Are We Paying You By The Word? - The CSI Booklist

How to be a Brown-Noser for Fun and Profit by Hodges
Marriage isn't what you think it is by Catherine Willows
How My Marine Training helps me in my job:An Informal Autobiography by Mac Taylor
The Man's Guide To A Clean Shaven Face-By Tim Speedle.

Forrest Gump: The True Story As Told By Mac Taylor-By Mac Taylor

101 Tips on How To Spit-By Calleigh Duquesne

How To Plan Your Own Funeral Two Seasons Ahead Of Time-By Tim Speedle.

:lol: I'm sorry I had to do the last one.
How To Find A Man Who Won't Hurt You, Won't Cheat On You and Will Show The Whole World His Love For You, by Sara Sidle & Catherine Willows

Miami Dade Colour Lab (aka: The Art Of Matching Clothes), by Ann Donahue (kindly experimented on Lt. Horatio Caine's Day Shift)

No One Flirts In My Lab, by Conrad Eclkie
CalleighDuCaine said:
How To Find A Man Who Won't Hurt You, Won't Cheat On You and Will Show The Whole World His Love For You, by Sara Sidle & Catherine Willows
Nice one...another one that could say "forward by Stella Bonesera"

Love the Ecklie one too.
How to Look and Act Bored by Jim Brass

Semper Fi: A Book of Love Poetry by Mac Taylor

Promise Them Anything but Give Them Political Appointees by Brian Mobley and Rory Atwater