Are We Paying You By The Word? - The CSI Booklist

The Collins Family: A Tragic Colloquy by Sara Sidle
and Catherine Willows; photographs by Nick Stokes.
Epilogue co-written by James Brass and Gil Grissom.
The Way To Better Mental Health Through Overwork by Gil Grissom

(BTW, where's an smiley with a straw hat?)
The Coroner's Scrapbook by Al Robbins

Deaths on Five Dollars a Day by Gil Grissom

Two Cadavers For the Price of One by Al Robbins

You Take the Lowlands and I'll take the Hills:An Ethnological Essay by Jim Brass
Worthless Life, Worthy Death:A Paradox by Gil Grissom
Since the first post from this thread is WAYYYYYYYY back there now, I'm just going to re-post what the author originally intended for this topic since I think a few people might not have caught that originally, ironic titles were sort of what was requested... Not that it matters that much either way, but just FYI:

"I thought it might be fun. The idea is you write the title and author of a book that would be incredibly short given their knowledge on the subject. In other words, topics our CSIs would be REALLY bad at writing. Example:

Ethics, Schmethics: Interpersonal Relationships In The Workplace by Gilbert Grissom and Sara Sidle

You Have The Right To Remain Fabulous! A Guide To Appropriate Workplace Attire by Catherine Willows, foreword by Stella Bonasera

¡Libérate Hombre! The Day Of Judgement Is Closely At Hand: Don't Let Your Co-Workers Push You Around by Nicholas Stokes (also available in broken Spanish)

Gay Spirit Warrior: An Empowerment Workbook for Men Who Love Men by Donald Flack, foreword by (wishes to remain anonymous)

We're All Pink Inside: Approaching Racial Issues in the Workplace With Tact by Frank Tripp

Necrophilia For Dummies: 101 Funny Uses For The Word 'Stiff' by Dr. Alexx Woods

Surviving Loss, Betrayal, Lies, Death, Drowning, Demotion, Addiction, And Geriatric Sex With Class and Professionalism by Catherine Willows

Labels Disable: Fat and Loving It! by Tony Vartann

Crazy And Me: A Survival Guide For Men Who Love To Give by Eric Delko

Whip It! The Long Lost Art of Communication by Lady Heather, illustrations by Gilbert Grissom

"Oh, What The Hell" - A Love Story by Gilbert Grissom, edited by Sara Sidle

"..." : Helping Your Co-Workers Mourn by Calleigh Duquesne

I'm Gonna Pretend I Didn't Hear That: When No Means No by Sara Sidle

Lil' Kid Lover: Using Proximity And Gratuitous Touching To Help Children Through Trauma by Horatio Caine (rejected titles: Let Me Kiss Your Boo-Boo Away and Funny Uncle Horatio Has Loving Hands)

He's Just Not That Into You by Rick Stetler, foreword by Sara Sidle (foreword retracted after printing)

Cancerous And Fabulous! Don't Let Your White Blood Cell Count Drag You Down by Marisol Delko"

Designing your Office so it is Full of Life! By Dr. Albert Robbins

How to Make good First Impressions By David Hodges
:lol: These are funny guys :p Lemme try...

Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover by Hank Peddigrew ([/i]out-of-print. Shortly after being published, Mr. Peddigrew received several threatening emails from one Sara Sidle, and being the wussy cheating ass he is handed his fame and fortune over to Ms. Sidle along with the contract for his book which she immediately canceled. Ms. Sidle now lives in Malibu happily with her boyfriend (name indisclosed).[/i]

How to Lose Badly at Chess But Still Manage to Flirt With Your Extremely-Sexy Brown-Haired Coworker by Warrick Brown xD

Kinky!: A Memoir by Heather Kessler, foreward by Gil Grissom
If These Walls Could Talk: A Tragedy in Two Acts by Gil Grissom. Photographs by Nick Stokes. Epilogue by Jim Brass
Dude, Where's My Car?!- by Nick Stokes, with foreword, prologue, and epilogue by Greg Sanders
Story Of My Life In The Las Vegas Crime Lab's DNA Lab- by Greg Sanders
What It Feels Like To Look Like Another CSI Actor- by Jonathan Togo and Eric Szmanda