Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

Hey, welcome back, csinynut! :D I agree with you, I'm not that much a fan of the show. Actually, to be completely honest, I only watched it because of Anna. :lol: And I have to say for me (that's only my opinion of course), she was really the most interesting character. I really love to see Anna in this role, because this character is very different to her other roles. Eva is really a media person who knows how to handle those guys. Yet you get that softer side which gets stronger and stronger with every episode until later when she wants to adopt this boy. I mean, didn't she say she wanted to find a nice daddy for the boy and move onto a farm and all? It shows so clearly that she isn't just the tough media woman, she really wants a family and all that, especially as she had those problems with having a family in the past. I think Eva really was the most interesting and most 'mysterious' character. :)

I agree, LME! The episode is really good for her. I really love Lindsay's expression in Admission; you can see how angry she is because of those guys. She really expresses her disgust with her eyes when they are interrogating them later. This is what I mean; first she was gentle and understanding with the girl, and later she was tough with the guy they interrogated. We need more scenes like that!
Yeah it is not my favourite show and I only checked it out when I found out that Anna was in it. i did find some of the episodes quite good - normally the ones that involved Eva more :lol:. The stuff with the boy in the finale was quite emotional, anna was very good in it.

Exactly Brinchen. She has very expressive eyes and they show so much, just as the did in the episode last week. She can betray so many things with the eyes.
Thanks guys,

I really wasnt sure. I kept trying to watch it, but apart from Anna beinig on it, i found the rest of the characters abrasive and the situations unpleasant to say the least. Your right there is some mystery around Eva, and that's why i thing she's interesting. On the other hand, there is also that aura of mystery around the lead character played by Neal Mcdonough that doesn't quite succeed in keeping the viewers interested. I think it's the fact that Anna is so likable that make the character of Eva son interesting. Personaly, i work in PR (Public Relations) so it's fun to see Eva dealing with the press, because i have to do exactly that most every day.
I agree with you both, LME and csinynut! It is her that made this show interesting for me as well. It is 1) because of how Anna portrayed Eva I'd say. You have to have the right actress for such a role, and in my eyes she did perfect with Eva. And it's 2) the writing because Eva had many layers and her past and all made her even more interesting.

I have to say I'm always amazed by how great Anna is with emotional things. On CSI:NY of course she does fantastic. But also look at the episodes of other shows which she was a guest star at. Her role in Without A Trace was really a tough one. She showed a determined side which I found amazing. And in SVU, she showed the emotions of her character Sarah in such a believable way that you just wanted to hug her. It's indeed like you say, LME; she does a lot with her expressions and that's fantastic in my eyes. Maybe she is so good at it because she did theater.

Boo will air tonight. That's also a great episode. I love how Lindsay interrogates the mother. She doesn't blame her or anything like that; she's not all tough and rough on her. I like that. The tough way isn't always the right one.
I saw Anna in the Law and Order Eipsode the other day, with the white supremisists(sp?), I had to look really at her before i realized it was her.

Can't wait to see her in tonight episode, I know that it is an adam eipsode but I hope we get some good Anna scenes, and maybe even a mention of her issues from last week.
Yes, she can look so different in her roles. Plus how young does she look like in those episodes?!

Even though she didn't have that many scenes in the episode, I really liked them. Remember how we talked about Lindsay and interrogations? There we have one! I really loved it a lot. It was about time she gets to talk to suspects again and that she's outside of the lab! This was a really nice interrogation. I love how she repeated 'You are the victim?'. As if she wanted to say 'what the hell, are you kidding me?'. Fantastic scene! Plus I love her clothes! ;)
She really does not look her her age at all, I wa really surprised when I found out how old she really was.

Yeah she was not in that many scenes this week but she had quite a week last week. The ones that she was in were very good, it was nice to see her out of the lab or not at a scene. So far I think this season is going weel for her, looking forward to next week.
Yep, she is a few years older. What I love about her is that she has a natural beauty. She doesn't look like a plastic doll or anything. That's really nice!

Yep, I think a good balance is fine, especially as we got to see her in the field. And interrogating someone. I agree with you. I think it's really important she doesn't have to be at the lab all the time. I mean, there is only so much you can show of that. In the field, there are many ways to show how Lindsay is. For example with those interrogations. She can show a tough side which we don't see that often.
I think that perhaps she was not in it so much this week because last week was quite a big week for her and it seems (to me at least) like sometimes if they had a big week then they are not in it so much the following one. Would love to see her more next week and for her to get another arc.

It will be nice to see Lindsay out and about from the lab more this season. And to see her working with the others out of the lab more as well. I hope we see more team outings as well like them all out to dinner at the end of Manahattenhedge, it was such a great team moment.
Yep, I think that makes sense. It'd be too much if the same character would always get the most screentime. That's what annoyed me with other characters in the past sometimes. I love the balance they have now. I also like how Lindsay works on the case here. I guess she surely is still affected by what happened that night and I hope it will be brought up again (it'd be nice to see more of it). But she is professional enough to not let it affect her work.

Aww yes! I would love to see such a team moment as well. I love how they are like a family. It'd be nice to see her interrogating and working outside of the lab more.
I am hoping that we get to see her in it ia bit more in next fridays episode. Yeah I totally agree with you Brinchen, i do hope that they bring up her issue with what she did again. While she may nt regret qhat she see did, she still took a life and that has to be hard to live with, even if you have been trained.
Yeah, I guess it's a very complicated situation. I really think Lindsay should mention it again. I guess there is a tie between emotions. On the one side she would always do it again because there is no reason to regret it; she protected Lucy. On the other side, like you said, she killed Shane Casey and I doubt she had to do that before. I think so at least, because honestly, how do we want to know? her behaviour could also be explained by the shock of what happened; the fact that a serial killer got into their apartment, the fear that he could hurt Lucy and also what Casey did earlier when they were on vacation. It's like Danny said; she did it to protect Lucy. It really seemed to be bothering her though, so it should be brought up again.
exactly. It is one thing to be trained to use a gun, kill someone if neccessary and to kill someone under those circumstances is bad enough but to add in to the mix that the perp was holding your child.

She was very luck not to hit Lucy when she fired that shot, like that lucky shot that Danny had in Point of No return, but has Shane had his gun right up against Lucy and nothing left to lose - a very lethal combination, from that close it would be very doubtful that Lucy would survive.
Exactly, I fully agree with you! I mean, they are trained to stop criminals. And I think it's hard for them all to actually shoot at criminals, especially when it's for the first time. But also later I guess. It's a tough thing. But like you said, when this serial killer who murdered so many people so brutally shows up at your apartment and threatens your child and you have to shoot him, it's a whole different situation. Especially as Casey was holding Lucy and the shot hit him close to her. It was the only thing she could do and I guess making this decision and doing it while running on adrenaline like that and all; no surprise she refused to think about it all the time! Who wants to think about it? I mean, there are a lot of bad scenarios she could have imagined. So yeah, making such a decision and having to actually pull the trigger at Casey while he is holding Lucy, knowing it's the only way to save their daughter is something that can't just be brushed off after one episode. To me, it's no surprise she got the combat cross.

On a funnier note, I found it cute how Lindsay says that Lucy can use her iphone better than her. :lol: Now I have to imagine how she lets Lucy play with it and her daughter actually shows her how it works!