Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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That was an awesome episode, even though I am sad to see Anna/Linds leave for a few episodes. But she did a really good job for the five seconds of screen time that she had. I can't wait to have her back.

Any new news about her pregnancy? I'm so excited to hear about her baby!
I think she might've had her baby and we just don't know about it yet. In that eppy she looked crazy-pregnant, and when was that filmed do you think? Late December/early January? It's got to have either happened already and we just haven't found out about it, or it's happening within the next few days or week.
Well, I guess you can be right Radical618 ... But I hope that we kave news soon, or I am going to freak out :eek: No, seriously, I need to know...I'm just to excited to forget it, so anytime I arrive home it's like "Ok, let me check if there are any news about Anna in TalkCSI"...It's crazy :lol:
I'm still excited though, I'm trying my hardest ot not bounce off the walls :rolleyes: :lol:

I'm making a bunch of photoshop and paintshop brushes from pictures of that card.... including the stuff Lindsay wrote to Danny. I'm pretty excited to see what hey turn out like hehe....:D
About this whole pregnancy.
When Carmine at the Access Hollywood event said that they just finished shooting some scenes from when Lindsay is in Montana I'm thinking he meant that courtroom scene :D The event was on 13/01 so Anna probably shot them while she was still pregnant to go on leave right after that and have a break till they start the shooting for ep #19.
So she probably had or will have the baby in the second half of January :)
Except that:

I don't think they've filmed those scenes yet.

I imagine that Anna's probably had her baby but perhaps the news hasn't gotten out yet.
I'm sure episode 14 was filmed before Christmas (or at least Anna's scenes) and I'm with Orison and Radical, I think she's already had the baby (considering it was almost November before anything offical came out about her being pregnant). Maybe she had the baby in late December or early January which would make it possible for her to be back in time to shoot ep 18.

I'm with Top, I don't think they've filmed those scenes either. From looking at my sources, there's no way they could have pulled it off that wouldn't look like parts are out of place.
I wish I'd checked at the beginning of the month--there's apparently a "Sleuth" channel (I don't know if it's a regional thing or nationwide) that is airing episodes of Medical Investigation every week. This week is "Alienation" and "Mutation." Here is a link to Anna's schedule for the next two weeks. (I hope the link works. You can localize the listings to see if you get this "Sleuth" channel.)

Now I'm kind of bummed that I didn't know they were doing this, I could have been watching the episodes... :(

Anyway, I thought I'd mention that in case anybody wanted to check the show out. :)
Hey guys, found a cute pic somewhere on the internet... I guess it has already been posted, but I don't want to search all topics all over again, so here it is:

Edit: Doesn't work for some reason, I'm not so smart with computers so here's the URL:

^^^It does sound more logical that she's already had her baby. Aargh those spoilers are confusing (still love them though :D :p)

GillyGrissom welcome and txs for the cute pic. I've seen it a lot, but it's still lovely :D; although it's probably more appropriate for the D/L shipper thread .

btw you need to reach 100 posts first before you can actualy post an image.
I really like her hair in that pic...:) I was just wondering, I havent seen all of Season 2 yet... (I KNOW!) So, yes, which episode is that from?
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