Are you In or Out of your Shipper Closet?

I'm definitely outed. My friends know I write fanfic. A couple toss me ideas when I run dry and I'm constantly getting nagged for "the next one". I got thrown a party to celebrate the fanfiction awards. Only a couple of my coworkers know, but it's a standing joke every Wednesday now that I take my dinner break at nine because I have (and I'll quote them) "a date with Carmine".
My family and friends all know about my Miami obsession, in fact I,m pretty proud of the ones who I have got hooked on the show!!
As for the shipping that is a big secret, they already think I am obsessive, not giving them any more ammo!!
i wish my friends watched csi... :( ive got no one to talk to about any of it, cept everyone here on talkCSI, but hey its better then nothing, lol.
i wish my friends watched csi... :( ive got no one to talk to about any of it, cept everyone here on talkCSI, but hey its better then nothing, lol.

I get to talk about it a little...standard "water cooler" type talk at the office but none of it is what I guess you'd call shippy talk. The only things that ever really bother me about "being in the closet" on this,are a: when something happens that I feel is shippy I want to jump off the couch and holler "eeeek" but, I of course do not, and b: when I read an especially good fanfic story and I want to show it to someone and just say "look at this amazing piece of writing".
Okay, well really really close friends now that I'm a Nick/Greg shipper and about all my other slash ships. They do routinely read through my stuff. CSI came out about... gosh I was like a junior in high school I think and I had a group of people who would sit down and watch the show and then we'd discuss it afterwards. So I've always kind of had that support from my friends show wise and my friends always knew about my Nick/Greg obsession. My roommate knows as well and when he's home I usually make him beta... as evidence by the mistakes in them he's usually never home or he refuses flat out. Not the he doesn't like them, but he says he'll only read them if he's not forced... go figure.

The only people who don't really know are my family. They know I write fan fiction and watch the show, but I'm still a little afraid to tell them I write slash. I only ever told my close aunt and even then I was stumbling over my words. My dad knows I like Catherine/Grissom, but I've never written anything for them so that's different. I think he suspects that I like Nick/Greg because when I was down for his bday last week I was telling him about the show (I usually call him the friday after. I'm really close with my dad) and all the relationship dynamics and he said 'They should just put Nick and Greg together. That would make your life a whole lot easier'. So I don't know, maybe I just make my shipper love a little too obvious.
I don't share anything with the people close to me because they think it's very strange.

So yes, never share it. Usually let the strangers online do it for me.
Haven't really shared but with a few people. Husband included, but he doesn't know how bad the jones is for it all lol. I keep thinking people will make fun of me so I just keep my mouth shut. 3 cheers for internet anonymity.
To my family, no, I'm not out. I don't think their reaction would be a positive one.
My friends know I luv Greg and the other hott guys of CSI, but don't know about the fanfic and stuff.
Uh, I'm sorta half in half out.... My whole family ships so we have that in common, but they have no idea HOW obsessively I ship or the fact that I write stuff... Most ppl know I'm obsess... DEVOTED to CSI but not the depth of it.. & that my loverly ppl is why I have yous alls :D
I just came out of the shipper closet to my boyfriend and he of course thinks that I am crazy, but he stills loves me anyway :) He knows that I just made my first video, but he doesn't know that I read the fanfiction and I spend a lot of my spare time reading about it and searching for it on the net. It is nice to know that there are other people out there like me.
Ha...well I'm definetely not in the CSI closet. EVERYONE knows I love the show, the science, and the 'ships. It's really funny, though, seeing people who barely know what CSI is be all like "So have Nick and Sara hooked up yet" every time they see me ;) Unfortunately there's only one person who both knows AND cares about what I'm talking about so yeah :lol:
Very OUT!

Whenever the show comes up besides asking “What’s your favorite episode or character?” I always ask “So who do you ship?” Most of the time I’m met with questioning looks because I forget that most people aren’t as crazy as me. So my room mates defiantly know, and I've gotten several of my friends hooked on fan fiction (yes they want to kill me for that now). Both of my parents watch the TV show regularly now as well because I've got them hooked on it when I was visiting. My father especially because he's retired law enforcement, he thinks Jorja Fox is pretty (yay!) and my mom is a Snickers fan, it‘s cute. So whenever I feel like bugging my mom I just bring up Sandles or Geeklove, it’s good fun. My brother has listened to my shipper ranting as well and think I'm nuts, but hey Sanity is over rated -personal quote. (I’ll get him hooked too, just watch…
Well, I'm out to my Mother, who also loves the show (though maybe not to the obsessive degree that I do...) My friends all kinda know, although most of them don't really pay attention cuz, bar one, they don't watch CSI (the FREAKS refuse to watch anything that doesn't have an alien in it... :confused: :lol: ) Although I have converted one of my friends to the Lusting after Jorja Fox Society despite the fact he doesn't watch the show...

They all vaguely know that I write fics, but only one of my friends actively reads them - and he doesn't even watch CSI!!! He logs on and check every now and then to see what I've written and give me concrit and he's very supportive despite the fact that I don't write in a genre that necessarily appeals to him. True friendship, ladies and gentlemen! :D
*coughs* I had to explain to my fellow students (aged about 22) what a shipper exactly is. So some of them know I ship, but they don't know me at all. My parents and siblings know I'm obsessed.. my sister (who used to come here and went by the name of 'Ylime') knows about almost everything except for my written fanfic.. and my niece is sooo on to me, she kinda observes me when I watch, so I think she knows what's going on.. even found some pics on my pc which were not meant for her to see (she's 9).. uh-oh.

So no one knows I write fanfic, they all know I love CSI, few people I hardly know now know that I'm a shipper.. and I like to keep it that way.
Yeah, I had to explain to my *VERY* close friends what a shipper was. No one except them know. And when I watch CSI, I may randomly shout out something like "SANDLE MOMENT!!!" And everyone stares. Oh, and I tell my mom and my dad, and my sister that this site is for homework. :) They wouldn't be pleased to know how actually obbessed I am.