Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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^^^ i think so too.

shipper bud MTC said: ...noticed that when Lindsay works with Mac she gets a bit frustrated but also she's kept on her toes
^^^ just making sure lindsay does do the best she can. he handpicked her, didn't he? :D for attention to details (?). lindsay demonstrations with mac are memorable. the scene from the dumpster just popped into my head. what a sport (even though it is part of the job!).
^I remember that Lindsay was hand picked by Mac because of her attention to detail, but lately it's become more of attention to stating the obvious - which gets on my nerves, because it's far from what I thought her character was going to be like when she was first brought in.
^^ give it time for the writers to get back to normal. now that the strike is over and the need to rush isn't that great maybe we'll get old Lindsay back.

the stating the obvious thing was horrible. that hasn't happened too much lately (if i've noticed) so that's good.

if CSI:NY will be anything like CSI and Miami it's gonna be on the air for a long time and in that time i'm sure that not only will we get growth from Lindsay as a character but from all the characters.
^Haha, that's very true. I wonder what all the characters are going to be like in the many seasons to come :D

But yeah, the stating the obvious thing was horrible - at times, when it was kind of funny, it was fine but they just over did it.

Another thing I didn't really like was how the writers seemed to have given her the job of being yet another walking encyclopedia. you said, since the strike is over, perhaps the writers can get their head straight and actually make her into a more worthwhile and complete character. For the past 4 seasons, it's as if they were experimenting on what her role should be, like the introduced her without knowing exactly what part she was going to play.

It may be that they introduced her too soon without enough background and firm vision as to how she is going to perform next to her team mates.
Gaelen said:
It may be that they introduced her too soon without enough background and firm vision as to how she is going to perform next to her team mates.

i like what you said you there. it does make sense b/c it seems only now that the writers are putting Lindsay more with other characters like Flack, Stella, and Hawkes more than usual.

in a team each person is going to have a different personality depeding on who they work with and what type of personality the other person has. everyone brings out something different in the other characters. (does this make sense? if it doesn't i apologize i can't think of another way to get it out)

Lindsay with:
- Danny= flirty/outgoing/most concerned about if anything happens to him
- Flack= witty/light
- Stella/Hawkes= serious/more professional
-Mac= a bit uptight/ likes to do experiments on him possibly to lighten mood/flustered

these are all my opinions on how i think Lindsay is around the team when she works with them. the professional part with Stella/Hawkes is not meant that Lindsay's never professional when she works with Danny or Flack she just seems more into what she's doing when working with Stella/Hawkes and even Mac b/c that's how they are as characters.
I agree with you, MTC

she is more at ease with Danny and Flack and its nice to see that side of her

I sometimes feel like she is still trying to prove herself to Mac but she can be pretty laid back with Stella.

with Hawkes I think her geeky side comes to the forefront

its true what you said, Liffy, its like they had a picture of her and then suddenly didnt know what to do with it or they didnt like it anymore
^I can't believe that they didn't like it because I'm holding on to hope that she comes back!! She was cool and spunky in the first episode, made Danny roll his eyes, Mac grin and Stella smile.

Then all of a sudden she's this withdrawn, a little whiny, tad bit annoying character, and then, yet again, she's suddenly a bright, funny character once again. If they're going to show drastic changes, at least give us some transition right?'s BAM one moment and then BAM the next.

But, maybe the strike gave the writers some new insight on keeping Lindsay a more consistent character. There are a few things about her I'm glad to see go.

But for the record, I want her long curls back :D
Ooh I actually prefer her hair short, think it makes her look sounds wierd but more professional and not the youngest on the team.

Though I was on a random tangent the other day and thought if her hair is curly supposedly (tho i know its straight in real life) surely it wouldn't be perfectly straight all the time or she must get up hours in advance... but then this is me thinking strange things like this.

