Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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Omaha, Neb.

Lucy was turning blue, so Randy Gurchin recalled his Air Force training on mouht-to-mouth resusciatation. It didn't matter that Lucy a 10-month old English bulldog, because he and Lucy are "best buddies" Lucy had jumped into a partly frozen lake in pursuit of some ducks and geese, but the water got to cold for her, and passed out, and was turning blue, till Gurchin performed the procedure and got Lucy breathing on her own. After a few days she was as good as ne.. AHHHHH so cute ;)

:eek: Let's see the top news stories of the day. :eek:

Man Tells Cops Unicorn Caused Crash
Mar 14, 7:14 AM (ET)

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) - A man told police not to blame him for crashing his truck into a light post - it was that unicorn behind the wheel. Prosecutor Ingrid Rosenquist said Phillip C. Holliday Jr. initially denied driving the truck involved in the March 7 crash in Billings. He told officers at the scene that a unicorn was driving, she said.

Holliday, 42, pleaded not guilty Tuesday to felony charges of criminal endangerment and drunken driving.

A pickup truck drove through a red light and nearly struck another truck in the intersection, according to court documents. The driver then made an erratic U-turn through a gas station, crossed the street and crashed into a light pole. Nobody was injured.

Holliday has five drunken-driving convictions. District Judge Gregory Todd kept his bail at $100,000 despite his lawyer arguing that Holliday's last such conviction was 14 years ago.

Five drunken-driving convictions and he is still allowed on the road?


Police: Dad Hides Stash in Girl's Pocket
Mar 13, 8:15 PM (ET)

HILLSIDE, N.J. (AP) - Police here say a man charged with drug possession had an unusual place to store his stash: his 6-year-old daughter's jacket pocket. Dennis Riker, 41, raised suspicions Monday morning when he stopped by his daughter's school in Hillside, saying he had left his keys in her jacket.

But the staff at the A.P. Morris School would not let him in because Riker was not the girl's legal guardian. That role belonged to the girl's grandmother.

Police said Riker, unbeknownst to the school, called the woman to ask her to come to the school. Meanwhile, school officials called her, too, but believed someone else answered and impersonated the woman. And then, the actual grandmother arrived, saying she wanted the girl's jacket.

It was all so strange that principal Tracey Wolff called police to the school. An officer checked the coat and found 25 vials of cocaine and a half-ounce rock of crack in the pocket inside.

Riker was charged with drug possession with intent to distribute and possessing drugs within 1,000 feet of a school. He was being held in municipal jail on $40,000 bail.

The grandmother said her son duped her into asking for the jacket.

And the 6-year-old? Authorities said she had know idea what was in her pocket.

"It's unconscionable that an adult would knowingly put drugs in a child's coat pocket," Police Chief Robert Quinlan told The Star-Ledger of Newark for Tuesday's newspapers.


Colorado Couple Find Faceless Dollar Coin
Mar 14, 2:15 AM (ET)

DENVER (AP) - Mary and Ray Smith can't make heads or tails of a new presidential dollar coin they found last week. It doesn't have either. A week after the revelation that some of the coins slipped out of the U.S. Mint without "In God We Trust" stamped on the edge, the Smiths said Tuesday they found one with nothing stamped on either flat side.

It does have "In God We Trust" on the edge. What's missing is the image of George Washington on the front and the Statue of Liberty on the back. Instead, the Smiths' coin is just smooth, shiny metal.

"We're just so excited," Mary Smith told The Associated Press. "I'm just dumbfounded that we actually found something significant."

Mint spokesman Michael White said officials had not confirmed the Smiths' find. But Ron Guth, a coin authenticator with Professional Coin Grading Service of Newport Beach, Calif., said after examining it he is certain the coin is authentic.

"It's really pretty rare," Guth said. "It somehow slipped through several steps and inspections."

The couple, who live in Fort Collins north of Denver and collect coins, bought two rolls of the presidential dollars March 7 after hearing about the earlier mistake. Mary Smith said she thought they might find a "Godless" dollar of their own.

The faceless dollar could be worth thousands of dollars, maybe more, Guth said. The value will depend on how many similar misprints are found, but the Smiths' will always be worth more because it will be the first one independently authenticated, he said.

The first "Godless" coins went into circulation Feb. 15.

The Mint struck 300 million presidential coins, about half in Philadelphia and half in Denver. The Smiths' coin bears a D, meaning it was produced by the Denver Mint. The "Godless" coins were all believed to have come from the Philadelphia Mint.

The Smiths said that when they get their coin back from Guth, they'll stick it in a bank vault for at least a while.

