Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

Those spoiler tags are getting on my nerves. :lol: I'm glad when we don't have to use them anymore. Luckily only a few more days.

Which gets into the whole Lindsay-feeling-she-needs-to-be-strong-for-him mentioned here, but to be honest if that`s why she`s keeping her issues from him, she has a point. That`s the third thing. IIRC, Danny`s never seen Lindsay fall apart. Ever. (Even during the trial, he only came in at a time when she`d already calmed down.) Stella and Sid have, even Mac`s seen her almost crack before, but Danny hasn`t; in large part that`s because Lindsay`s never let him. Maybe she needs to feel like she`s strong when it comes to him, I`m not sure, but imo I don`t see that changing now.
I wouldn't say he never saw anything like that. She talked to him in Love Run Cold, even if she didn't say exactly what was up yet. She told him she has a problem with mothers and that she didn't want to talk to the mother of the Suicide Girl (in Oedipus Hex). And back then, they weren't even together yet. I think by now, especially as she expected him to talk to her when he had to deal with sitting in a wheelchair last season, she would be more open.

I agree with you, Maya, that I'd like to see the therapist get through to her just a little bit so maybe she then opens up about what's bothering her. Like you said, to one of the others, as I doubt she would talk to the therapist. To me, she doesn't seem like someone who opens up to people she doesn't know at all, like a therapist. I agree that the storyline is perfect to see her do something else and talk about it this time instead of keeping it all to herself.

But I do have a good feeling about Lindsay and Jo, maybe we will get a bit of the Woman Power back like when Stella and Lindsay used to work cases together back in the days of 2 case eipsodes.
I agree, LME. I want to see the two case episodes as well because I want to see the characters in different teams. I'd really like to see the women work a case together. In season two we had some of those scenes and it showed us a lot about Lindsay's and Stella's dynamic when they were working as a team. Now with Jo, I'd like to see her and Lindsay working in a team as well, to see how those two will work together.
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Those spoiler tags are getting on my nerves. :lol: I'm glad when we don't have to use them anymore. Luckily only a few more days.
Me too ;)
I agree with you, Maya, that I'd like to see the therapist get through to her just a little bit so maybe she then opens up about what's bothering her. Like you said, to one of the others, as I doubt she would talk to the therapist. To me, she doesn't seem like someone who opens up to people she doesn't know at all, like a therapist. I agree that the storyline is perfect to see her do something else and talk about it this time instead of keeping it all to herself.

Yeah I think she has to really has to trust someone and feel comfortable with them before she can open up to them. She may have had to go to the therapist for 3 months or how ever long but I just don't see her being able to talk to them.

But I do have a good feeling about Lindsay and Jo, maybe we will get a bit of the Woman Power back like when Stella and Lindsay used to work cases together back in the days of 2 case eipsodes.
I agree, LME. I want to see the two case episodes as well because I want to see the characters in different teams. I'd really like to see the women work a case together. In season two we had some of those scenes and it showed us a lot about Lindsay's and Stella's dynamic when they were working as a team. Now with Jo, I'd like to see her and Lindsay working in a team as well, to see how those two will work together.
yeah. it would be nice if they did do the 2 case episodes sometimes who knows maybe we will get the odd one (doubt it but you never know. It was fun to see them in 2 teams like that, but I really would love to see how Lindsay and Jo work together.
I agree with you, LME! It isn't her choice to see the therapist; she has to do it. So she didn't make the decision to go to a therapist and open up willingly. I also think even if she has to see the therapist for months, she will just keep the stuff to herself. Like you said, talking about such things requires trust and I doubt she would trust the therapist, especially (which is what I assume) because she surely didn't choose the therapist and didn't willingly agree to see them either. I wonder if she saw a therapist back then with her friends. Who knows, maybe she also didn't make good experiences with therapists before. But we can just speculate about that. I'm really curious to see how they will do this therapist scene. I don't know, did we have such a scene on the show yet?
I agree with you, LME! It isn't her choice to see the therapist; she has to do it. So she didn't make the decision to go to a therapist and open up willingly. I also think even if she has to see the therapist for months, she will just keep the stuff to herself. Like you said, talking about such things requires trust and I doubt she would trust the therapist, especially (which is what I assume) because she surely didn't choose the therapist and didn't willingly agree to see them either. I wonder if she saw a therapist back then with her friends. Who knows, maybe she also didn't make good experiences with therapists before. But we can just speculate about that. I'm really curious to see how they will do this therapist scene. I don't know, did we have such a scene on the show yet?
Another possiblity it that is it department therapist, yes there is client doctor confidential but but it is still the department therapist - I don't think she would open up to them.

