Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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It's funny how the discussions about her always come back to her hair.
Yeah, I've noticed that. :p

Lindsay being pregnant would have been kind of ridiculous in the long-term. I just don't see how it could have worked. I'm kind of alarmed that they even considered it, to be honest. And Lindsay being pregnant for one of the main characters would have made me throw my remote control through the screen. :rolleyes:

I don't think I've been in here since Wednesday's episode (boy/girl convos and hair not really being my thing :p), so I should go ahead and mention Lindsay in "Raising Shane."

I liked that she knew, just off the top of her head, what test the guy was running on Sheldon's sweatshirt, what the chemicals were, and what the accuracy rate was. Lindsay is definitely a scientist at the end of the day, and that little bit of dialogue showed that nicely.

Thought I'd post a few pictures while I was here.

Anna as Eva Rossi on "Medical Investigation"


love that 3rd one.. her smile lights up the screen. Thanks for posting Fay.. not to mention we get some straigh haired Lindsay/Anna.

She honestly has spat out so many science things through out the seasons it's crazy. I love that about her. That scene was pretty cool, I was like, yea, that's Lindsay Monroe- can't beat that.. :lol:
It's great for fanfic, but doesn't belong on the show.
Agreed! Someone will probably be writing that soon. Meanwhile I'm trying to write a CSI: NY Christmassy fic. :)

I like her best with wavy and curly hair, like now. :) I think she looks gorgeous.

That sounded retarted.. sorry guys..
I think you mean 'retarded' and sorry, but plaese don't use that word as an insult. It means that there's something medically wrong with your brain. It's politically incorrect. Excuse me for sounding like a horrible person, but I really can't stand it when people use words like 'retarded' or 'gay' as a word of insult. There are people who actually are that...

Oh and to be honest, I'm actually very glad that we were right about her being pregnant. :lol: Because if we were wrong, that would have been a little harsh.


Not the best picture to choose, but I love her hair there.
Meanwhile I'm trying to write a CSI: NY Christmassy fic.

Oh, kissme, please do write a Christmas story! There are a couple of nice ones already over on We need some more for this time of the year :)
Lindsay is definitely a scientist at the end of the day
That's absolutely true. They should focus on her scientific qualities more often :)

I also liked how she used her knowledge while spying on that guy who was performing those tests on Hawkes' clothes. Trying to gather as much information as possible.

Nice pictures from 'Medical Investigation'. I've never seen that show. Was it broadcasted long ago? She looks so young in those pictures.

Kissme let us know when you finished your story :)
I like how even though Lindsay is new to the team she knows she can really trust the people she works with. She may not really know it but whenever someone in the lab is accused of doing something wrong she is just as quick as the rest of the team to stick up for that person. ;)
Nice pictures from 'Medical Investigation'. I've never seen that show. Was it broadcasted long ago? She looks so young in those pictures.
Yeah, I like those pictures of her. :) I believe MI aired at the same time as the first season of NY. So as soon as that show got cancelled, Anna got picked up for NY. ;)
I know when Anna's done being pregnant and all, I can't wait for her to go back to her other clothing style. Don't get me wrong, she's cute in the pregnant clothes... but I'm bored with the lab coats and big winter coats they keep hiding her in. I loved her style when she came onto the show.

And thanks for the pic Fay, they made my day :)
I loved her style when she came onto the show.
Agreed. Her clothes were casual, but appropriate... unlike I don't know, Stella's wardrobe. :lol: I love her, but sometimes a top as low at those aren't suited for work!

my bad... kissme I wont say it if it offends you. What eppy is that pic from btw? I like it too!
Ah, thank you. Yeah sure. It's actually from Murder Sings the Blues!
kissmesweet said:
I loved her style when she came onto the show.
Agreed. Her clothes were casual, but appropriate... unlike I don't know, Stella's wardrobe. :lol: I love her, but sometimes a top as low at those aren't suited for work!

:lol: Yeah I like Stella too but sometimes I question her choices of wardrobe.

I prefer Lindsay's style too. I don't know maybe its because it reminds me of how I also dress up. Casual and all that. Nothing too fancy. ;)
Personally I haven't seen any preview for Episode 12. Maybe tonight, let's hope so. These spoilers are really peaking my interest. Just trying not to make too much out of it so I don't get disappointed. ;)
I saw the preview, but I didn't see Lindsay. It showed a bit of info on the two cases, and the guest stars, but I didn't see her. I was hoping it would give us a clue as to which case she's on (since the spoilers have just confused everyone :lol:), but no such luck...
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