A man in Augsburg, Germany, could lose his driver's license after getting caught with his cokatoo on his shoulder. walter Konehauser says his pet "was bored at home" so he took it for a joy ride. he was pulled over for speeding and was ticketed because the bird was flying around the car and could have cause an accident!!

Three bird-brained teens in Dresden, Germany, may have to pay $6,450 in fines for throwing firecrackers outside a farm. The farm owner claims the firecrackers scared the libido out of his pet ostrich, Gustav. The fireworks set off by the teens allegedly made the usually lustful Gustav both apathetic and depressed, and unable to perform his mating duties with two female ostriches!!! well, now I have heard everything.. don't want a depressed ostrich :(

The Buzz..Ken White.. LVRJ
(Is it free if it isn't ready in 30 minutes?)

$1,000 pizza pie? That's amore!
New York restaurateur offers luxury pie complete with caviar and lobster - 1 sold so far.
March 15 2007: 7:02 PM EDT

NEW YORK (Reuters) -- A New York restaurateur has cooked up the world's most extravagant pizza - a $1,000 pie topped with six kinds of caviar and fresh lobster.

Nino Selimaj, who runs six pizza restaurants in the Big Apple, on Wednesday unveiled the Luxury Pizza, a 12-inch thin crust topped with caviar, lobster, crème fraiche and chives. Cut into eight, it works out at $125 a slice.

"I know this won't be for everyone but there are people in New York who can afford it and once tried, they'll be back for more. It is delicious," said Selimaj, who moved to New York from Albania about 29 years ago.

"Sure, some people will say it is just a publicity stunt, but I have researched this for over a year and think there is a demand. I have already sold one," he told Reuters.

Selimaj said Nino's Bellissima in Manhattan, the only one of his restaurants to offer the dish, needs 24 hours notice for the gourmet dish because it orders the caviar in advance.

"But where better to experiment with pizza than in New York where people love their pizza?" he asked.

If diners are still hungry after the Luxury Pizza, they can always head over to nearby restaurant Serendipity, which sells a $1,000 ice-cream sundae called Golden Opulence that is covered in 23-karat edible gold leaf.
Sounds good to me :p


Beaumont. Texas...As his family and neighbors focused on rebuilding homes and lives battered by Hurricane Rita, few gave much thought to Larry Euglon's long absence. "All the neighbors asked where Mr. Larry was, said a friend, who lived across the street from Euglon for 20 years. "We decided that he had evacuated with the other people and just didn't have the chance to come back" In fact, he never left. The skeletal, mummified remains of the 51-yr-old recluse were discovered lying on his bed inside his home, which had no major storm damage but was still enveloped by thick branches from the splintered oak trees that surrounded his house. Now people wonder why it took nearly 18 months for Euglon to be found in this southwest Texas city. "I walked away with more questions than answers" said another friend . (great friends) Investigators say Euglon died of natural causes but can't dertermine whether it was before, or after Rita. he has been ill for some time before hand, but the extent of his illiness was unknown. He shunned most human contact, only coming out of his home to walk around his neighborhood, usually with his head down, and would run away, if he spotted relatives on the street (I do that too) YIKES..poor guy

The Associated Press

Bangor Township, MICH... Marylou Morin has no use for mice, but she thinks their bigger cousins make great pets. That's right, domesticated rats!! And her dog likes them, too. Morin known as the "rat llady" has babied rats for about 8 years, ever since her daughter brought home a lab rat named "Wicket" from Western Michigan University. The one-pound white male rat with pink eyes would fall asleep in her lap while she watched TV.. once again EWWWWW.. She and her husband, Don once had 13 rats in their home. It's not uncommon for Morin, a preschool teacher, to have a rat or two on her shoulder. her current critters are called Cubby, Sweet pea and Little Bit. "They help me relax a whole bunch, their gentle creatures, and they're just very loving" (till they bite you) she told the Bay City Times. Unlike wild rats, the domesticated rodents don't pose any health risks, they groom themselves frequently and ever groom each other (isn't that sweet..NOT} Her 26-pound minature schnauzer Bobbi Anne, herds the three 8, oz rats like a border colle rounds up sheep. 'She thinks they're her babies", says Morin, she lets them chew on her little beard, sometimes they'll even lie on her back" EWWWW.. no thank's, whatever :rolleyes:

Was one of this board's members responsible for this?

53 Reptiles Stolen From Wildlife Park
Mar 18, 12:55 PM (ET)

MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) - Thieves stole a baby crocodile and more than 50 snakes and lizards from an Australian wildlife park, officials said.

