Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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I as kinda sad that the previews didn't show anything about Linds! I'm really sad! I have been looking forward to them for like three weeks!
I guess that is better, but I was still dissapointed. But, I guess you are right, Rad it does add quite a lot to the suspense! By the way, I'm in love with your pic! Made me laugh so hard when I first saw it!
There are a bunch of promo pics for Sweet 16 in the picture thread, but there's none of Lindsay.

Her not being in either the promo pics or the promo video kinda makes me wonder if her role in the episode is smaller than we thought it would be.
I was kinda glad actually. (I finally saw it) It adds to the suspense... I'm such an angsty..
Same here. It makes more sense, it makes you sit at the edge of your seat although CSI usually does anyway.

:D Can't wait for next week's episode!! 7 days left...
Radical618 said:
If that ends up being the case, I'll be outrageously upset. Like, this is her eppy- she needs to be in it...

So this is really the ep where we'll know about Lindsay's past?
^^ Ahh, thank you.

hello! ive been on csifiles/talk csi for a couple says now (and probably most of you met me over in the D/L thread)
i love lindsay/anna (did you know her last names pronounces BELL-NAP not BELK- NAP?? lol, random i know)
just wanna say HI :)
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