Hadn't thought about if she saw one when i friends were killed, interesting thought - I think that she may well have done what she in these session if she did go. I think it is her coping mechanism.
Now I almost forgot how to make a spoiler tag. :lol: Yeah, I do think she wouldn't really open up to any therapist. I mean, in season 3 we saw how long it took her until she said what happened to her friends. She told Stella after leaving the crime scene, crying in front of her and being asked by Stella and being pushed lightly. She told Danny about her problem with mothers, but not more. We don't really know how Mac found out exactly, and I guess she didn't talk to the others about it at all (at least not before she headed to Montana to testify). I wonder if she talked to them after that? I guess if possible, she would have completely hidden it from everyone. Then again she had moved to New York and a half years ago? I guess she wasn't trusting in them enough yet. But now she knows everyone so much longer, I guess now it's a whole different story when it comes to her friends and husband. I could imagine that a stranger wouldn't really get anything from her. I'm so curious to see how she will act now, if she will talk to anyone, if they will have to ask her to open up more than once or if she will do it because she wants to talk about it.
Whatever way they decide to do it really is going to be interesting to see what they do and how they do it and I can't wait to see it.

I have been thinking about how much she has changed and grown since she arrived in Season 2. I love the way she she sloted in to the team from the off, she kind of brought out the softer side in some of them. as much as i love the woman she has become I hope that we get to see some glimises of season 2 lindsay in the mix as well.
Brinchen said:
I wouldn't say he never saw anything like that. She talked to him in Love Run Cold, even if she didn't say exactly what was up yet. She told him she has a problem with mothers and that she didn't want to talk to the mother of the Suicide Girl (in Oedipus Hex). And back then, they weren't even together yet. I think by now, especially as she expected him to talk to her when he had to deal with sitting in a wheelchair last season, she would be more open.

I don't know - that talk in LRC was specifically her not letting him see her fall apart. And in Oedipus Hex she told him what the problem was (she couldn't do mothers) without actually telling him a thing (ie, why she can't do mothers -- in all fairness, Danny didn't ask, but I think that's at least partly because she was deflecting him at the same time). She's really good at that, deflecting people when they start pushing; it somewhat seems like she's done it again with Danny from the spoilers. It's possible that'll loosen up this time, because yeah, if she expected him to talk last season she owes it to him to talk this time, too -- I just hope it doesn't loosen up with just him, you know? I prefer it so much more when it happens with Mac (Stealing Home, Personal Foul) because those scenes are really deep to me and I have zero clue how a similar scene with Danny instead of Mac would play out. It would be nice to see her talk to one of the others though, too, especially now that the one other person she's shared those deeper-scenes with isn't there anymore.

I agree that the storyline is perfect to see her do something else and talk about it this time instead of keeping it all to herself.
Yeah, that's one big thing I'm looking forward to -- keeping stuff to herself is one of my favourite character flaws of hers, so I don't want to see her lose it completely (I'm not even kidding when I say I literally can't imagine Lindsay without it :lol:), but after six years it'd be nice to see her grow out of it a little. At the very least, it'd be really funny to note that it takes six years for her to get comfortable enough with people to let them in :lol: I'm hoping we see it!