Jason Watson, owner of the Wildlife Wonderland park in southern Victoria state, said workers found reptile tanks raided on Sunday morning. A 23-inch freshwater crocodile, 47 blue tongue lizards, three bearded dragons and two pythons were missing.

Watson said the animals were worth 20,000 Australian dollars ($16,000).

"I feel physically sick," Watson said. "It's like they have stolen my kids."

Victoria police spokeswoman Creina O'Grady the thieves may have stolen the animals to sell to collectors.

Virginia City, NV.... Hundreds of people wainted in lines for up to an hour in Virginia City this past weekend for a chance to taste something different at the 16th annual Mountain Oyster Fry. Servers at 5 booths dispensed about 30 pounds of "fried oysters" sheep testicles, at the Saturday event in this historic mining town, about 25 miles southeast of Reno. Visitors gave mixed reviews to the tiny morsels, which can be fried, barbecued, stuffed, or ground up and sauteed. 'People think, Oh, sheep testicles, gross (ah, yeah) but their pretty tasty" said Amanda Palmer, 21. opf Carson City. Among other things, the versatile meat has been used in tacos, and sloppy Joes. we try to get families from all over to try them, but their all 'nuh-uh' :confused:


Delray Beach, FLA....A partially mummified baby apparently born in the 1950's and dicovered by a woman cleaning out her dead parent's storage unit, died of an "undetermined" cause, a coronor said Monday. The undentified boy was found Jan. 22 by the daughter of a elderly couple who had rented the storage unit in 1996. The man died several years ago, and the weoman died last year, according to police. "We don't know what the cause and the manner of death was with the baby? Palm Beach County Medical Examiner Dr. Michael Bell said. "We have no way of knowing whether the child was stillborn or born alive" Odette Lamanna, 46, was cleaning out the unit with her husband when she discovered the body. The baby was found wrapped in a Jan, 9 1957, edition of the New York Daily News and stuffed inside a small suitcase, and that was inside a larger suitcase. GROSS :(.. The baby was determned to be between a newborn and a 2 months or so baby, and showed no signs of injuries, Bell said !!


An 85-year old Chinses man was saved by a nail recently after he fell from a fifth story window of a building. Zhao Jinfzhi was caught by a nail on the wall of the building wich snagged his clothing and held him dangling above ground. A neighbor noticed Jingzhi's legs swinging outside her window and called firefighters!!

A man in Fort Myers, Fla. recently walked into a hotel, demanded money from the front desk cash register, and implied he had a gun in his jacket, all while continuing to talk on his cell phone. The man then fled with the cash and police found his clothing outside on the ground of the hotel. The presumably naked and talkative robber remains at large!!

The Buzz..Ken White.. LVRJ
European Web Sites Go for Long Addresses
Mar 23, 6:34 PM (ET)

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - What's in an Internet domain name? Sixty-three characters max. The group managing the European .eu domain said Friday that six people last year registered the longest Internet addresses allowed, ranging from the tongue-twisting name of a Welsh village to the first 63 numbers that make up the mathematical constant pi. One German user was firmly tongue in cheek when registering - which doesn't live up to comic potential since it links to a site saying it is being held for a client.

Another German comedian registered both and

A French company wasn't quite so funny, registering a French-language phrase promising that its Internet services would help a business grow:

But the Welsh village that enjoys the record-breaking longest place name has kindly given an alternative to its full name:

For those willing to give their fingers some typing exercise, the full version is: The village's site said the name actually refers to the Wupper part of the Welsh-speaking village on the Isle of Anglesey in North Wales.

For fans of pi - a figure that refers to the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter - a German technology company has registered the first 63 decimal places of the never-ending number:

The European Registry of Internet Domain Names, or EURid, said Friday that almost 2.5 million .eu addresses were registered last year after its April 7 launch. The most applied for names were,, and, it said.

The popularity of the new .eu "exceeded all expectations," EURid said as it become the third-favorite for Europeans registering Internet addresses, only topped by Germany's .de and Britain's .uk.


Psychic Chat Drives Fire Marshal to Quit
Mar 24, 9:27 PM (ET)

MIDDLETON, Wis. (AP) - A fire marshal who admitted consulting online psychics at work didn't need a crystal ball to tell him it was time to resign.

Tom Weber, a 22-year fire veteran, was put on administrative leave nine months ago after he was accused of asking an online psychic on a department computer whether he and others would be successful in getting rid of Middleton's fire chief.

Fire Chief Aaron Harris discovered the query, and said Weber had exchanged e-mails with other people seeking to remove the chief.

