Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

i Agree With you Gaelen...Maybe in this upcoming episode we can see more Lindsay doing physical stuff. Carmine mentioned in his interview than he and lindsay had a crazy scene together .I wonder what that is...whether its good or bad ,we'll have to wait n see..
tinieyhasbi, I'm not sure if what you posted about the interview should be in spoiler tags or not. I'll leave it up to the mods for that. ;)

Well, Carmine did mention that Anna is going to be having a monologue, and I'm sure that's going to be an emotional one. It could be that she and Danny are having a private conversation somewhere out of the lab and one thing leads to another. No idea if it's going to be good or bad though, but I have faith that it will be pulled off well and not another choppy scene like the many that we have had before.

Personally I hope it's a good thing, whether good for DL or not, it'll clear up the void that we've been getting on Lindsay's side of the relationship. If it doesn't work out, we'll know why, hopefully Lindsay'll explain her behaviour regarding the pre-montana "depression" more clearly and simply justify her behaviour. It may be a difficult scene to pull off and not seem...whiny, but I'm sure Anna can do it justice :)
Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

Ooops..Im sorry if it should be posted in spoiler tags...

Yes she can do that..i believe anna can do that(hopefully not tooooo sappy, because she is a strong person) omg i cant wait to see that.

i do have a question since im new (or not) in this thread.Does Anna reads all this things and other thread(negative one)? i hope she read this thread.

Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

^I'm not sure to either one of them. I doubt she does, but she may. I don't think we've had an interview asking if she does or not, or how she's aware of her fans' thoughts. She's a pretty private person.
Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

Maybe all the guys can be taken hostage and the girls have to save the day with *gasp* their own brains and brawn. :p It would be interesting to watch Stella and Lindsay kick ass and save the day rather than the usual Mac and the gang approach. Rambo Lindsay would be awesome ;)

I like that idea. :lol: I think the girls could easily handle it on their own.

I don't think so, but that was probably due to Anna's pregnancy. But she's not pregnant anymore, so...
So since the actress herself enjoys the physical stuff, lets hope the writers smarten up and use her character for more than what we've seen so far.

Yeah, hopefully she's asked them about it. The writers on NY do seem aware of interviews the actors do and this board as well, so who knows! Hopefully we'll see Lindsay in action soon.

Can't wait to see the monologue that Anna's going to be giving in the future. I'm sure she'll carry it across well.

That should be give us more insight into her character, her thoughts, feelings and what's going on thus far that's been all hazy.

I'll admit, I'm a little wary about this. He said she's going to be talking about how she feels...but it's kind of Danny's deal and I hope she's going to be supportive of him. I think it would be good for Lindsay as a character to put Danny first and really make an effort to be there for him. I guess we'll see how it goes!
Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

I have to agree with ya Top I am wary that it will just make it worse for her. I know people do see her as selfish and I understand why they wanna show how she feels because the way Danny is acting affects everyone around him specially Lindsay and Flack... But I hope it doesnt make her across even more selfish than she already appears. Should definately be interesting for Anna and for the whole situation.
I also think it could be to do with the lab inspection aswell if its all coming out.

I think both girls would be able to handle most stuff they seem to handle themselves pretty well without the mens help. They've both had enough experiences to pull them through.
Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

Let's see if I can get all this coding right. :p

I'll admit, I'm a little wary about this. He said she's going to be talking about how she feels...but it's kind of Danny's deal and I hope she's going to be supportive of him. I think it would be good for Lindsay as a character to put Danny first and really make an effort to be there for him. I guess we'll see how it goes!

Agreed, I hope that the writers don't go overboard and make the scene all about her. I'd rather her monologue be relating her support to him with what she has gone through. She knows somewhat about grieving for close friends, since she did that fairly early in her life and if he realised that, it could help them open up to each other easier. It could be that Danny asks her about why she did things the way she did when she was facing the deaths of her friends, in which case, Lindsay talking about herself would be appropriate and not selfish at all.

Since we don't know how the scene is going to be played out, and whether it's about Danny in the first place, I guess we can only hope that the writers get it right. The monologue could be a great boost to Lindsay's character as well as a big weight pulling her down.

I think the girls could easily handle it on their own.
I don't doubt that at all. They can definitely handle everything by themselves. It ain't all about the men. If that did happen though, I think it would create alot more respect towards the female characters. Lindsay's left out of many major scenes (along with Hawkes :eek: ) and I never understand why. They're capable and as good as the best of them. Why leave them out without explicit reasoning?

