Are We Paying You By The Word? - The CSI Booklist

How to Apply Makeup While in a Rush By Catherine Willows

How to be a Neglectful Mother By Catherine Willows

Your Ass is Grass! By Conrad Ecklie

Where to Shop for Hideous Hawaiian Shirts By Gilbert Grissom

How to Deal with the Dead By Doc. Robbins

How to Whip a Serial Killer's Ass By Lady Heather

How to Shake that Lafy Tafy at Work By Warrick Brown

100 Ways to Piss off Catherine Willows and Sophia Curtis By Sara Sidle

How to Deepen that Scowl! Authored and Illustrated by Jim Brass

Top Ramen is my Hero By Greg Sanders
Petechials Are Fun by Al Robbins

The Dead Are My Family:My Life Story by Alexx Woods

How To Look Bored Without Seeming It by Jim Brass

Social and Physical Invisibility by Sid Hammerbeck

Storytelling for Adults and Kids by Mac Taylor
I'm going to try these...

Bugs: Hate Them! ! by Gil Grissom

How NOT to Have an Affair with Your Boss by Sara Sidle

Top 10 Tips for Grilling Meat by Sara Sidle

I hope these are ok?
Hmm havent seen so many books by Greg...

101 Signs Of Caffeine Overdose - by Greg Sanders

Spontanious Toilet Combustion: Fact or Fiction - by Greg Sanders, foreword by Sara Sidle

Maintaining A Single Hairdo For 6 Seasons - by Greg Sanders
Superiority and Smugness in the Workplace by Conrad Ecklie and David Hodges

Nobody Owns Me by Warrick Brown

How To Make Friends With The Coroner (Not) by Ryan Wolfe

The Human Puzzle Book by Catherine Willows

The Glass is Half Empty:My Philosophy by Eric Delko

Miami:City of Dance by Horatio Caine
My Happy Childhood in the California Foster Care System by Sara Sidle

Not MY Daughter: Choose a Career Your Daughter wants to Follow by Catherine Willows
From Short to Pornstache to George Maharis by Nick Stokes

The Jim Brass Fan Club School Yearbook by Gil Grissom, Catherine Willows , Sara Sidle and Nick Stokes. Foreword by Greg Sanders
Taking Time For You - How to achieve the work/life balance by Catherine Willows


Marriage and Motherhood: Making it work by Catherine Willows

Gun Cleaning Made Easy by Timothy Speedle

Don't Be The Victim - Taking control when your life's in danger by Nick Stokes

Banishing The Bugs: Ridding your home of unwanted pests by Dr. Gilbert Grissom
The Raymond Chandler Viewpoint of a Wedding by Greg Sanders
The Best Present Ever by Horatio Caine
Fantasy can be hazardous to Your Life by Sara Sidle and Catherine Willows

How to Drive a Car (Not) by Eddie Willows
Your Guide to the Best Butcher Shops in Las Vegas by Sara Sidle.

How to Find The Man That is Right For You by Catherine Willows and Sara Sidle