Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

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Thanks SB!! :D

Nice to see more information regarding this episode. I hope it's not too cheesy/cliche (playing "Monster Mash" on the radio? I'd rather have "Shut Up And Drive"; at least it's more fitting), but all in all it sounds like it will be a good one. Looking forward to Lindsay kicking some ass here; we haven't seen that from her for a while and I miss it. Really looking forward to this one, should be great!
dl_shipper34 said:
Looking forward to Lindsay kicking some ass here; we haven't seen that from her for a while and I miss it.
Yes, I would like that too! And I would also love Linds showing off her skills from back home ... knowing something that those citypeople don't.

Clarification on the forehead kiss: Danny and Lindsay find Reena in the house, she goes to the hospital. Back at the house, D/L are going to process the crime scene and Danny takes a call from the hospital with an update about Reena (she's in surgery). It is then that Lindsay gets upset and Danny kisses her on the forehead. They they go back to processing the crime scene and seemingly much later on they go to the hospital to speak with Reena, who is out of surgery. I think somewhere along the line someone misread the original spoilers, as they were never at the hospital for the kiss. (source: dl_shipper34)
^^Actually that wasn't from me. Elsie PM'd me and clarified everything, and I posted it in the DL thread. So the credit goes to her ;)
Yeah, Linds is back on track! And with a new hairstyle it seems. A pity, I liked her more in her wavy hair. But what is she doing in the lab (it looks like it)??? Get out in the field and kick some ass!!! Now! (Btw, it's a lot of kissing in this promo ... I wonder who they are ... can I make a request?! :devil:)
Amber Stanton - A rich CEO of a publishing company. She was the blonde who ate at the Matador with Bentley on the night he was killed. She tells the cops that they ate dinner, walked by the park and then parted ways. The reason for the dinner, she was trying to get his story to publish. She is a bit arrogant. When she realizes Angell and Flack are trailing her, she stops by their car and tells them if they are going to follow her they may as well have her itinerary. This kind of costs her though, as they find a hair on the note. When Lindsay and Danny are searching her place, they find in her enormous shoe closet an empty shoe box. When they ask her where the shoes are, she tells them that she threw them away and THAT is not a crime. Amber then gets angry, wondering why they keep pursuing this given how terrible Bentley was. Lindsay tells her that the victim doesn't matter - they want the killer. (source:
You can read the rest of the spoiler at that page.
Ladies, this thread has become a bit spoiler-heavy, which makes it annoying for anyone hoping to avoid spoilers to read. You're not actually discussing anything here, rather just tossing spoilers around. We have a spoiler thread for that.
Wow I have not been here in FOREVER! Anyways, I am still an always am on the hunt for Anna's baby's name. Not to exploit it, but seriously, I just wanna know! Anyways, just stopping in... Anna rocks!
3 Weeks to go guys and gals until the Season 4 Premiere - so, lets see, to keep this thread hopping, how about a question....

What would you like to see the writers/producers bring back, or bring to, the 'Lindsay Monroe' character??

I dont mean,"bring back her straight/curly hair!!! and hurry and make her and Danny an 'item' "...

Personally, I'm hoping that they bring back her Early Season 2 tough girl, spunky-ness... Loved that!
^That was definitely my favorite incarnation of Lindsay--I liked her when she showed spirit and more independent.
Yeah, count me in! Don't get me wrong, I'm liking Lindsay the way she is now, but she could be so much better.... We got a hint of that in DoWaR, when she said something to Danny about being more than beer and buffalo burgers.

The fact that we got that after the actress was back from maternity leave, keeps me hoping for a good ending. I'd like to see Lindsay S2 back and I think that is still possible. In S2 she wasn't suffering from all her bad memories, and now those bad memories are put behind bars so she can be her old self again.

I still think TPTB made Lindsay different in S3 because of Anna Belknap's pregnancy. Some story had to be rushed in and it had to effect Lindsay so much that she could be gone for weeks, she had to have an explanation for it. TPTB could have done a better job...

But we'll see...
I'm hoping the writers are smart enough to just leave Season 3 - Season 3, Let Lindsay's whole "oh my gosh poor me i've had a terrible dark secret - and now its out in the open" as is, and move on with life. Maybe every now and then have a little something extra come up about her past - not neccesarily something bad, but maybe something about her childhood, why she wanted to become a CSI, some memories of home - because as we've seen before, shes teased a bit about her hometown - and sometimes I like that... its fun banter and makes conversation light between Lindsay and whoever (usually its Danny) it is cracking a joke. But, I'd love to see S2 Lindsay make a comeback.
I'd just really like TPTB to decide what her personality is and build around that. Stop trying to change her personality to fit each episode and actually build a character.

