Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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:) I think Lindsay is a great character. I would like to see her and Flack do a case this year..they seem to work together the least out of the cast.
She's so pretty! Saved to my pictures, but my favorite picture would always be this one:

or the "Classy" one.
I don't know about when...but does anyone know where? Because then maybe they release birth...certificates at the hospital? :lol: Sorry I'm not sure what they call..oh wait Birth Announcments?
I doubt they're release the birth certificate, that's a little to personal. But they do make announcements in the hospitals, and depending on where she gives birth, it could be in the local paper or something.

Im sure it'll be in US Weekly or People or Entertainment Weekly. They always mention Celebrity babies. Although, none of those mags have mentioned her pregnancy, so you never know.

We'll just have to (im)patiently wait, cause Im really curious as to what she's having.
Oh wow. Those icons are really gorgeous. What's up with her being so pretty??

Aw, I'm just excited for her baby! Hahaha
^^same here! I really cant wait for her baby....does anyone have any news? I also have a feeling that it will be a boy, as several people have mentioned before. A baby boy would be too cute! :D a little baby anna :lol: priceless.

Last ep for anna this week! Im so upset. Im really gonna miss Linds...
Today is our last ep with anna!! :(
I hope this ep if filled with Lindsay, since were not going to see her for who knows how long....:( But I have a feeling theyre gonna show the .5 seconds of her like they usually do, and then the part when she leaves.
Maybe the team will make refrences to her so at least some part of the show has to do with her! :mad:
I hope shes only gone for a couple eps...
^Well at least she will be in the 'leaving' scene ;); and I hope that lasts more than 5 seconds. But that's probably about all we're gonna see of her. :(

After that we'll just have to wait and see what they will let us know about how she's doing while she's gone. :)

Since there's no baby news yet the ep in which she'll return is still a big question mark. :rolleyes:
I finally got the episode Showdown in Without a Trace that Anna is in :)!!! I was so excited to watch it, but about a minute in I realized it was all in German! :mad: And it took me a month to get it also :(. I am completely clueless on how to dub a video.. so I guess I'll just have to watch reruns of season 2 to see Anna... :(
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