Weber said he's resigning effective March 31, and denied working against Harris. But he doesn't dispute contacting psychics on department computers. A computer technician found other communications dating back three years.

"Everyone is entitled to their spiritual guidance," Weber said.

He said he's been interested in psychics for years.

Harris was elected chief in the Madison suburb in 2003 and later appointed to the position permanently. Harris has said that during restructuring of the department, a small group of employees and volunteers began working against him.

"This has been an ongoing battle for about two years," said Weber. "It was pretty much just time to step aside and let people go on with what they need to do."


Mouse Absconds With Maine Man's Dentures
Mar 24, 3:18 PM (ET)

WATERVILLE, Maine (AP) - Never underestimate a mouse's determination. There's a mouse in Bill Exner's house that he says he has captured three times. Each time, the mouse escaped, and the last time the rodent made off with his lower dentures.

Exner, 68, said he and his wife Shirley scoured his bedroom after the dentures disappeared from his night stand.

"We moved the bed, moved the dressers and the night stand and tore the closet apart," he said. "I said, 'I knew that little stinker stole my teeth' - I just knew it."

They found a small opening in a wall where they suspected the mouse was coming and going, and their daughter's fiance, Eric Holt, stepped in to help.

"He brought a crowbar and hammer and he sawed off a section of wood and pulled up the molding and everything," Exner said. "It was quite a job."

They retrieved the dentures, and Holt suggested his future father-in-law boil them in peroxide and whatever else he could find for to disinfect it.

The mouse apparently isn't done. It frequently comes out and stares at Exner, his wife said.

"He's taunting him - I swear he's taunting him," Shirley Exner said.
Kermit, you puny munchkin, eat your heart out!

Group Finds Toad the Size of a Small Dog
Mar 27, 7:37 AM (ET)


DARWIN, Australia (AP) - An environmental group said Tuesday it had captured a "monster" toad the size of a small dog.

With a body the size of a football and weighing nearly 2 pounds, the toad is among the largest specimens ever captured in Australia, according to Frogwatch coordinator Graeme Sawyer.

"It's huge, to put it mildly," he said. "The biggest toads are usually females but this one was a rampant male ... I would hate to meet his big sister."

Frogwatch, which is dedicated to wiping out a toxic toad species that has killed countless Australian animals, picked up the 15-inch-long cane toad during a raid on a pond outside the northern city of Darwin late Monday.

Cane toads were imported from South America during the 1930s in a failed attempt to control beetles on Australia's northern sugar cane plantations. The poisonous toads have proven fatal to Australia's delicate ecosystems, killing millions of native animals from snakes to the small crocodiles that eat them.

As part of its so-called "Toad Buster" project, Frogwatch conducts regular raids on local water holes, blinding the toads with bright lights then scooping them up by the dozen.

"We kill them with carbon dioxide gas, stockpile them in a big freezer and then put them through a liquid fertilizer process" that renders the toads nontoxic, Sawyer said.

"It turns out to be sensational fertilizer," he added.


Waterville, Maine...Never underestimate a mouse's determination. There's a mouse in Bill Exner's house that he says he has captured 3 times, and it escaped and the last time made off with his lower dentures :D Exner, 68, said he and his wife Shirley , scoured his whole bedroom after the dentures disapeared from his nitestand. They found a small opening in a wall where they suspected the mouse was coming and going. They sawed off a section of wood and pulled off the moulding, retriving the dentures. But, the mouse apparently isn't done. It frequently comes out and stares at Exner his wife says. "He's taunting him, I swear h'es taunting him" she said.. (ever try a mousetrap}? :rolleyes:

The Associated Press
'911 Closed, Everyone at Doughnut Shop'
Mar 29, 4:02 PM (ET)

EASTON, Pa. (AP) - A firefighter clicked on a link on the city's Web site and got a recording of a bogus dispatcher saying 911 was closed.

"Our offices are closed because everyone is at the doughnut shop," said the audio file. Stu Gallaher, city business administrator, said Wednesday the file was quickly removed when city officials learned about it.

Gallaher said it was accidentally left on the site by former Fire Chief Frank Chisesi, who had been hired to improve the city's Internet offerings. Chisesi said he had placed several audio files on the site but they did not work and he thought he had deleted them.

Firefighter Terrance Hand e-mailed the link to city officials and the media, saying it was "not flattering" to the 911 call center, police or firefighters and seeking an apology. He said his only reply was from Councilman Dan Corpora.

Corpora said he intended to look into the posting, "and rectify any situation that would allow that to be put on the Web site."


