be high on cocaine and benzodiazepines left over from a wild weekend dinner party, a report said Saturday.

The eight-month-old Himalayan cat arrived at a veterinary clinic with dilated pupils and a racing heart, while the owner said it had trouble walking and was easily startled, The Sydney Morning Herald reported.

Vets Dominic Barfield and Richard Malik, who run a clinic in the Sydney suburb of Double Bay, were unable to take blood or use a thermometer to take the cat's temperature as it was pacing incessantly around its cage.

While the owner was adamant the cat had not been exposed to toxic plants, mouldy foods or drugs, when contacted by telephone the owner's wife admitted the cat could have licked "plates of cocaine" which had been served at a dinner party two days earlier.

A drug screen also revealed the cat had benzodiazepines in its system.

The "remorseful" owner, who was not identified, was counselled and allowed to take the pet home, but no legal action was taken as there is no legal requirement in Australia for vets to report such cases to police.

The case was reported in this month's edition of the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, the newspaper said, but did not specify when the incident happened, other than that it was on a Monday morning.
That's so horrible about the kitty.. lordie :(hope it's OK!


Nottingham, MD. Elwood "Bunky" Bartlett says a New Age bookstore mad it possible for him to become an overnight multimillonaire. He and his wife, Denise, were on their way to the shop where he occasionally teaches Wicca and Reilki healing :confused: when they stopped at a liquor store and he bought two $5 dollar Megas Millions ticket for Friday night's estimated $330 million jackpot. On Sunday, he said one ticket was a winner. "If it wasn't for this place I wouldn't have won the lottery" Four winning tickets to the Megas Millions jackpot were sold in Maryland, New Jersey, Texas and Virginia. Lottery officials said Sunday they cannot confirm the validity of Bartlett's ticket before they meet with him on Tuesday! [crap, I just won $50 on a nickle machine, and I was thrilled]

A B-52 bomber was mistakenly armed with six nuclear warheads and flown for more than three hours across several states last week, prompting an Air Force investigation and the firing of one commander, Pentagon officials said Wednesday.

The mistake was so serious that President Bush and Defense Secretary Robert Gates were quickly informed and Gates has asked for daily briefings on the Air Force inquiry, said Defense Department press secretary Geoff Morrell.

He said Gates was assured that "the munitions were part of a routine transfer between the two bases and at all times they were in the custody and control of Air Force personnel and at no time was the public in danger."

Rep. Ike Skelton, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, called the mishandling of the weapons "deeply disturbing" and said the committee would press the military for details. Rep. Edward J. Markey, a senior member of the Homeland Security Committee, said it was "absolutely inexcusable."

"Nothing like this has ever been reported before and we have been assured for decades that it was impossible," said Markey, D-Mass., co-chair of the House task force on nonproliferation.

The plane was carrying advanced cruise missiles from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., to Barksdale Air Force Base, La., on Aug. 30, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of a Defense Department policy not to confirm information on nuclear weapons.

The missiles, which are being decommissioned, were mounted onto pylons on the bomber's wings and it is unclear why the warheads had not been removed beforehand.

According to the officials, the weapons are designed with multiple safety features that ensure the warheads don't accidentally detonate.

Arming the weapons requires a number of stringent protocols and authentication codes that must be followed for detonation. And they are designed to withstand a significant impact, including an aircraft crash, without detonating.

The Air Combat Command has ordered a command-wide stand down on Sept. 14 to review procedures, officials said. They said there was minimal risk to crews and the public because of safety features designed into the munitions.

In addition to the munitions squadron commander who was relieved of his duties, crews involved with the mistaken load — including ground crew workers — have been temporarily decertified for handling munitions, one official said.

The investigation is expected to take several weeks.

The incident was first reported by Military Times newspaper group.

"There is no more serious issue than the security and proper handling of nuclear weapons," Skelton said in a statement Wednesday. "The American people, our friends, and our potential adversaries must be confident that the highest standards are in place when it comes to our nuclear arsenal."

Skelton, D-Mo., said his committee will pursue answers on the classified matter "to ensure that the Air Force and the Department of Defense address this particular incident and strengthen controls more generally."
Shoppers Browse Unstaffed Colorado Store
Sep 5, 6:28 PM (ET)

NORTHGLENN, Colo. (AP) - They could have left the tree completely bare. But some honest shoppers at an unstaffed Dollar Tree store must have decided that honesty was the best policy while searching for bargains on Labor Day.

About 15 shoppers walked through the front doors of a closed Dollar Tree store Monday after a lock on the doors malfunctioned.

They also didn't see, or ignored, a sign on the doors indicating the store was closed for the holiday.

For one: the lights in the store were all on, plus, there was music playing in the background, all making it look like it was business as usual.

Northglenn Police spokesman Ian Lopez says one woman became suspicious when there was no one at the register to ring up her purchase, so she called authorities.

The cash registers were reportedly open and empty, but Lopez says it appears nothing was stolen.

Police were able to contact a manager, who fixed the lock and closed the store.

Lopez says the incident showed that people can be "honest and good."
A pair of former Northeastern University freshmen are facing charges after prosecutors said one leaned out his dorm window Sunday and loudly told a woman in the dorm opposite his that he and his roommate were selling pot.

Oops. Two police officers happened to be nearby.

"If you're looking for weed, my roommate Ferrante has some for sale," Michael Emery said out the window, according to the Suffolk district attorney's office.

Two plainclothes Boston officers in the building overheard the conversation and went to a second-floor room where they arrested Emery, 18, and Matthew Ferrante, 18, after finding about four ounces of marijuana; drug paraphernalia, including a scale; and several bottles of alcohol, prosecutors said.

The students were arraigned Tuesday on charges including possession of a class D substance with intent to distribute in a school zone, a count that carries a maximum of two years in jail.

They pleaded not guilty, were released on personal recognizance and are due back in court next month. Attorneys for the men did not immediately return calls for comment.

They are no longer students at Northeastern, university spokeswoman Laura Shea said.

Hair of the dog.. Donald Trump's signature hairstyle may be going to the dogs..literally. Ruth Regina is a dog wig stylist to the stars, and began creating hairpieces for pups whe she realized how many doggies accessories were available in pet stores. "Women finish their attire with a beautiful hairdo, so why not dogs" [cause it's stupid] Regina's styles run from a Donald Trump wig for boy dogs and a tiara with hair for girl dogs, but Fifi may not like heer new do. "Some wigs in the same way that some women don't like brasssieres". Dogs are just little people in fure coats" and they have their own personalities, just like we do" Regina says [BUT THEY DON'T WANT TO WEAR WIGS!!!!!!!! get real :mad:


An Oregon man is in custody on allegations that he left his 2-year old daughter in a car in 95-degree heat for two hours in the parking lot of a brothel :eek: , east of Reno, NV. The Storey County Sheriff's Office sad Lucien Hoffman of Bend, OR. was bding held in jail in lieu of $40,000 bail on charges of child neglect. Hoffman told deputies he was 'attending a function' [yeah, I'll bet he was] at the Mustang Ranch brothel off interstate 80. A brothel security guard found the child crying inside the car and took her indoors until authorities arrived. The girl was treated for dehydration and released to the Nevada Division of Family Service, while the mother was contacted, in Oregon to come and pick her up! [how can he ever think this was OK?}

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