Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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I think they did a better job of disguising her pregnancy in last night's episode. It wasn't quite as obvious as in the last couple of episode's.
If I were to guess on the sex of the baby, I'd say boy.
If Lindsay/Anna is gone for very long, I will miss her presence. It's been a sad thing that she's hardly been in some of the episode's lately.
I think they did a better job of disguising her pregnancy in last night's episode.
I noticed that too; in the episode on the train with the white smock-- you could see how big she was! They did a horrible job with that. :lol: But last night's was pretty good. I think that they did a much better job with Season 3 Louise Lombard (My lovely Sofia Curtis on LV), concealing her pregnancy was done much better and more subtly. :lol:

Still; Lindsay was gorgeous last night... especially in the scene with her still playing with her tea and Danny staring at the fridge.
I'm glad they didn't incorporate her pregnancy into the show as well. It would have added way too many complications and would have turned the show into more of a soap opera than any of the fans would have tolerated - especially the people who can't stand Lindsay.

With the number of critics out there about her, I think TPTB made the right choice by not incorporating it into the storyline.
I'm pretty glad they didn't add the pregnancy in either. That would've been wayyyy too much..

I had to write a one act play for english... I threw in my interpretation of Lindsays Past... no spoilers in it.. checki-outi... Pactum Factum
I'm so glad they didn't write the pregnancy in either. To have done that in a good way, the whole story around that would've taken up way to much time. And there are already so many great story lines in this season. One more about Lindsay and her pregnancy would've been overkill :eek:

Liked the one acter Rad! Left a comment! :)
Sorry, Radical. But the link was dead. I'll try later. :)

Sorry but do you guys know which exact episode was it when she debuted her wavy hair from the straight style?
^ I believe I haven't seen her with the straight hair anymore since 'City of the dolls'. There she started wearing it up and since then I can only remember seeing her with the wavy hair either hanging loose or being up.
^That is indeed the first ep where her hair was hanging loose again. CotD was the last time her hair was straight while she wore it down. After that in 'Jamalot', 'Trapped' and 'Wasted' she constantly wore it in a pony tail.
I love hair discussions. :) I think that "Bad Beat" was the last time she wore her hair down with the straight look. But she definitely did only wear her hair upswept or wavy after "COtD." ;)

Here's some pics of her in COtD: Too cute!!
Hall Scene in COtD

Mac tells them to find more evidence--pink top!!

I'm caught between whether or not she should leave her hair wavy or straight. I think sometimes (like in "Risk" or "Stuck on You")that wavy look works; other times the wavy look doesn't work. She doesn't have really thin hair, but she does have fine hair. Fine hair tends to get stringy after a while. That's why I do like it when she wears it straight. I also like it when she wears her hair tapered around the face. It's a nice look. :)
I love the up-do on her... we did get one of those this season... Love the oics mom nice ones! I would like to see her with some straight hair this season.. she looks so cute with it like that!
It's funny how the discussions about her always come back to her hair. :lol:

Count me in as another one who is glad they didn't write her pregnancy in. I think it would have been off for the character--assuming she didn't plan on getting pregnant, it would make her look like a bit of a flake to either sleep with Danny or have a one night stand with some guy and end up knocked up. From what we know about her, she really just doesn't seem the type. Plus, a baby in the lab? That would get old so fast.
I'm another one who agrees that it was a good decision to not put the pregnancy in. It's great for fanfic, but doesn't belong on the show. At least, not so quickly or it would give people even more of a reason to dislike Lindsay as a flake. I'm a fan of Lindsay, but it would not have been a good decision to put it on the show.
It definetly would've made things weird on the show. For all the characters. Like the interaction would be weird between them all. Especially if it were like Mac, Hawkes, Flack or Danny's kid.. not that it would be but if it were to be.

That sounded retarted.. sorry guys.. :p
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