Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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She knew she wasn't going to get away from that. But it never hurts to try. And can you imagine if she was able to talk him into that. ;)
Happy Birthday, CSI808. :)

Classic Lindsay line: "Funny" during the dumpster scene.

As much as I like Lindsay's one liners and knocking suspects down, I enjoy it Lindsay when she questions things. I liked it when she questioned using science and rather than instincts during "Cool Hunter." ;)
Ohhhh- it's a birthday cake! :lol: I never realized what it was! Well, sweetie. Happy Birthday!... I hope you'll have a magical day! And tommorow is OUR EPISODE!!! Yes, I realized I called it "ours" :lol:

I liked it in Oedipus Hex with the Suicide Girls and Lindsay said, "Classy" and smiled when the suspect/suicide girl put her piece of gum onto the table as Lindsay told her to. :lol: Her smile was so beautiful.


Love her cute one-liners!
Thanks kissme! Actually, today is the day. I'm so excited that this episode falls on my birthday. BTW, LOVE the pic. Her smile is so contagious and makes me smile too. :D
^^ Me too! I can hardly wait for the episode! It's gonna rock! :D I'm counting down the hours... Oh guys, I got a new signature by the way! :D Isn't it cute? (Sorry to the non DL-shippers though... :lol: ) She's so pretty/cute in the episode or Risk.
I'm pretty excited for tonight. As a huge Lindsay fan and NY fan in general. Since I found out she had a secret I've been dying to know, and tonight's the night... I'm so frickin' excited!
Sorry a bit late, but thanks dutch for the B-day wishes. :)

What happened to this thread? It kind of died after last night's episode. Well, I'll revive it with my thoughts :D

Not too much Lindsay, but I have to say I didn't mind. Because as cheesey as it sounds, my heart was too busy breaking for her in autopsy.

I definitely don't blame Stella for being the "boss" because of Lindsay's reactions, and at the same time, I don't blame Lindsay for her first reactions. She's the girl that no one really knows about. And then you have this dark past that kind of forces walls up when someone approaches you. I understand, I've been guilty of doing the same thing to my friends. We get snappy, yes, then the walls break. I think that's what happened.

I just like the interaction in the over-all between Stella and Lindsay. I'm glad she kind of went to Stella first, but I still want to see her go to Mac 'cause I like when Mac plays the "father figure" role.

That's my 2 cents... aannnnndddd I'm out! :D
Cute little Anna thing. In the Dec. 18-24 edition of TV Guide, there is a small synopsis of Not What it Looks Like, the repeat this week:

"'Breakfast at Tiffany's'-inspired jewel thieves work the Holly Golightly look to pull off a job in this September episode that's as memorable for its costumes as it is for the twist that gave Lindsay fans something to cheer for: a story line for the UNDERUSED Anna Belknap."

Sounds to me like the TV Guide staff recognizes her value. (I added the all caps, btw, not the mag)
Thanks for that little snip from TV Guide audrina. It made me smile :)

Oh, forgot to mention that at least now we know why Lindsay was so persistant in finding out why Sarah was killed randomly.
Because as cheesey as it sounds, my heart was too busy breaking for her in autopsy.
That's exactly what I was about to say! I agree with Stella and what she said to Lindsay, as well as I agree with Lindsay getting upset. I felt all warm inside when Stella told her it was gonna be okay and when Lindsay asked Stella to be her friend. :) I can't tell you how much I love the team and how much support they give each other.

but I still want to see her go to Mac 'cause I like when Mac plays the "father figure" role.
Me too... however during Stealing Home, I got the idea that somehow Mac was telling Lindsay that 'sometimes bad things happen to good people and you don't get to know why' to comfort her. Maybe he already knew about everything behind. I can't wait to see how that works out.
Then again, it could just be a theory.
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