Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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^LOL :lol: I had that version too...and although I can understand German very well, I just hate it when people are not speaking with their own voice :eek:; so I didn't watch it either and have to wait till it's on in Holland (in about 2 years :()
I'm kind of excited for this ep because of Anna leaving. Not that I want her too, I just think it will open the show up for new story lines whether she be involved in them even though she wont be there or not. It is depressing she'll be out though.
True, Rad, very true.

Only bad thing about that is I'll have to suffer the sadness on my own because I live in australia and I have to wait at least 4 months to see the episode :(
Thought I'd come in here and deliver a Lindsay-centric spoiler for anybody who doesn't visit the Spoiler threads:

Lindsay will be in episode 18, at least for a short while. We'll get to see part of the trial she's testifying in, and learn more about what happened to her 10 years ago.

Thanks Faylinn I usually don't go into the spoiler threads. I find I get too excited about what might happen that then what actually happens on the show I feel disappointed. OK I hope that made sense.

But finally we get more than 2 seconds of her. I was happy about that! But I thought maybe they would explain why she haven't actually been out in the field working the cases. But I guess you can't have everything. ;) (but I ask anyway)
Well, uh, she hasn't been at the scenes because Anna was OMG-SO-PREGGERS when they were filming. :lol: My guess is that they just wanted to keep her where she wouldn't be on her feet the whole time, and where they could easily hide her stomach. IMO, it was about Anna rather than the character. Although, Lindsay has always been more of a scientist than a cop, so being in the lab more fits. *shrug*

But I'm glad you like the spoiler (gives a salute to paigeS for sharing the information). I definitely know what you mean about being disappointed if things don't happen. :p This, however, I'm sure they'll do--after all, it's continuity and an important character arc. ;)
You're welcome. I thought the Lindsay fans might appreciate that bit of good news considering that the character is going to be MIA for several episodes. :)
^^ It did look like she was only able to sit down :) When she stood up to hug Stella I was afraid she'd tip over :eek: And she couldn't even get in that cab without a struggle.

I was glad we got a little more details about Lindsay's past, her worries and why she is heading back to Montana.

From last night's ep:
Lindsay: "A couple of months ago I got a call from the Bozeman’s prosecutor’s office. They apprehended a suspect who was wanted in a multiple homicide ten years ago. Four girls; they were friends of mine. I was the only witness."
Mac: "And the only survivor as I remember."
Stella: "They want her to testify."
Lindsay: "I still see their faces; my friends’ faces, their mothers’ faces. I don’t know what I’m more scared off; standing in front of the monster who did this or seeing those faces?" :(

Hopefully we'll find out more soon ;)

To help us through the weeks without Lindsay I made some cap's of last night's ep. And...Oh boy...does she look pregnant... :D


Working on evidence


Talking to Mac and Stella


Bye Lindsay. We'll miss you :(
Yeah, the cab scene was funny. It was SO clearly evident that she ws pregnant. But, aw, she was still adorable. And, when Mac hugged her... I wasnt sure if he would or not...but it was good.

NOTE TO ANNA'S BABY: Come out already!
I was watching and was thining to myself how weird it must be for the actors to be acting and like seeing her sitting there ready to pop. IDK, it's not "weird" just funny (not very good with the adjectives right now) I guess.

I was glad Mac hugged her. I didn't think he was going to at first. He looked kinda iffy. I'm suprised that when Danny looked into the office Lindsay didn't see him though, I thought they were gonna have them make eye contact.
Radical618 said:
I was watching and was thining to myself how weird it must be for the actors to be acting and like seeing her sitting there ready to pop. IDK, it's not "weird" just funny (not very good with the adjectives right now) I guess.

I was glad Mac hugged her. I didn't think he was going to at first. He looked kinda iffy. I'm suprised that when Danny looked into the office Lindsay didn't see him though, I thought they were gonna have them make eye contact.
Me too...on the eye contact thing. But I guess it's okay they they didnt. It was good. I'm not totally sold on the whole card thing she left for Danny, but whatever... And IN the cab when she saw him... weird. But good, I guess. I'm just looking forward to when Anna gets back. Should be good. I say good a lot... :lol:
Just thought I'd pop in here for a sec...I adore Anna/Linds and I can't wait to have her back! I can't wait to have her back in her original tiny size, lol! She is adorable pregnant, she glows and looks gorgeous, don't get me wrong...but I just think she'll be able to do alot more, be in more scenes and they won't have to try to come up with clever ways (that never work!) to try and hide her growing belly! :D So yeah...can't wait until she gets back! :D
I loved, loved, LOVED, this episode! Love that Lindsay talked to both Stella and Mac, and that he actually hugged her. Sad face :( that Anna is gone for a few, but I liked the way she went out. The card thing was eh, but I liked what she wrote in it. Light, happy, joking, everything I loved about the old Lindsay. Hopefully that old Lindsay comes back when she gets back from Montana.
hehehe.....the song "New York" By Eskimo Joe reminds me alot of what is going on in the plot lately of CSI:NY especially these following lyrics:

Hey, hey, I know it wasn't New York
Where I lost my mind.
Hey, hey, I know I must have left it
It was back home all the time.

For me, that reminds me alot of this conversation (s) but meh. I could be going crazy? ;)
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