Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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I like reading the discussion about her name. Like kissmesweet, I've always pronounced her name with a silent "k". I guess my brain had just sort of seen it like the word "knife". Hehe.

And thanks for answering my question about ep 12. :) I'm excited to see it as well. I hope the spoilers are true. Something to discuss about during the hiatus. :D
I STILL am in shock that you got to visit the set and meet her. I am insanely jealous! But I still love ya!
OH MY GOD, I hate/love you so much! I wanna meet her too and I wanna tell her how much I adore her character and such--

I'm so jealous! :lol:
CSI808 said:

I STILL am in shock that you got to visit the set and meet her. I am insanely jealous! But I still love ya! :D

Funny, because I'm still in shock myself three months after the fact... :D

I remember we were sitting like five feet from her but didn't say anything because we didn't want to bother her and the others, and she was the one who finally asked if we were visiting and where we were from. She's a total sweetheart.

And uhm, glad you guys still love me! ;)
As for her last name, you're right, the "K" is silent. I heard Anna saying it as she was talking on the phone when I visited the set.
omg!!!!!!wow youre so lucky!! that must have been awsome, Orison!im jealous:lol:

Didn't know about her last name! I've been saying it incorrectly. I feel like a doofus now. But thanks for letting me know!
same here! until i found that out recently, ive always pronounced it with the K!:lol:
I always said it with a K also until I watched the behind the scenes stuff on S2 DVD's... I was like it sounds so much better with the K than without it :lol: but, I guess if it's silent.. so be it!
^:lol:, i dont mind her name either way, but whenever i pronounce it Bell-nap it just sounds weird because im so used to the other way!

Dutch, i love youre avvie!it still hasnt snowed yet by me, but it should be coming soon...:lol: anna looks so cute there!

same w/ kissmesweet and rad, awsome avvies!!

I wish it snowed down here in FL... but it doesn't. It's a nice 75ish I think. Although to me that's pretty darn cold.. :lol:

Has there been any news on the gender of the baby? She should know by now, unless she is deciding to wait to find out until birth..
hmm thats a good question Rad, im not sure if its a girl or a boy..When is she due? I know its in the winter,obviously, but do we know what month for sure? :confused:
That pictures is awesome! thanks for posting it Lindsay_Montana :)

Was that angle/shot actually in the show....becuase I remember she was blown back while she was on the left side of the screen..
goodnite_tonite said:Dutch, i love youre avvie!it still hasnt snowed yet by me, but it should be coming soon...:lol: anna looks so cute there!
Txs! :) I got my dad's old PS-version so I've been playing with that the last few days :D Still no snow here either. We have an average temp of 6°C (43°F) when usually at this time of year it's below 0 (32°F).
Lindsay_Montana said:I've scanned in an article from a magazine with a pic from Lindsay from Ep. "Charge of this Post". Linds in Action :)
Oh, love that picture! Is it from a German magazine (and which one) from this week? I'm going to Düsseldorf to do some X-mas shopping this thursday so maybe I can buy it while I'm there :)
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