Are We Paying You By The Word? - The CSI Booklist

How To Keep Your Brown Hair Brown - Sara Sidle
How to impress your boss in Ten Seconds - Calleigh Duquesne
White Smile, Without Any Whiteners - Stella Bonasera
Horatio and I : A Love Story by Alexx Woods

Reinventing Yourself: A Guide to the New You by Calleigh Duquesne

The C.S.I.'s Rulebook to Playing Twenty Questions, rev. ed., by Horatio Caine
Climb that Roller-coaster: How to have some fun after work
by Sara Sidle

'I was meant to wear a tugsido: Grissom's memories'
by Gil Grissom

The shooter's guide: How to shoot a suspect without killing a partner
by Jim Brass

Worker's bible: Best way to be promoted in a few years
by Sofia Curtis

How to be a CSI without never risking your life at all
by Nick Stokes
Vegas, The Holy Grail of Gambling by Sam Braun

The C.S.I. Guidebook to Russian Swearwords by Eric Delko

Shootout at BootHill Casino by Nick Stokes

Ecklie - Then and Now: A History by Catherine Willows and Nick Stokes
How to Read Someone Like a Book Gil Grissom
How to Become the Most Popular in Your Workplace Conrad Ecklie
It Wasn't Me- The guide to fooling everyone into thinking that you didn't blow up the lab David Hodges epilogue by Catherine Willows
Elayne said:

Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella , by Horatio Caine

:lol: i love that imagine H singing with an umbrella! lmao here

The long and steady relationship by Warrick Brown foreward by the entire las vegas crime lab.
Tina...or Mia ?? by Warrick Brown . Photos and Epilogue by Greg Sanders

The Real Predators by Catherine Willows and Gil Grissom
The Nerd's Guide to Computers:All You need to Know and Much More by Tomas Nunez

Frontier Justice Sucks! by Nick Stokes
cool titles VManso. Just wondering....was Tomas Nunez that computer guy in the CSI books who liked Catherine, or was he in the actual episodes?
Red Flags: Top 10 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Cheating on You by Sara Sidle