I'd also like to see her spunk back and a return to her verbal sparring/flirting with Danny as opposed to cutesy romantic stuff. If she keeps the attitude she had in SD (if you ain't got the 100 bucks, you can "work off" your debt) going now that she and Danny are together, I may actually be able to get used to them as a couple. I would maybe be able to see why Danny is attracted to her.

Also, if she's supposed to be a character the audience likes, stop the selfishness. I just can't buy her as a part of the team when she's all about herself.

The "Montana" thing has gotten old. I mean the nickname and constantly making the "country girl" references. There are better, more intelligent and less stereotypical ways to show she's not from NY and has knowledge of things that them there city folk don't.

I know I've said that Lindsay can't be redeemed as a character for me. I'd love to see S4 prove me wrong.
^^^ totally agree with you on that one. I like the country girl jokes, but yes, they do get repetitive and "eh...blah". I totally get the selfishness thing, that bugs the heck out of me - and for the few episodes before her big, deep-dark-secret reveal, it was really rubbing me the wrong way, and its hard to think of her as a part of the team - and the team being support for her when shes being selfish.

None the less, I really hope S4 brings back the witty s2 Lindsay... please please please.
PerfectAnomaly said:
I'd just really like TPTB to decide what her personality is and build around that. Stop trying to change her personality to fit each episode and actually build a character.

I'd also like to see her spunk back and a return to her verbal sparring/flirting with Danny as opposed to cutesy romantic stuff. If she keeps the attitude she had in SD (if you ain't got the 100 bucks, you can "work off" your debt) going now that she and Danny are together, I may actually be able to get used to them as a couple. I would maybe be able to see why Danny is attracted to her.

Also, if she's supposed to be a character the audience likes, stop the selfishness. I just can't buy her as a part of the team when she's all about herself.

The "Montana" thing has gotten old. I mean the nickname and constantly making the "country girl" references. There are better, more intelligent and less stereotypical ways to show she's not from NY and has knowledge of things that them there city folk don't.

I know I've said that Lindsay can't be redeemed as a character for me. I'd love to see S4 prove me wrong.


You've said everything that i wanted to say....=]

I liked Lindsay when she was the tough Montana girl in the first few episodes...but i havent liked her since, especially with all this D/L nonsense. Its basically all that has shaped her character, and theres nothing else to really flesh her out with. Take away Danny, shes just another face in the lab. The wrtiters should be doing what they should have been doing all along-making her a solid character with a solid personality throughout, and not prop her up with another character.
PerfectAnomaly said:
I'd just really like TPTB to decide what her personality is and build around that. Stop trying to change her personality to fit each episode and actually build a character.


I'd also like to see her spunk back and a return to her verbal sparring/flirting with Danny as opposed to cutesy romantic stuff. If she keeps the attitude she had in SD (if you ain't got the 100 bucks, you can "work off" your debt) going now that she and Danny are together, I may actually be able to get used to them as a couple. I would maybe be able to see why Danny is attracted to her.

Yeah, I liked that spunk she showed when she told Danny to work off his debt the old-fashioned way. :lol: If the writers had made her that kind of character in the beginning--and she was sort of that through mid season two--I could have liked her, so I hope they go more in that direction, especially in the relationship with Danny. The whiny/needy stuff got old there.

Also, if she's supposed to be a character the audience likes, stop the selfishness. I just can't buy her as a part of the team when she's all about herself.

Agreed. I'd like to see her help someone on the team out next season--possibly someone other than Danny. She has motive to help Danny out--she's getting in his pants. I'd like to see her do something selfless or supportive for someone else on the team.

The "Montana" thing has gotten old. I mean the nickname and constantly making the "country girl" references. There are better, more intelligent and less stereotypical ways to show she's not from NY and has knowledge of things that them there city folk don't.

Yeah, the writers seem to think that country = hick and that everyone who didn't grow up in the big city lived on a farm and tipped cows all day. :lol: Something less stereotypical for her to show knowledge she might have gained not living in a big city would be good.

I know I've said that Lindsay can't be redeemed as a character for me. I'd love to see S4 prove me wrong.

Same here.
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