Around the weird:news of the bizarre

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NEW YORK, Oct 26 (Reuters Life!) - A new fast food is making its debut at U.S. fairs this fall -- fried Coke.

Abel Gonzales, 36, a computer analyst from Dallas, tried about 15 different varieties before coming up with his perfect recipe -- a batter mix made with Coca-Cola syrup, a drizzle of strawberry syrup, and some strawberries.

Balls of the batter are then deep-fried, ending up like ping-pong ball sized doughnuts which are then served in a cup, topped with Coca-Cola syrup, whipped cream, cinnamon sugar and a cherry on the top.

"It tastes great," said Sue Gooding, a spokeswoman for the State Fair of Texas where Gonzales' fried Coke made its debut this fall. "It was a huge success."

Gonzales ran two stands at the State Fair of Texas and sold up to 35,000 fried Cokes over 24 days for $4.50 each -- and won a prize for coming up with "most creative" new fair food.

Now other fairs in North Carolina and Arizona are following the trend, and other people are trying to emulate Gonzales' recipe.

Gonzales gave no indication of the calories in his creation and said he would not patent it.

"The best I can hope for is that it's the original and hopefully the best fried Coke out there," he said.

But Gonzales said the success of his fried Coke had inspired him. Next year's fair-goers can look forward to fried Sprite or -- for those watching their weight -- fried diet Coke.

"We are trying to cut a lot of the sugar out of it. It has less calories but it's still very, very sweet," he said.

Ray Crockett, a spokesman for Coca-Cola Co., said: "We're constantly amazed at the creative ways folks find to enjoy their Coke and make it part of celebrations like fairs and festivals. This is one is definitely different
:lol: :lol: :lol: Wow. Fried coke. That sounds so wrong. And kind of gross. I don't think I could eat that.
HUMANS..BURROS HEAD OUT FOR THE FLAPJACKS another stupidity on the earth :rolleyes:

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day..especially for the Burros in Beatty, NV...Every year the town hosts it's traditional Burro Flapjack Races.. where humans and burros team to race and eat flapjacks, This years event is today.. with the human contestants strapping a harness and saddle to their burro, loading the critter with cargo and leading around a racetrack. After that, in order to win the humans must unload their burros, build a fire and have them eat the pancakes..however, "sometimes, it's like pulling teeth to make a burro eat a pancake", says event spokesman Debbie Wilkinson... well, have you tried butter and syrup?

The Buzz..Ken White..LVRJ
I read this in The Boston Globe this afternoon.

FERN PARK, Fla. (AP) - A 15-year-old boy stole a bus, drove it along a public transit route, picked up passengers and collected fares, authorities said Sunday.

Ritchie Calvin Davis took the bus Saturday from the Central Florida Fairgrounds in Orlando, where it was parked awaiting sale at an auction, a Seminole County sheriff's report said. The bus belongs to the Central Florida Transportation Agency, which runs LYNX public transit services in the Orlando area.

"I drove that bus better than most of the LYNX drivers could," the teen, who is too young to drive legally, told a deputy after he was stopped and arrested. "There isn't a scratch on it. I know how to start it, drive it, lower it, raise it."

Davis had previously been charged for a similar bus theft. Details of that case were unavailable Sunday.

Passengers and deputies noted Davis drove the bus at normal speeds and made all the appropriate stops on the route. One passenger, suspicious of the youthful looks of the driver, called 911.

The bus had two passengers when deputies stopped it in Fern Park, about 12 miles north of the fairgrounds. Authorities believe Davis picked up a total of three passengers and collected only a few dollars.

He was charged with grand theft auto and driving without a license. A court hearing was scheduled Tuesday to determine whether he will be charged as an adult.

A message left at the home of a man identified as a Davis relative was not immediately returned Sunday.
This happened a month ago here near me. I was laughing when I read about it in newspapers but I couldn't help to feel sorry for the man.

Court says 25,500 euros is too much to fondle bosom

A fee of 25,500 euros (17,000 pounds) is way too much for a woman to charge a man for fondling her bosom, a Finnish district court ruled.

The court jailed a couple in their twenties for more than a year for charging a 74-year-old who suffers from dementia a total of 25,500 euros to enjoy the woman's breasts on 10 occasions.

"Based on general life experience alone, it is indisputably clear that a 25,500 euro charge is disproportionate to the compensation in question," Judge Hasse Häkki, who heard the case, told Reuters on Friday.

But he said the court in Kokkola, about 480 km (300 miles) north of Helsinki, would not decide "the proper financial value of the compensation".

The pensioner filed charges against the couple, who were convicted of extortionate overcharging, even though he told the court he paid the price willingly at the time.

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The reason this came up was the woman,who worked in a bank and knew the man and she refused to give money to this man, because she suspected something was wrong.
I'm more shocked that it happened here.We are such a lame province and behind in everything and so calm and stuff. :p
Run this one through AFIS...

