Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

Guys! Tonight!! :lol::lol:

(And it reeaally sucks that this is literally the most constructive thing I get to contribute right now, especially after all the cool discussion!)
:lol: I hear you!

I really can't wait to see the outcome of the cliffhanger and what or how it is going to affect Anna.
Well what can I say is that scenes before the credits was really good. I enjoyed it. The slowmo with the gun and again at the awards thing were very good. Totally got the PTSD that Lindsay was going through.

I do think that they may have done it in just one episode I am afriad, but this subject really deserves more than that. I hope that we do see her dealing with it again, it only needs to be in a small way but they can not just drop a subject like that in than forget it never to be mentioned again.

Loved her interaction with mac, he really seemed like the a real father figure to her in it last night.

Can't wait to see next week.
I really love all her scenes in this episode. Anna is such a wonderful actress! I think she portrayed all the emotions so well. The scene at the beginning was very intense. I love how she protects her family. It really makes sense that she tried to push all the thoughts aside during those months, which also explains why the therapist knows nothing about her. It's a lot easier to pretend it didn't happen than thinking about and actually understanding what happened. She just tried to push it all aside and not think about it at all. But then when she gets the medal it all comes back and that's bothering her. I really love how Lindsay talks to Mac (I agree, he really is like a father figure and his words were so kind and friendly) and then to Danny (I love how he hugs her and how he tells her why she deserves the medal and how this makes her smile). Those moments are my favourites. I also love how she and Jo greet each other. They have a great chemistry on screen. Oh, and how sexy is she? I really love her outfit. I agree, LME! I want to see more of it as well. I want to see her talk about it.
Yeah, her scenes with Mac were very good indeed. when he first arrived at the scene at the being and he hugs her it just really stuck me. They have such a really beauitful friendship, it is like as father and Daughter.

The scene with Adam was good as well, they do bounce off each other every well in it.

I liked the Lindsay and Jo scene, I hope that they get to work more together next week.

That was some shoes she was wearing! I don't think I could walk in them for very long!!
Anna just proved why she deserves to play Lindsay and how perfect she is in the roll. all of her scenes were brilliant she played them to such perfection.

Lindsay's scenes with Mac... wonderful. Mac hugging her at the beginning was such a beautiful scene. you can just see how much he cares for her. Lindsay is the one character that Mac has never been tough on he knows what she's gone through in the past and he knows she's get through what she has to with courage. the scene on the roof was great. Mac seems to be the only person that Lindsay will really listen to for advice and what he said she needed to hear, if anyone knows that things will get better but with time it's Mac. he wasn't pushing her to go to therapy he just encouraged her to keep pushing forward and that's what Lindsay needed.

i liked the outfit Lindsay was wearing.... maybe Anna finally had enough and said to the costume department "dress me nicer!!!" haha. those shoes!!! holy crow were those high! i would totally wear those if i knew how to walk in heels correctly without killing myself lol.

i'm really looking forward to the rest of the season now. i would love to see Lindsay and Jo work together. i think they will get along. Jo doesn't seem like the type of person to push someone where they don't want to go, she's new as well but i'm sure once Lindsay gets to know Jo they'll get along and Lindsay will trust her enough to say things... like she did with Stella.

there's so much potential to with Lindsay if the writers keep writing her like they did in the premier. this is the Lindsay have been waiting to see.
I have always loved seeing lindsay and Mac together. They have such a really nice bond, true he has never chewed her out the way he has Hawkes or Danny but I think that he knows that doing that is not the way to get through to her.

that whole roof thing to me was real nice. I know some may think it is cheesy or over the top but i think it shows how well that team know each other now and they knew that she needed their help. I love how both Mac and Danny know she would be up on the roof - yeah you could say Mac followed her but from what we saw he only saw her head towards the elevators not which direction after that.

I am also really looking frward to seeing Jo and lindsay in scenes together, we only saw it briefly in the episode but it seems like they was a really nice energy about them already.
I so fully agree. She proved us all what a fantastic actress she is. The way she portrayed the emotions and Lindsay's reactions is simply brilliant. I really love it! You can see she knows her character and she knows how to play her. This is exactly why she deserves more storylines like that and definitely more screentime. Maybe now that the balance seems to get better again, maybe now she gets more screentime as well. There are so many different things Anna can play. She can do humor very well (as we all know) and she can do angst just as good. Goodness, just with her eyes and face, she all brought it across so well. Fantastic!

I really love the scene between Mac and Lindsay. I have to say, I already love the fact that he followed her in the first place. And then how he encouraged her to believe in herself and that she is strong enough to handle this situation. He always did that before in the seasons. He was there a lot in the beginning and he knew she had a problem which is why she wasn't allowed to stay at the crime scenes with the girls. He talked to her when she and Danny had their problems. He cares for her a lot. It's wonderful to see. Two men who are always there for her. :adore:

I agree about the clothes. Man, she looked sexy in that episode! And what an amazing body she has! I mean, how many women can wear such pants? And such shoes. :lol: I know I couldn't walk on them.

I agree, LME. The whole roof top scene was wonderful. So full of support and all. I love it!