Revealing Jail Shower Turns Case Around
Mar 29, 3:58 PM (ET)

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) - A statutory rape case against a 42-year-old charged as a man took on a different look after a jail shower revealed the defendant is actually a woman.

The female victim and several prisoners at the Hamilton County Jail were among those surprised to discover that the person booked in the case as Alexander David Cross is a woman also known as Elaine Ann Cross.

Cross had been in jail awaiting a court appearance Wednesday, where she pleaded guilty to an aggravated statutory rape charge as part of a deal with prosecutors. The charge stems from a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl.

In exchange for the plea, Cross will not serve jail time if she stays out of trouble for six years.

Officials said her gender was revealed when jail authorities directed Cross to take a shower.

"After about 10 days in jail, they figure out Alex Cross is a female," Assistant District Attorney Boyd Patterson said in court.

Patterson didn't immediately return a call Thursday seeking more information about the case.

The charges indicate Cross and the teenager had some sort of sexual contact at least three times during June and July 2006.

Patterson said the teen was "enamored" with Cross and had considered marriage when she thought Cross was a man.

As part of the plea agreement, Cross must register as a convicted sex offender, have no contact with the teen and change her gender designation on her driver's license to female.

Cross couldn't immediately be located for comment Thursday.


Boy Finds Watch Buried in North Pole
Mar 29, 12:53 PM (ET)

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) - A wristwatch buried in the ice at the North Pole three years ago was found by a boy more than 1,800 miles away after it floated ashore on the Faeroe Islands.

Niels Jakup Mortensen, 11, spotted a black box near his home on Suduroy, the Faeroes' southernmost island, his mother Anna Jacobsen said. Inside, she said, was a watch that had been buried at the North Pole by Joergen Amundsen, a descendant of Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen.

Jacobsen said the watch discovered by her son earlier this month was still working, and was accompanied by a letter from Joergen Amundsen. "It was so unbelievable," she said. "It had been buried in the North Pole."

Hjalmar Hatun, an oceanographer with the Faeroese Fisheries Laboratory, said the watch likely drifted south with one of the chunks of ice that frequently break away at the North Pole and are carried off by ocean currents.

The Faeroes, an 18-island Danish territory, are located halfway between Scotland and Iceland.

Hatun said the ice breaking off is not related to global warming, as the phenomenon was first observed more than 100 years ago. "So in that sense, the fact that objects from the North Pole can drift south is old news," he said.


Mom Allegedly Tells Girls to Steal Dog
Mar 29, 8:28 PM (ET)

ANTIOCH, Calif. (AP) - A woman who allegedly instructed her two young daughters to steal a neighbor's dog was arrested on charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and grand theft.

Nora Vasquez' arrest Wednesday came a week after her daughters, ages 7 and 9, told their elementary school principal they snatched the missing mutt on their mother's orders.

A witness to the daylight dog-napping earlier this month told investigators that he saw two girls jump out of an SUV and grab the pooch from a neighbor's porch while a woman shouted at them to hurry.

"We wonder why our children wind up the way they do," said Antioch Police Lt. Pat Welch. "It's unbelievable someone would take a 7- and 9-year-old and encourage them to do that and think it's appropriate behavior."

Vasquez, 35, acknowledged she told the girls to get the dog, a 1-year-old Chihuahua-Pekinese mix named Guppi, but told investigators she thought the pet was in danger from another dog nearby, according to Welch.

Vazquez was released on $20,000 bail, Welch said. The Associated Press could not find a listed telephone number for her.

The sisters first came under suspicion in Guppi's disappearance when a school librarian noticed one of them reacting strangely to a sign the dog's owners posted offering a reward for its return. The pair was summoned into the principal's office, where they confessed, according to Welch.

Merlot can be a variety of grape or a type of red wine but not an acceptable personalized license plate in the state of Utah. Glenn Eurick's 1996 Mercedes as had the license plate reading 'merlot for 10 years. he says the plate never got a lot of notice until the Utah Tax Commission told him this month that he had to remove it, because the state doesn't allow words of intoxicant to be used on vanity plates. Six or seven words such as liquor or whiskey probably woudln't make it through the state screening process before the plates are issued. But 'merlot' did and Eurick was fine until an anonymous caller told the state that 'merlot' was also an alcoholic beverage. Eurick's car with th offensive plate in dark red, like the wine. he said few people made the connection. Though one man did ask "if we chose 'merlot' because there were too many letters in 'cabernet sauvignon' Eurick said... he also stated he will challenge the state's decision (damn Mormons) :devil:

The Associated Press vs LVRJ
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