Thief leaves police a vital tip-off
Oct 31, 10:18 AM (ET)

BERLIN (Reuters) - A careless burglar in Germany left behind a vital clue at a break-in when he sliced off the end of a finger and left it behind, police said on Monday.

"We usually find fingerprints at the crime scene, but it's not every day that thieves leave the original there too," said a spokesman for police in the central town of Hildesheim.

Police wasted no time in matching the piece of finger with existing prints they had from a 15-year-old of Iraqi origin.

The youth initially denied breaking and entering into an office to steal a computer but confessed when police produced the digital remnant, which had been severed on a broken window.

"I don't know if the fellow asked for it (the fingertip) back afterwards," the police spokesman said.


Dead woman wins election in Alaska after coin toss
Oct 31, 10:16 AM (ET)

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Reuters) - A dead woman won re-election to a school board in rural Alaska after her opponent lost a coin flip meant to break an electoral tie.

Katherine Dunton, who died of cancer on October 3, the day of the local election, was re-elected to the Aleutian Region School District board after her opponent, Dona Highstone, called "heads" on a coin toss that landed "tails," state and local officials said.

"This is the first that I have ever heard about, not only in our state but in any other," said Whitney Brewster, director of the Alaska Division of Elections.

The coin toss was held on Friday, in accordance with state law, to break the tie since both candidates had 19 votes.

The school district, which covers an island region stretching 600 miles and has jurisdiction over about 50 students, has not yet decided how to fill Dunton's seat.
23 municipalities aren't allowed to use voting computers

TUESDAY OCTOBER 31ST - The Dutch government inspected voting computers in all municipalities in The Netherlands and forbid the use of the computers in 23 of them. According to the government the computers from a company called Sdu 'emit' frequencies that can be intercepted by the wrong kind of people. Also it is said that it's too easy to find out how the previous person voted.

All municipalities are protesting since there aren't enough approved computers and there is too little time (and money) to replace them. One of the municipalities, the city of Amsterdam, has already anounced they are going back to 'voting with a pencil' since it will be impossible to replace all the 'faulty' computers.

Looks like I will be voting with a pencil since I live in one of those municiplities with faulty computers :p
BATESVILLE, Ark. - Police knew this Bill wasn't authentic. A man has been arrested for trying to use a $100 bill with no president's face and the name of former President Clinton.

The man, who has not been identified, was arrested Friday after trying to use the bill to buy cigarettes at a Batesville gas station.

"The bill was unmistakably fake due to the fact that the ink was running on the bill, the president's face was missing and for the president's name, it had the name Clinton on it," said Deputy Nathan Stephens.

The sheriff's office expects to file counterfeiting charges against the suspect, authorities said.

"Of all the cases I've worked with phony money, this is the sorriest bill I've ever seen," Lt. Brenda Bittle said.

That Reminds me of Alice Regina Pike.
Lawyer arrested after dressing as bin Laden
Nov 1, 9:11 AM (ET)

BOSTON (Reuters) - A Maine attorney who released information in 2000 about President George W. Bush's drunken driving conviction was arrested on Tuesday after he dressed up as al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and waved a fake gun at traffic.

Police in South Portland, Maine, arrested Thomas Connolly, 49, of Scarborough, Maine, and charged him with criminal threatening. He was released on bail, local officials said.

Lt. Todd Bernard said the police department received calls about a man wearing Middle Eastern garb and a bin Laden mask and carrying fake dynamite standing along an interstate highway. When police arrived, they saw Connolly holding a gun.

"They ordered him to drop the weapon several times and he eventually complied," Bernard said.

It turned out the gun was fake, Bernard said.

In a phone interview, Connolly said he'd been trying to protest a planned change in local tax rules.

"I didn't expect to be arrested," he said. "Obviously I touched a post-9/11 nerve."

Days before the 2000 presidential election, Connolly released information about Bush's 1976 drunken driving conviction.

The Bush campaign said Democratic "dirty tricks" were behind the disclosure that at age 30 Bush had been arrested for drunken driving in Kennebunkport, Maine, pleaded guilty, paid a fine and had his license suspended for 30 days.

Connolly, a Democrat, ran for governor in Maine in 1998.

South Portland, Maine, is located about 100 miles northeast of Boston.

Fern Park, FLA.--A 15-yr. old boy stole a bus, drove it along a public highway, picked up passengers and collected fares, authorites said..Ritchie Calvin Davis took the bus Saturday form the Central Florida Fairgrounds in Orlando, where it was parked awaiting sale at an auction, a Seminole County sheriff's report said. The bus belongs to the Central Florida Transportation agency, which runs LYNX public transit services in the Orlando area. "I drove that bus better than most of the LYNX drivers coul" the teen said. Passengers and deputies noted Davis drove the bus at normal sppeds and made all the appropriate stops on the passenger suspicious of the youthful looks of the driver called 911. He was charged with grand theft auto and driving without a license. A court hearing was scheduled Tuesday to determine whether he will be charged as an adult

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