Yeah, hopefully she's asked them about it. The writers on NY do seem aware of interviews the actors do and this board as well, so who knows! Hopefully we'll see Lindsay in action soon.
Hope she does. Because Lindsay in action would rock and is way overdue. :)

I think both girls would be able to handle most stuff they seem to handle themselves pretty well without the mens help. They've both had enough experiences to pull them through.
And proving that onscreen would be grate (though I wonder if 'not in control' Mac is legal or not in NY).
Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

i don't the writers will make Lindsay go overboard with her monolgue. she probably just wants to know what's going on with her and Danny more than we wanna know. in my mind D/L are happily together as a couple and i feel like i've gotten enough confirmation with all their little moments. but i guess the monologue will be a confirmation of something, anything that's going on b/t these 2. i hope the writers don't stop writting D/L together that would suck a lot b/c we're all so invested in them and i feel through the ship we learn a lot more about the individual characters as well.
now i can't wait to see this monologue for some good Anna screentime lol. hopefully maybe this monologue will show some caring from her for another teammate- especially if she has feelings for Danny.

^^ having "not in control Mac" i do believe is illegal lol. not having any main character in control is ileagal.


Gaelen i like the way you think. to see the guy taken hostage and Stella and Lindsay saving them would be wicked to see. maybe Lindsay can bash some dude into a wall or knock them too the floor lol.
Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

Stell and Linds wear heels. Do you know how much it hurts when a woman with heels is standing on top of you? (Stage production, I wasn't robbing anyone, I swear!) Whoever's on the opposite side of the girls better beware! :lol:

I was watching some show the other day and this guy didn't know how to use the gun in his hand (or he hated guns, or something like that) and he threw the gun instead and knocked a guy out. That was pretty cool and I can imagine Linds doing that for some reason when she doesn't have time to reload. :lol: whap *thud*

^Stella's the female lead! I'm sure it's partly legad to relinquish some control in that situation. :p

MTC, I agree. The monologue would probably shed some (or alot) of light on the DL relationship. It's taken a backseat so far so some kind of info would be good. I don't know what their *future* is, as long as the writers do them justice.

Anna screentime is always welcomed :D She doesn't get enough time, and not nearly as interesting storylines as the others. I think she does have feelings for Danny. LRC, in some weird way, proved that for me.
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Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

^ LOL I can totally picture Lindsay arresting some guy, throwing him face-down on the pavement and when he tries to wrestle or stand up, she'll just put her heel between his shoulder blades *ouch*

It sounds really intruiging that we possibly get to hear Lindsay's feelings about the situation - I just hope that it will not be another "it's not you, it's me"-speech, but more of an insight in where she stands in this relationship; what she expects or doesn't expect
Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

Gaelen: i think LRC did prove that they have feelings for each other. i don't think Lindsay would have said that she couldn't be with him at the moment or that she really liked him a lot if she didn't have feelings for him. i remember being soo angry with her but after SOOH i looked back on the ep and it's not bad i understand why she had to do what she did.

just think if Lindsay didn't say anything to Danny in LRC their ship could have been miserable or not as nice. i actually really like that scene in LRC it's so emotional and heartbreaking for both characters and revealing which i always like.
Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

Agreed, I hope that the writers don't go overboard and make the scene all about her. I'd rather her monologue be relating her support to him with what she has gone through. She knows somewhat about grieving for close friends, since she did that fairly early in her life and if he realised that, it could help them open up to each other easier. It could be that Danny asks her about why she did things the way she did when she was facing the deaths of her friends, in which case, Lindsay talking about herself would be appropriate and not selfish at all.

Since we don't know how the scene is going to be played out, and whether it's about Danny in the first place, I guess we can only hope that the writers get it right. The monologue could be a great boost to Lindsay's character as well as a big weight pulling her down.

That's a good point--it could go either way. If Danny turns to Lindsay for help in coping with Ruben's death and she gives him some advice/support based on her own situation in the past. That could be a nice moment for both of them, and showing her caring about him and being there for him. That would definitely be good for her character. I guess we'll see in a couple of weeks!

And proving that onscreen would be grate (though I wonder if 'not in control' Mac is legal or not in NY).

:lol: Well, Lindsay is dating the resident damsel-in-distress on the show. :lol: Maybe she could save Danny since Mac's already been in a tight spot this season with Drew.