I also am looking forward to Lindsay and Jo working together and interacting! Just their one scene was great already. I love how Jo asked if she is alright. I hope Lindsay will talk to her somewhere along the line.
I do love all the support that they show either other, the whole team do look after each other and woe be tied anyone who tries to do anything to them - love that they are the same with Sid as well.

Talking of Sid, I would have loved to have seen a scene with Sid and Lindsay. They have such a cute friendship an d I really enjoy the scenes they have together, they really bounce the comedy off each other really well.

After watching the show Friday I can not wait to see what else they have planned for lindsay for the rest of the season. I think that it is so full of opportunity with great stories for every one, but excited to see for Lindsay as Lindsay on her own and as Mrs Messer.
Oh yes, I agree. They are all like a family. I really thought it was great how Mac followed her up there, knowing something was up and that he found the right words to talk to her. I also love that she was so open and told him what was bothering her; that thanks to the medal, all the memories came back, and she didn't want that. I really love how this moment was done.

Yes! :lol: I so agree with you. They share some of my favourite scenes. They can be so funny together. Like when he tells Lindsay that Danny has a crush on her. I bet he was watching them for a while already, finding it funny how they didn't get it. I also love his expression when she told him about what her father taught her. It was such a sweet smile and I love that. I also love their talk about how Lindsay is feeling due to her pregnancy and how Sid says he has the same problems. :lol: Poor man! And I also love their scene in the episode with the Chinese couple, where Mac tells them they are a great team. The look they exchange is so cool. Oh, I also love how they can ber serious. Like in the episode with Lillian Stanwick, the woman who did the phone sex. They talked about her injuries and all and I love how this scene was done. Did I forget any scenes?

I agree! I think they have the perfect mix. We see Lindsay together with Danny and as I said in the DL thread, I really love how he supports her and talks to her. But we also see her interact with Mac and open up to him, which is another great scene. And we see her at the therapist, which is again a whole different scene and shows us a whole different reaction. We get both; Lindsay as an individual character and Lindsay as part of DL. Lovely mix!
;) Sid and Lindsay have had many great scenes together, not sure I remember them all, I like the one from Personal Foul.

I think that she is alot more open with them now than she was when she first arrived, for me it is because she is a lot more relaxed with them, she feels comfortable with them and she trusts them. NYC is really her home now and not Montana.

You are right Brinchen, I hope they can keep up the mix during the season.

Can't wait to see what happens for lindsay next week, hope that everything with her PTSD is not swept under the carpet.
What happened in Personal Foul? I don't remember it.

I think they have a great dymanic, and I think it also has to do with their personalities. I think Lindsay and Sid both are people who get interested in things easily. I mean, look at the way Sid talks about somet stuff. And talks and talks and talks. :lol: And Lindsay loves to tell stories with her demonstrations. I also love the itching pouder scene. :lol: And of course there is the coincidence thing. ;)

I agree. I think Lindsay is someone who needs her time to trust in people. She was indeed very nervous at first when she was new and I guess also really not open to the others. That she talks to Danny is clear of course as he's her husband. But also with Mac; he didn't have to push her. He just follows her and she tells him what is bothering her. Although this surely is nothing she really wanted to talk about.

I also wonder if it will be brought up again. I think it'd be nice if they had hints here and there. In the premiere, we saw several scenes. Now in the other episodes, they could show hints that show us how she is handling it.
Personal Foul was the Autopsy scene with Sid, Lindsay and Danny - the guy who had 12 kiss lipstick prints.

Think i may have mentioned this but one of the things that i love about lindsay is how she seems to bring out the softer side of the team. It could just be me but quite often i feel like they use a softer tone when they talk to her. It kind of reminds me of how my brothers are with me they are big rough and tumble guys (think Rugby or US football) but with me they are softer - I just get the same kind of vibe with Lindsay and the team amd I like that.

I also wonder if it will be brought up again. I think it'd be nice if they had hints here and there. In the premiere, we saw several scenes. Now in the other episodes, they could show hints that show us how she is handling it.
I really hope that they do.
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Ah! I totally forgot! True, that was funny with all the lipstick. I really want to see Lindsay and Sid interacting more often. He is a funny guy, but he can be serious as well.

I also want to see her with Adam more. It's great they shared a scene in the episode. I just love the way they talk to each other. There is always this humor bit in, and both are kinda excited characters, aren't they? :lol: I remember in season 5, it was Adam who did a demonstration with her. You remember? I think it was in The Triangle. It was this thing you can use to open a safe. He showed her this ring and she was allowed to use it and it opened the safe. I love how they both were so excited because of it and because of how easily it worked!

Oh, I think you didn't mention that yet. Yeah, I didn't even notice that yet, but now that you mention it, that's a good point! I also love their smiles when she tells one of her stories. :lol: You guys remember this story in What Schemes May Come? About this story of a girl and how her tears changed the colour of the flower. :lol: Only she would tell such a story to explain where the flower is from! :lol:

Now guess what? I would like to see Jo listen to one of those stories or Lindsay doing a demonstration with her. I wonder how Jo would react to that.