I agree with you, LME! It isn't her choice to see the therapist; she has to do it. So she didn't make the decision to go to a therapist and open up willingly. I also think even if she has to see the therapist for months, she will just keep the stuff to herself. Like you said, talking about such things requires trust and I doubt she would trust the therapist, especially (which is what I assume) because she surely didn't choose the therapist and didn't willingly agree to see them either. I wonder if she saw a therapist back then with her friends. Who knows, maybe she also didn't make good experiences with therapists before. But we can just speculate about that. I'm really curious to see how they will do this therapist scene. I don't know, did we have such a scene on the show yet?v
We've seen it on the other CSIs, but to the best of my knowledge, they haven't done anything like it on NY yet. It sucks that we don't know about whether she had therapy back when she was a kid, but I think that passing a psych eval is required to become a police officer in general. So I've always assumed that if Lindsay managed to pass it (given how damaged she clearly still was in S3), it was because she learned a few tricks on how to get around therapists, after the massacre. It'd be interesting to see if that's how she views therapists - as an obstacle to get around in order to convince everyone she's just fine - but I definitely believe it would mean she doesn't trust them that much.

LME said:
Another possiblity it that is it department therapist, yes there is client doctor confidential but but it is still the department therapist - I don't think she would open up to them.

Hadn't thought about if she saw one when i friends were killed, interesting thought - I think that she may well have done what she in these session if she did go. I think it is her coping mechanism.

That's another good point - therapists can't spill about what their clients confide in them, but in the conditions Lindsay has most likely visited them under, they'd always be reporting back to someone about her. (It's unlikely she's ever chosen to go to one willingly, so if she did as a kid, it would've been her parents who made her - thus her parents who would be getting updates from the therapists; and with the department psychs, they'd of course be reporting back to someone who decides whether she keeps her job). If she's intent on convincing people she's fine and doesn't need therapy, then yeah, she couldn't exactly be open about what might be bothering her. So deflecting them - and then everyone else - might've become her coping mechanism a long time ago. I really want to see that coping mechanism break at least a little this time, though :lol:
I have been thinking about how much she has changed and grown since she arrived in Season 2. I love the way she she sloted in to the team from the off, she kind of brought out the softer side in some of them. as much as i love the woman she has become I hope that we get to see some glimises of season 2 lindsay in the mix as well.
Same here! I'm hoping for a mix of the S2!Lindsay and the early-S4!Lindsay after the whole ordeal is over -- tough and strong like she was back in S2, but easier and open with the rest of the team like she was in S4 (she was a little closed off with them in S2, imo, probably 'cause she was new and all).
even back in season three i wondered if Lindsay ever saw a therapist after the shooting. i would hope she did b/c that was something really traumatic.

it's interesting to see that there's still a bit of trust issues with Lindsay. she knows the team will always be there for her no matter what and that Danny certainly loves her and is there for her. i like how Mac knew what she went through when she was younger b/c he never really pushed her it was Stella who did. i can see it sometimes when he knows she's struggling with things he just keeps his distance until she might say something, to me Mac's basically like that with the whole team unless it's interfering with their work.

i'd really like to see Jo and Lindsay work together on some cases. i miss the two case eps so much the show really needs to get back to that there was always some room for character development in those. Jo is an outsider so she's going to be able to see that there is a problem with Lindsay. i think if someone went up to Lindsay and asked what was wrong and showed they wanted to help she would open up. Jo seems like a good character and her and Lindsay are the only women on the team they need to be nice with one another lol.

i know i've said this somewhere but i wish ALL the characters could go to therapy! that would make such a great ep just to see what's going on in their heads.... if only i was a TV writer!!
I am happy that she is going to finally get some attention this season. I'm looking forward to the premiere and to see Anna/Lindsay's scenes.
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Oh God, my computer is so slow. Let's see if I can make a proper post. :lol:

I believe she surely sees therapists as bothering her, because that's how I'd explain the fact that she doesn't want to talk to the therapist and is stubborn. Then again we don't know if she saw a therapist back then and if she did so, if this was a bad experience. Maybe now she just doesn't want to talk about this current situation for some reason, and that's why she doesn't want to open up. Or maybe she is afraid the therapist could start analysing her, because of her past and all.