The BAMs are what annoyed me, I thought least could have moved it on better. I've always liked how she acts with Mac its amost similar to Danny's interactions with Mac, the are like school kids on there best behaviour.
^School kids who also like to play pool, drink and then sleep on said pool table. Ahh, I apologise, I couldn't help myself. :lol:

But yes, I think if there had been more transition in between her many characters, it would have given her more credibility.

I still say if the writers are confused about who they're trying to make her out to be, go for the original spunky, smart, takes no crap Montana native we met in Zoo York. That one had/has potential to be a very good character.
^ Yeah, I feel that character is still there, but isn't shown as much as we'd like, we got to see most of her again this season in CS :D...I do hope the writers during season 3 got a bit tangled up in the mess they themselves created with the dark-past-story and are now clear on which path they're willing to take...Don't forget her past, but show that she's moved on... :)

Liffy (Gaelen) said:
Lindsay should save Mac, if Mac lets anyone save him that is.
I would love to see her save the day and Mac by proving the latter wrong on something for once...she's smart enough to do it and I hope that, since he brought her on the team in the first place because he knew she was talented, that he isn't going to be too upset when she's the one to put him in his place. :D

Dawni said:
surely it wouldn't be perfectly straight all the time or she must get up hours in advance
It doesn't have to be...I have very, very straight hair myself :(...and believe me, it's always that way...what takes me forever is to add some curls or even a little wave to it *sighs*

Haven't been in here for ages...I'll try to keep up with this thread more... :)
^Nice smurfette there Dutch :lol:

One thing I hope we get in the upcoming episodes as well as seasons is a more "constant" character for Lindsay. By that I mean not jumping between multiple personalities as if she's bipolar. She's not (or I highly doubt Mac would enlist her).

I would love to see her save the day and Mac by proving the latter wrong on something for once...she's smart enough to do it...
They need to stop dumbing her down! She's smart, and more than just book smart. She's not an encyclopedia so TPTB, stop making her sound like one!!!
Find it funny that in WLRMG thread they decided that because those who like her are now saying about her consistencies its a sure sign of why she should go.

Galean i totally agree with the book smart thing I mean she is street smart in her own way such as the sling shot, she's not NY street smart in the way that Danny/Stella most of the team are but she is Montana Street smart in the sense she can handle her own and you learn from experience which would be her time as a Bozeman CSI. If they used that more often it would be really good it seemed a side of her that everyone liked.
^^As for the WLRMG, I don't think she must go. There are parts to her character(s) that must go. What I believe was the original "character" of Lindsay Monroe in Zoo York, has alot of potential to be a kick ass character. Spunky and smart.

Lindsay did suffer from a slight character/identity crisis, but not all of them were bad. Stick with one TPTB! (IMO the current one is good :) Slightly past the "look at me! I'm a walking encyclopedia who sounds a little stupid" phase) :D

And I definitely agree Dawni, they need to bring in more of her 'Montana Street Smart' because that's what sets her apart from the rest of the New Yorkers. She isn't from New York, so she doesn't have to be exactly like them either. Mac hired her because of her skills, not because it was cheaper to hire CSIs from Montana. :eek: least, I wouldn't think so. :D
Dawni said:
Find it funny that in WLRMG thread they decided that because those who like her are now saying about her consistencies its a sure sign of why she should go.

"They" implies a group of people. I'm the only one who's said that so far. Some of the same people who've talked about how she's a good, solid character are now saying she's inconsistent, lacking solid characterization and unable to carry dramatic scenes; and to me that speaks volumes about her being a worthless character.
PerfectAnomaly said:
"They" implies a group of people. I'm the only one who's said that so far. Some of the same people who've talked about how she's a good, solid character are now saying she's inconsistent, lacking solid characterization and unable to carry dramatic scenes; and to me that speaks volumes about her being a worthless character.

I'm sorry if i worded it wrong i always feel bad saying its one person don't know why I'm a bit odd like that. I only really noticed it because most of the people mention it in here and what could be done to help it if that makes sense probably doesn't but a full day at Uni kills of most of my brain cells.

She definately isn't a solid character even that i will admit, something that the TPTB need to work out sharpish.
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