Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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It cracked me up when she went flying, but that was probably a stunt double and not Anna.
I laughed when I saw that scene too, it just seemed too...professional to me. Like a gymnastic move or something :lol:
Totally off topic, but the guy who flew over the hotdog umbrella on the cart, he was from Hawaii. I only know this 'cause they interviewed him on the news and I was insanely jealous. But that's a pretty good stunt double for Anna.
Totally off topic, but the guy who flew over the hotdog umbrella on the cart, he was from Hawaii.
lmao!lucky guy!:lol: haha he can be liketo all his friends "hey guys look i was on CSI NY! look, right there, the guy flying over the hotdog cart? thats mE! :)

yeah,the stunt double is pretty good.
This might have been mentioned already, but I just saw a picture of the figure skater, Sasha Cohen in Silent Night. She bears a striking resemblance to a younger Lindsay (or a younger sister). I just wonder where they are going with this storyline. I think those pics are over in the spoiler thread.
Oh, love that picture! Is it from a German magazine (and which one) from this week?

Its from the Magazine "Stern", but from 2 weeks ago, so no chance to get it on the stores sorry... :(

Really, a stunt double? I really thought its Anna. Well pretty good stunt double...
same w/ kissmesweet and rad, awsome avvies!!
Awww. Thank you. :) I've made a few more like that over at fanart.

Really, a stunt double? I really thought its Anna. Well pretty good stunt double...
Same here, although the move was way too elegant to be an actor's. :lol: I thought it really was Anna and not a stunt double. Hmmm.
So I was re-watching "Stealing Home" and looking at those pics Lindsay was looking at in the end. I'm assuming that those are real life pics of her. They're so cute!

I decided that I would like to see some follow-up with the guy who killed the mermaid. I wanna see her on her off-time persuing the reason he killed her. Ya know... stepping over some boundries a bit.
I decided that I would like to see some follow-up with the guy who killed the mermaid. I wanna see her on her off-time persuing the reason he killed her. Ya know... stepping over some boundries a bit.
Same here. My friend and I pondered over that. Maybe it'll be good if she really got to know what happened with Sara Butler and why out of a gazillion people in New York, he had chosen her to kill. I love episodes that follow up from a previous one. Like Tanglewood & Run Silent Run Deep... I also love episodes that are single-character-centric. That brings out the best acting and best chemistry out of characters (and not the main one either).
Anna needs to hurry and give birth so we can see her rundown perps again. I really wanna see her rundown one with Flack. Like she can really hurry and give birth... :rolleyes: Am I'm just impatient.
^^Yeah me too, I'd love to see Lindsay running down suspects again. She did it with Mac and Danny before and I thought their reactions were quite funny. It would be great to hear what Flack had to say about it. :D

Orison said:

I remember we were sitting like five feet from her but didn't say anything because we didn't want to bother her and the others, and she was the one who finally asked if we were visiting and where we were from. She's a total sweetheart.

Aww that's really nice to know. :) I'm so envious but I don't think I want to be in your position though coz I totally wouldn't know what to say if she talks to me. :eek:
^^ I'm so jealous! :) That's so sweet! I'd love to meet her.

She did it with Mac and Danny before and I thought their reactions were quite funny.
:lol: In Zoo York, when she was chasing that guy, I was like "Whoa! Go, new girl!". That was so adorable.
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