Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

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And they've always got bags, folders, and cameras to block her stomach. They're clearly not going to write it in, so I wonder if Lindsay will take an extended trip back home to Montana at some point late in the season.
A trip home would be quite interesting. It would make sense though. I mean, it's not like they can keep taping her scenes without her there...unless she taped her scenes in advance.
I know they won't write it in, but if they could-- that'd be pretty interesting. A little Marcia Cross & Desperate Housewives maybe, but it could work. :lol: No one agrees with me. :p
^Well, it could explain why she turned Danny down. "Sorry, Danny, but Mac knocked me up" would have been a great line. :lol:
And at this point, she is already too far along to start the pregnancy storyline right now. She would have some explaining to do!

Maybe just maybe, she "heard" about the rumours and somebody decided to show the pic to confirm.
Oh my gosh! :lol: I would cry... but that would be a hilarious line! Danny would be like "Are you serious?!" I can see his face in my mind!
:lol: Definitely a line that would have me snorting tea out my nose. :lol:

But I don't think they could really have Lindsay's character be pregnant. It just wouldn't really work in the long run, I don't think. She's got a newborn baby, is she going to work the long hours she works now? I know there's daycare, but Lindsay seems like the kind of person that would want to have a bigger part in raising her child...

Regardless of how they'd handle it if they did play it into the show, I'd worry that they'd have her be pregnant and then something would happen and the character would have a miscarriage. :( That would be horrible.
Faylinn said:
Regardless of how they'd handle it if they did play it into the show, I'd worry that they'd have her be pregnant and then something would happen and the character would have a miscarriage. :( That would be horrible.

You just read my mind. I was thinking about that and I was like I don't think they would actually let her have her baby. It would either die right after it was born or she would have a miscarriage. I just think it would be too hard of a storyline for a newer character like Lindsay.
I was just joking about incorporating that onto the show. :lol:

But yeah... it'd kill her if she had a miscarraige or something... I'm still laughing over the "Mac knocked me up" line.

The last time I went to the UK, my guy friend and I went to a bar and he's like pointing to a guy making a beeline for us and telling me, "He wants to knock you up." I asked him what the hell he was talking about and it turns out in the UK, it could simply mean "chatting someone up". :lol: Thank God, it meant that.
I'm really surprised People or US Weekly hasn't run the news in their columns--they each have a section for when celebrities are expecting or engaged or stuff like that.
Trust me I already checked :eek:, nothing there only Anna Nicole Smith :lol:.
I feel so bad for Anna Nicole Smith. She was so genuinely happy when she was with her kid. I'm happy for her marriage and her newborn baby though. Bless her; I hope she's doing okay.

I really like her dress in the pic! I doubt it but does anyone know who its by? Do we have a picture of Carmine at that party? I saw some Melina and Marg photographs.
She looks soooo beautiful on this pic ;) I really wonder in which month she is... strange that people etc. haven't reported about it yet...

I really like her dress in the pic! I doubt it but does anyone know who its by? Do we have a picture of Carmine at that party? I saw some Melina and Marg photographs.

I've posted pics from carmine in his thread.
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