Oh, so it's a first for the show then. That's cool. I find therapy scenes interesting. It'd definitely be cool to see them all talk about themselves.

The two case episodes are always a great chance to see the characters interact. I especially love to see Lindsay with Danny and also with Hawkes. To me, they are great teams. I also love to see her work with Mac.

ETA: I agree with you, FallenForFlack! I can't wait to see the episode either. It is so great she gets a storyline!

Oh yes! A mix would be cool. We sometimes see this excited side, like in The Formula when she talks about the cars. I love that! I also want to see some nice demonstrations again. It's always fun! I really love to see characters change; to me characters who always stay the same are boring.
I haven't been in this thread for a bit but after coming from another thread I have to say how irritated I am that just because some people don't like Lindsay that they have to say such rude things about her and the actress. I'm probably going to get in trouble for saying this because almost everyone on this board is against her but it's just absolutely ridiculous!

No--what is ridiculous is you bringing this up in an attempt to derail a discussion about the character that has nothing to do with any of this. It's old--you bring this up whether it has any relevance or not. And it doesn't here. Do it again and you'll have an official warning.

Back on topic... did you guys see the shot of Lindsay in the new promo vegaslights posted in the spoiler thread? I won't say any more since I know you guys are being super-careful with spoiler boxes, but for those of you who do follow the spoilers, definitely worth checking out!
I would love to see her coping mechanish break as well Maya316, that kind of why i want to see her lose it. But losing it doesn't mean that it has to be crying, she could trash room! anything to be able to release the pressure.

MTC - it would be one hell of an eipsode if they were all in therapy:lol:, maybe even a group therapy session :guffaw: I can see them sitting in a circle now :guffaw:
That scene in the Formula cracked me up. I hope we get to see more lindsay and Adam moments this coming season.
And I hope they mix it up a bit as well

I have seen the trailer thanks Top, it makes me think that the conclusion to the clifhanger is going to be a bit more involved than just some quick Lindsay gets up and shot Shane scene. Even though it is slighty distaughted because it is filming a TV I can see panic or fear in her eyes. it has made me even more excited for next Friday. I hope we get another promo soon!
:lol: I wonder what would come out if they had a group session. We constantly seem to find out something new about the characters which the others don't know yet!

Yep, I want to see her open up as well, in whatever way. I don't really mind. But I'd like her to not hide what's bothering her but let it out. It'd be interesting to see, I fully agree.

About the promo, I really like it. It's very interesting and doesn't give away the whole cliffhanger yet (unlike the German promo for the season 6 premiere). They did good work with it.

Yeah, I love to see her interact with him. With everyone actually. I mean, Lindsay gets along with the team so well. She and Danny are a married couple. She works together with Hawkes really well and I guess they are friends, too. She can joke around with Adam. It's fun. Mac doesn't have a problem with being her guinea pig. :lol:
Another thing I hope was see is another group outing. I see you scratching your heads :lol: - by that I mean the meal at the end of Manhattenhedge. Everyone seemed so relaxed and happy, I know that some may have seen it as a bit chessey but I enjoyed I think if you are in a stressful job like these being able to chill out like that is important.

I also hope that Lindsay has more scenes with Flack, they have had to funny moments in the past and I can't wait to see what they have dreamt up for this season.

one thing is for sure this first eipsode is going to be very interesting for Lindsay. when i first heard time jump i thought that meant no proper resolution to the cliffhanger maybe a quick flashback and that would be it. But from that brief clip of lindsay I think we maybe in for a serious emotional moment right off the bat.

:rolleyes:Silly channel Brinchen! :confused:wonder why they would do that.
I also hope that Lindsay has more scenes with Flack, they have had to funny moments in the past and I can't wait to see what they have dreamt up for this season.

I would like to see more scenes with Lindsay and Flack too. They work well together.