Gaelen: i think LRC did prove that they have feelings for each other. i don't think Lindsay would have said that she couldn't be with him at the moment or that she really liked him a lot if she didn't have feelings for him. i remember being soo angry with her but after SOOH i looked back on the ep and it's not bad i understand why she had to do what she did.

just think if Lindsay didn't say anything to Danny in LRC their ship could have been miserable or not as nice. i actually really like that scene in LRC it's so emotional and heartbreaking for both characters and revealing which i always like.

I didn't like the abrupt turn in "Love Run Cold." I'm with Anna on that one, actually--I found it baffling that after Lindsay chased Danny in season two, she was suddenly standing him up when he got interested. I think that could have been handled better.
Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

I didn't like the abrupt turn in "Love Run Cold." I'm with Anna on that one, actually--I found it baffling that after Lindsay chased Danny in season two, she was suddenly standing him up when he got interested. I think that could have been handled better.
Didn't like that either. Can someone clear this up for me since my viewing of S3 wasn't all that complete (well the first half anyway). But there's been this theory that Lindsay did get a call about the Montana case on the night she was supposed to meet Danny. Has that actually been said on screen or is it just a piece of fiction people have thought up to justify her actions?

If that was indeed the case, and it was actually mentioned that she got a call about that, then I can understand the sudden change in her feelings with Danny, and that would have made it a little more acceptable.
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Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

^ To my knowledge it has never been mentioned that she got a call. When we finally learned about her past, and about the fact that she had to testify, the only logical explanation for her odd behaviour later on in season 3 and for standing Danny up at the start of LRC would be that it was the night of their date that she was informed about the trial...But it has never been officially mentioned how and when she got the news. :rolleyes:
Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

^The whole changeover was too sudden I think. It could have worked well if we had explicit knowledge of what was going on in the first place. A scene showing Lindsay picking up the phone or something and registring something's wrong would have been good, rather than Lindsay just out of the blue retreating away from Danny.

I think an explanation of that would be nice, though at this point, probably not as important. (Since it's been a while since the Montana trials,) It would seem improbable that they hadn't discussed it at all. I'm sure Danny wanted answers, and he probably got them without our knowledge.

Maybe she could save Danny since Mac's already been in a tight spot this season with Drew.
Urgh, I'd rather she tie Danny up to a chair and leave him in the lab so he doesn't get himself into any more tight spots. She can save Hawkes or someone (ok maybe not Hawkes, since his life was already in peril once this season), since it gives them both more screen time. But yeah, Danny needs to be tied up/cuffed to a chair. Flack hasnt had much of a storyline this season has he? He and Lindsay should work together on something, and laugh at Danny being tied to a chair. :eek:
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Re: Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

^The whole changeover was too sudden I think. It could have worked well if we had explicit knowledge of what was going on in the first place. A scene showing Lindsay picking up the phone or something and registring something's wrong would have been good, rather than Lindsay just out of the blue retreating away from Danny.

I think an explanation of that would be nice, though at this point, probably not as important. (Since it's been a while since the Montana trials,) It would seem improbable that they hadn't discussed it at all. I'm sure Danny wanted answers, and he probably got them without our knowledge.

That whole thing bugged me at the time. If she liked him so much and supposedly cared about him, why stand him up at all? Call and cancel the date. Tell him what's going on. The writers didn't do Lindsay any favors in that instance.

Urgh, I'd rather she tie Danny up to a chair and leave him in the lab so he doesn't get himself into any more tight spots. She can save Hawkes or someone (ok maybe not Hawkes, since his life was already in peril once this season), since it gives them both more screen time. But yeah, Danny needs to be tied up/cuffed to a chair. Flack hasnt had much of a storyline this season has he? He and Lindsay should work together on something, and laugh at Danny being tied to a chair. :eek:

If Lindsay's going to be a woman I'm going to respect, I'd expect her to do more than just laugh if she got Danny tied to a chair. :devil: ;)

But it would be nice to see her save Danny just because he is always in trouble or in danger. He's the damsel-in-distress on the show, and if you're going to date the damsel-in-distress on the show, you're going to have to save him once or twice. :lol:

But yeah, if she'd been the one diving with Hawkes, that could have been a nice way for her to help someone else out. Maybe there will be another situation like that down the road and Lindsay will be the one to save the day.
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